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8 av 10 (80%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

I'm Tired Of Playing The Hero

Complete "I'm Tired Of Playing The Hero"
Upplåst 20 feb @ 5:23

Hazardous Workplace

Complete "Hazardous Workplace"
Upplåst 23 feb @ 5:30

The Monster Within

Complete "The Monster Within"
Upplåst 7 mar @ 6:09

Never-Ending Adventure

Defeat the Intermediate Boss "Endrone" again
Upplåst 4 mar @ 16:21

Final Judgment

Defeat the Intermediate Boss "Death Penalty"
Upplåst 21 feb @ 10:28

Destructive Innovation

Defeat the Intermediate Boss "Destroyer"
Upplåst 5 mar @ 6:52

Humanity Strikes Back

Defeat the Boss "S.H.A.R.K"
Upplåst 23 feb @ 4:22

Courage Is the Only Friend

Defeat the Boss "Brave Diver"
Upplåst 5 mar @ 3:26

High Tension Boy

Enhance 5 Tension Cards to Lv 50

Rising Power

Raise 3 Characters to Rank 6