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7.5 h registradas (4.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So... this game...

Well, I got it as part of a Humble Bundle, so I cannot complain about it as such - it was an interesting experience.

HOWEVER, had I bought it as a stand-alone game on Steam, I'd be very dissapointed.

Visually impressive (to a degree at least) the game is filled with a bit too many collectable quests (get X of Y to unlock something). The investigations are sensible 50% of the time - the other half just felt I was wrong becuase the scriptwriter went for a really surreal story. Finally, the ending... well, I don't wish to spoil things, but what a cop out.

On the gameplay side of things... someone decided that to build tension they need to throw in demons into the mix (either in the form of demonic "pools" on the ground or "sentries" that patrol the area). Suffice it to say it doesn't build tension, but it does slow the pace even more, and is purely annoying. Oh, and speaking of the pace - I really wish the character could make a like a ghost and move faster. Getting anywhere is a pain.

PS. The game is also buggy. Because the developer is long gone, don't hold your breath for a fix for any bugs you may encounter.
Publicada el 27 de diciembre de 2015. Última edición: 2 de enero de 2016.
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22.6 h registradas
After the microtransactions have been removed one has to recommend this game once more.

That said, a slight bad taste is left after the ordeal.
Publicada el 17 de noviembre de 2015. Última edición: 20 de junio de 2016.
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5.2 h registradas
Love the journey, hate the sudden ending

I've got severely mixed feelings about this game. Heck, given the option, I'd give it a neutral recommendation. But we don't have that, we need to pick either a thumbs up icon, or a thumbs down icon, and as much as it pains me to do so, I went with the one pointing downward.

Allow me to explain why.

First, I was really excited about it - the premise looked solid - this is what sold me on the game in the first place. "Androids" with eyes displayed for emotions? Awesome! A futuristic yet retro tram? Yes please!

And you know what? That premise IS in fact in the game. It's a great combination of new and old, wrapped in very pretty visuals (even if there are a few technical hiccups, but these can overlooked). The story starts off on the confusing side, then gets interesting, and then...

Well, then comes the kicker.

It then ends. I've played, and finished, the game in 5 hours - and that's including that at one point I think I left the game on to get myself some tea and chat with my girlfriend.

Don't get me wrong - I don't mind short games when they offer a complete experience. Like, say, Thomas Was Alone. But Cradle just kind of ends - it feels like it ends right in the middle of something far greater. What's even more frustrating is that it ends with the words "I'll explain everything" and then does the exact opposite (a short video during the credits places even more questions). If the answers are buried in the piles of randomly discarded newspaper clippings in the game world, then that's not a fun way to tell a story. :/

All in all, I enjoyed the journey, but the sudden end left me angry and dissapointed and with that, I sadly cannot recommend the game. Perhaps if it were a lot cheaper*?

*- No, I don't mean free! ~50% off, and while I would still dislike the sudden ending, I wouldn't feel as cheated on the length.
Publicada el 25 de julio de 2015. Última edición: 29 de julio de 2015.
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405.4 h registradas (304.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Note! The hours spent playing E:D shown in my Steam profile do not take into account the fact that I had owned the game since its launch in December 2014.

Also note - this is a review of the BASE game, i.e. WITHOUT Horizons.

It might be strange to start a review by writing about something negative, but it's there, and it needs to be addressed. The trailer for Elite: Dangerous, the one with the loud music and lots of action, is possibly one of the most misleading trailers of all time. If you liked that trailer, and think the game is the same, you are wrong, and despite recommending the game on the whole, I cannot recommend this game to you.

However, if you didn't see that trailer (or didn't like it, or saw other trailers which are a lot better), then you should know what to expect:
  • Fantastic audio visual design that will suck you right in
  • A rich atmosphere which builds incredible immersion
  • Excellent combat mechanics (if you're into fights, that is)
  • A vast universe to explore

The game excels on these points. It's really easy to start the game, and feel like you're there, in space, flying your own ship. If you have an Oculus (or some sort of head-tracking system) it gets even better.

Does the game have flaws? It sure does. A lot, in fact. One of the biggest flaws of Elite is that it's severely lacking in meaningful content (a curse of many procedurally-generated games). What little variety there is can be explored relatively quickly.

But it's still a worthy title of one’s time, if only to get lost in space for a while. Just... don't expect the feeling to last indefinitely, as you will hit one of these "repetitive" roadblocks that effectively kill immersion.

PS. The game isn't hard, by any means. Sure, there's no objective marker telling you what to do, but the tutorials give plenty of information in order to start out, and you can freely crash, burn and experiment with the starting ship at no cost until you get the hang of it. People make it seem like starting out in Elite is some impossible task - it really isn't. This **isn't** Flight Simulator where you need to perform 50 actions even before you taxi to the runway.

PPS. Never fly uninsured! ;)
Publicada el 29 de mayo de 2015. Última edición: 12 de diciembre de 2018.
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381.6 h registradas (249.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Ninjas in space... what more do you want?

Seriously, you play as a ninja... in space. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
Want more? Want like a pet or something? F**ING DONE! YOU CAN NOW HAVE A PET DOG-LIKE CREATURE!

In all seriousness - this game is what Destiny could have been if it actually made use of the money it charged people and had some balls. You have the entire solar system to explore. Maps are randomly generated. Enemies are interesting. Missions are varied. Dynamic events occur. And you have two tons of ranged weapons, melee weapons, mods, gear and so, so, SO much more.

If there's one criticism, is that the game can be harsh on newbies. Not because it's hard - it's simply somewhat unwelcoming. A lot of things aren't explained, and the game a bit too often hints that things can be purchased through the premium currency. DON'T BE FOLLED! Almost EVERYTHING can be bought with regular "credits" earned by playing or crafted through materials (also earned through playing). If you like the game, you SHOULD support it (I did), but at the start those platinum prices can be a bit disconcerting.
Publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2014.
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9.5 h registradas
I find it very difficult writing a recommendation for this game. Not because the game isn't good. Nor is it because the game is bad.

It's because I know this game isn't for everyone. If there's one thing I can say with certainty, is that this game is unique.

The game (and I use the term VERY loosely) is about engaging in a story and trying to unravel its secrets with the help of other players. Yes, that's about it. There are no quick time events. There's no score. There's no life. There's no end-boss. There's just a story, and whatever you feel like doing with it.

I know some people will shoot through said story, be slightly perplexed and unnerved, asking "is this everything?", annoyed that there's seemingly nothing else to do but watch some videos and look over some photos.

The reality is the essence of this game is the discussion that follows every piece of evidence that happens in the forums directly tied to the game.

This certainly has some flaws (like the need to have upvotes to unlock certain nodes - or evidence if you will). And I fear if the game will be as fun when the people move on (this isn't an MMO, there's no grind, there's little to keep you besides your own curiosity)... But for the time being, the experience is unique and... fascinating. At least to me.

As I wrote - I cannot say if you, dear reader, will enjoy the game. I do not know you, after all. I cannot give you a definite "yes" or "no". But I can promise: you haven't seen anything like this before.
Publicada el 12 de octubre de 2014. Última edición: 2 de enero de 2016.
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2.1 h registradas
The difficulty curve is crazy. I was completely stuck a few missions in. If you're looking for a game to annoy you and make you rage-quit, you've found one. Otherwise, don't bother.
Publicada el 27 de septiembre de 2014.
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0.6 h registradas
While pretty, the game is so incredibly short, it's almost insulting. This review is in the spirit of the game.
Publicada el 27 de septiembre de 2014.
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3.6 h registradas
Well... this was a serious disappointment.

I liked previous Serious Sam games. They were (well, still ARE) colorful, fast paced and fun. There's a multitude of enemies to hit, lots of ammo. It's a great way to unwind after a long day (albeit if you're there for a challenge, those games could also deliver).

This time around? I was snoozing for the first number of levels. Then an annoying "space monkey" kind of enemy made the experience so annoying I had to take a break. And where are all the cool toys? Why does the game seem to expect the player to find secrets to get the big guns (in previous games secrets were bonuses, you could skip them and still have a blast will all the game had to offer).

I can't help but feel that massive fights seem to have been replaced with smaller skirmishes. Occasional larger battles seem far less "packed" than before.

If you like Serious Sam, you're better off replaying the old games with your friends. Do not waste your time on this.
Publicada el 11 de agosto de 2014. Última edición: 2 de enero de 2016.
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7.9 h registradas (5.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The amount of charm in this game made me feel like a small child.

And that's a GOOD thing!
Publicada el 1 de febrero de 2014.
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