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Ulasan terkini oleh SeriousMonkey

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You don't like scary games? But you want to try at least one of if? Try it with friends!

Fun RPG mechanics of leveling up, getting new gear, opening new bigger maps, getting involved and interested in the lore of different ghost types is actually, by my surprise, came out very satisfying. You have fear for maybe first 10 or so hours, trying new things, experimenting, and learning to research from scratch.

Fully start playing in single player... wouldn't dare to do it myself, but with a friend, having an argue about who comes into the house and tries to communicate with a ghost, in the dark surrounded by green light (d.o.t.s. system) is very cool. Unless you loose an argument.

Then again, the actual playtime is kinda short, as the game is in early access. If you're looking to the ghost busters type of a game, then skip this one. It's currently have only search ability... for now.

Also gameplay has it's own issues and a need of time to get used to. The graphics are simple, which won't get your eyes dry, but will be in a way of your entertainment at the beginning.

So far as an introduction to horror genre - very interesting choice. Would play again in a bigger group of friends! 9/10
Diposting pada 29 April 2022.
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Tercatat 16.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
There is no story... The story is a tutorial for the game. But that doesn't make it worse. In the end it is pvp themed game, if I could say that so myself
Diposting pada 11 Desember 2021.
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Tercatat 30.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 16.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
You smash, you crack, and you die. Why the hell not to try the hardcore mode, they said. I agreed. Don't have regrets.
Diposting pada 30 November 2021. Terakhir diedit pada 29 April 2022.
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Tercatat 501.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 152.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
That's a one way to the strategic forces of joy and a hardship of loosing your best troops down in the alien mud :3
Diposting pada 6 Desember 2019.
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Tercatat 408.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 170.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
The RPG, I was looking for, for all my nolife life.

Seriously. There are a lot of reviews already (cause I myself slowpoke at acquiring new games early), so just plainly that. Good game. Have to be played.

*drops the mic*
Diposting pada 8 November 2019.
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Tercatat 59.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 22.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I can say that first game was a piece of art, while this one... well It's quite questionable considering price tag. -_-/

The Animation. Yes. The key to the 'ELITE' version of the game. Well. First reaction was like "WOw, it's really improves overall experience of the game. The game feels more lively, so to speak..." But then you're noticing poor scenes. Like that one when in the midst of another experiment, Mayuri enters the lab and well.. it's animated. But when she arrives she just sits.. and animation almost cuts in the midst and the center of our attention is again on the experiment. Almost like Mayuri was never happened to be there. It kinda feels too cut sometimes, not entirely awful, but unpleasant nonetheless.

Moreover, the audio issue. It feels like the REMAKE of the first game. There are some voices from the animated faces, which we do not hear. For example cafe with 'no mobiles' sign and that waitress with 'I'm saying, but you won't hear a thing' issue. Maybe a little bit more work on cutting whose scenes, so that they appear more believable. Or adding more sound effects not only to people, but background noise, so to speak. The sounds and voice acting in this game the way they are, are not quite good for a full animated game. It's well, I'm assuming just copy paste from the previous one.

You can say I'm nitpicking. Well I'm. While the game provides new content via animation technique, it lacks it's polish for that price. Maaaa-an... WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU REMOVED PHONE SETTINGS CHANGING??? WHYY?? THAT WAS AWESOME TO CHANGE YOUR RINGTONE!!11! Forget what I said above, but removing phone aspect from the game to that extent is quite harsh. Though you improved interface overall. That's to be expected though for 60 euros. (54 for me)

Anyway. As I haven't bought STEINS;GATE in steam, I thought it's time to do it now, and doesn't matter how much does it costs. It's atmosthere is kinda extended, but though missing previous version's unique art style and some interface solutions. And yes. That bug on the first D-Mail video is still here. Though it's easy to solve.

Though I say it will be missing unique art style of the first game, the animation in this one is so strong. Especially if you're a fun of the series. It's just moves your emotions to another level. ╯( o @ o) ╯︵ |___|

P.S. Kerr black holes are too tight. :#
Diposting pada 24 Februari 2019. Terakhir diedit pada 24 Februari 2019.
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Menampilkan11-16 dari 16 kiriman