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A 8 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
91.8 h registradas (73.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
After finishing the story and gathering all achievements I can safely say: this game isn't worth your time. Poor design choices were given to players under the mask of "retro" style, for some reason devs think that pixel graphics means you can be lazy. The story is pretty short and barely there from the start. Oh, and don't forget microtransactions, the redundant element of this game's past when it was a mobile game. Though in their defense I should mention that there is no paywall and you can beat the game in a few days without spending any money.

I also should mention music. The music in this game is surprisingly good, considering the otherwise mediocre experience. Might be the only reason to actually play the game.
Publicada el 6 de marzo de 2017. Última edición: 6 de marzo de 2017.
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1.4 h registradas
Яркий пример того как можно убить великолепную идею плохим исполнением. Игра получилась просто отличная, быстрая механика боёвки и приятный яркий графоний не отпускают и постоянно затягивают обратно. Но есть одна проблема — никто не играет: старички перешли в другие игры, а поток новых игроков давно иссяк. До сих пор считаю, что самой большой ошибкой разработчиков было решение сделать игру платной. Если бы не толкнули эту идею, да ещё и прикрутили бы стимовский воркшоп — было бы идеально.

Хоть игра и хорошая, но покупать не советую — уже поздно. Для ознакомления лучше просто вбить название на ё-тубе и посмотреть как оно там было.
Publicada el 8 de febrero de 2017. Última edición: 8 de febrero de 2017.
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3,391.1 h registradas (2,416.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
3100 hours of grinding, still don't have all of the weapons =_=
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2016. Última edición: 1 de julio de 2019.
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A 13 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
8.8 h registradas (8.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
На самом деле игра нормальная, управление мышью вам покажется куда приятнее чем на планшете, особенно если у вас какой-нибудь вялый кусок фанеры. Игра с донатом, да, но ценник на ней висит не просто так — купив её через стим вы получаете целую гору всякого премиального барахла, включая несколько топовых самолётов. Вам скорее надоест и вы забьёте раньше чем почувствуете нехватку денег и необходимость доната.

Игра хорошо подходит для убивания времени, миссии заточены на полторы-две минуты.

Берите по скидкам.
Publicada el 2 de marzo de 2016. Última edición: 4 de marzo de 2016.
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5 personas han encontrado divertida esta reseña
17.8 h registradas
Гайд о том как получить лолю бесплатно и без смс. Чего вы ждёте?
Publicada el 14 de julio de 2015. Última edición: 14 de julio de 2015.
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A 44 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
1 persona ha encontrado divertida esta reseña
195.5 h registradas (90.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
My cat is giving me weird looks.
She knows she's not safe anymore.

Sayori's art and nao's singing with our favourite porn doujin characters. What else to ask for?
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2014. Última edición: 23 de noviembre de 2014.
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A 8 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
8.9 h registradas
I'd say that one of the biggest flaws is that it's too short. Good music, sfx and art.

Pretty rare example of a great Russian game, try it.
Publicada el 17 de noviembre de 2014.
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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
5.5 h registradas
I suggest to read this together with your 2D waifu.

I'm used to think that west can't into weeaboo games, but this title made me reconsider.
Publicada el 26 de julio de 2014.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
15.0 h registradas
Just finished it last night. If you're an avid FlatOut fan, this game is not for you. But if you're looking for an arcade racing game to kill some time, then you won't be disappointed. It looks nice and can offer a relatively wide set of activities.

However, there are some aspects of the game that I just can't cope with such as lack of immersion into the events of the story because there were no drivers in the cars. While playing the game I had the constant feel of loneliness as if I was riding the streets of an empty city.

Considering the difficulty I have next to zero complaints up to the later stages of the game when I had to plan my routes on TIME ATTACK events to guess what chain of actions developers had in mind for me to preform in order to get the gold medal. Also, it seems to me that preforming better than average in this game might backfire because you're going to progress too fast through the districts and you gonna get destroyed by fast cars until you raise your level enough to open a competitive vehicle.

Another thing that annoyed me was a cinematic camera during crashes. Sometimes when I had to activate POWER gauge right before breaking into some building, another racer would randomly touch my car and I instantly lose control of it because of the camera. Of course AI pilot considers a still intact object as an obstacle and tries to maneuver around it which in most of cases leads to a restart of the race.

I like the idea, I like the graphical part, I like the color filters and oh I love the editor. However, I was expecting more from this game. It had potential, but it isn't offering enough for a solid project. I do hope that in the future, when and if developers will start working on the next game in the series, they're going to put more effort into filling their project with life.
Publicada el 20 de febrero de 2014. Última edición: 20 de febrero de 2014.
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