fancymcfancyton 13 ago. 2024 às 18:42 
take that back what you said about red dead right now
OblivionPenguin 17 jul. 2024 às 17:39 
Finished my third run of Exocolonist last night and the game has stuck with me. On my way to my fourth, but ended up along your profile. Thank you and your whole team for creating a beautiful expression of growing up and the struggles that come with it, even on another planet :) Also, pleased to see you and your partner are Vancouverites, best wishes from Richmond!
Kreese 10 jul. 2024 às 6:21 
made my childhood, love your old games
Dark X 20 ago. 2023 às 0:38 
Hi Sarah; I saw the Rebuild 3 "dev plays impossible" post thinking it was posted August of 2023, but it turns out I'm a year late :-P I was one of your Uber Testers for Rebuild 3, and was curious what you are working on now.

Hope all is well, thanks for all the great gaming memories! :steamhappy:
FramedCactus750 23 abr. 2021 às 18:25 
Rebuild 4 when? lol love the rebuild games
Mkultra Victim 25 set. 2020 às 10:41 
Epic gamer
Big [REDACTED] Marty 16 ago. 2020 às 8:56 
Send toe pics :steamfacepalm:
analytik 6 mai. 2020 às 4:11 
Hi. I adore your games. I know indie game development is a difficult career, but I'll be looking forward to more of them! Hope you & your loved ones are staying healthy in this sick, braindead world.
dean93 13 out. 2019 às 1:58 
İ cant load mod at rebuild 3 android please help me 😞
kycaver 1 jul. 2019 às 21:29 
Not sure what is going on. I logged into steam tonight, and it showed I had an invite from one person that I had never heard of, who had only one game in his account,. It also showed that I had sent invites to 4 other people, which I had not done. Your name was one of them. Now, I did e-mail you a while back asking you about the rebuild 3 game, and you were nice enough to reply, so I wouldn't mind having you on my friends list, but I am still worried about these invites it shows I sent out, which I didn't .
Jorge Manrique 17 jun. 2019 às 6:33 
When you have the chance, add and talk to me please.
Samir Al-Hayjid 11 mai. 2018 às 5:54 
at over 120 hours on rebuild 3, I think it's safe to say... I really like it.
Mae 24 abr. 2018 às 3:35 
You seriously deserve more fans. I've been a fan of the rebuild games for a long time. ^^
Folder Door 5 jan. 2018 às 20:47 
I played Rebuild from the first game, pure gold.
Bergerstack 9 dez. 2017 às 16:23 
i am glad people are pumped about rebuild. i played the originals all the time and when i saw 3 i didn't care the price i got it. i look forward to anymore work you do on any games. let your fans know!
ChuckTaylor 20 nov. 2017 às 8:51 
Rebuild 4? Confirmed?
Stumpy-Alex 2 nov. 2017 às 17:39 
Hello. Just wanted to let you know how great your Rebuild games are. Especially 3. I've enjoyed 1 and 2 since at least before 2010, on Newgrounds. The series has come a long way. I had my doubts about forking over $15 for 3 when it finally came out, but it's definitely worth it. A huge step up, worthy of moving beyond free-to-play websites. Congratulations on your success. Keep up the good work.
Darelius 10 jun. 2017 às 18:31 
This is a salut! Great work for Rebuild 3!
As idea: Maybe a discussion forum for Rebuild 4? ;)
Artuurs 15 abr. 2017 às 19:13 
Still waiting for Rebuild 4 here.
zomblekingdom 13 set. 2016 às 21:54 
im rebuild 3 fans, and i want to help the game translate,but when i translate there is a problem that the game cant display chinese,is there have other way to make chinese language pack?
Sorines 31 ago. 2016 às 8:33 
You know, a port of Rebuild 2 (version w/ seasons and all) on Steam would be wonderful, please make it! Gangs of Deadsville are too "cartoony" for my taste, but the older games are just fine, so if you would port them, once again, i would be in heaven. Keep up the good work! :woodle:
EeuorT 5 abr. 2016 às 11:38 
Hello. Congrats on release.
Millerbertinho 23 fev. 2016 às 14:59 
Hi, I'd like to discuss a possible business opportunity regarding distribution of one of your games.
Pendant 6 fev. 2016 às 9:34 
Do you ever plan to make a Multiplayer mod or update for Rebuild 3?
Tubby McFungun 26 dez. 2015 às 11:52 
On a whim I downloaded Rebuild on the Android market and have been a fan since!

Was pleasantly suprised that developer was a citizen of the same province, I am an avid supporter of your work.

Keep up the good work!

Gunnar 30 jul. 2015 às 17:31 
Notice me senpai! >.>
¡x Mr. Vain x! 15 jul. 2015 às 11:41 
Hey Sarah, first of all I want to say I love Rebuild 1 and 2, thank you for these awesome games you've made in the past.
My question is, do you have any plans on making Rebuild 3 have a mode that works similar to Rebuild 1 and 2? Judging from the Screenshots and Let's Plays from Youtube I saw that the core gameplay changed drastically. I'm not sure if I'm really fine with it, but if you do have plans of adding it, I would gladly buy it without a doubt so I can also give it a try.
Thank you for reading. Keep doing awesome works!
Droog 18 jun. 2015 às 17:34 
Thank you for another wonderful game Sarah!
mosch6 (AUT) 6 jun. 2015 às 9:01 
Hi, is a german Translation for Rebuild 3 planned?
gary 31 mai. 2015 às 10:41 
Hey, glad to see how well your series has progressed. I believe I was the first or second commenter on the original one on Kongregate and loved it back then. Looking forward to playing 3 :D
Hero for Fun 10 mai. 2015 às 15:40 
Hey Sarah, LOVE Rebuild, but I had to change my Computer up and now it runs Linux which doesn't run Rebuild!!!:( Is there any way you can make Rebuild Linux compatible???
Icarus 29 abr. 2015 às 13:46 
Hey Sarah I love rebuild. Can you give me some advice about scripting or how to start scripting like you did. Thank you
SalzStange 23 mar. 2015 às 11:26 
Hi, i am founder of the Original Network i wrote you an email, but you did not response. We are a Steamgroupnetwork and we make Steamcurations/reviews, Giveaways, Trades and things like that.
I want to speak to you. Please add me. Ty
Feit-Neo 11 mar. 2015 às 14:12 
rebuild is an amazing game
UlyssesTheWanderer 13 jan. 2015 às 13:54 
rebuild is awesome!!!!
wolfflow500 5 jan. 2015 às 20:51 
It's really pleasing to see a developer go from a flash website to mobile and PC platforms, with continued support. You're even level 10 on steam for crying out loud. Looking forward to getting this when I get some cash. Keep up the good work.:clementineelf:
janglejingle 17 set. 2014 às 1:51 
Hello. I am a big fan of your games, Sarah. I played since Rebuild 1 Hit kongregate, And now that Rebuild is on steam, I am ready for the new updates. It would be lovely to trade, Talk and more with you! Thanks. :cure:
sarahnorthway 19 ago. 2014 às 13:22 
hello! so happy my keyboard types right!
fifa2051 19 mar. 2013 às 3:09 