1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
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Публикувани: 12 ян. в 17:14

The game is an interesting blend of a series of mini-games, all very simple and easy to learn, which somehow connect to each other. There's a story behind it to tie everything together and give meaning to the content that gets unlocked as the game progresses. The graphics are beautiful, and the depiction of diving and fishing activities is very well done. As a casual game, all the systems are simple and low in complexity, which aligns with its purpose of being a worry-free pastime.

What becomes a bit bothersome, especially in the endgame, are some roguelite elements that lead to tedious grinding. For example, you can't upgrade your harpoon tip or your speed permanently, as you always rely on ocean drops, such as more powerful harpoon tips and scuba gear that increases your speed. Another issue is the small number of teleport points, which can make the gameplay feel tiresome at times, forcing you to traverse the same areas repeatedly at a slow, tedious pace.

Despite these drawbacks, it’s a well-made and funny game that works perfectly as a relaxing pastime.
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