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CardTrades - Public Group
Steam Card Exchange official group.
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Steam Card Exchange - Turn in random Cards (if possible), for missing cards (if available). Quick Trade button bypasses loading a 100.000 card inventory!
List of best Sets to get because they produce up to 200 gems / (6 cents €) in recycled background+emote.
CS:GO - 200 gems / 25 credits
Dota 2 - 200 gems / 40 credits
Prismata - 200 gems / 50 credits
Grimm (120), Kingdom: Classic(160), Minion Masters(200), Company of Heroes 2(160), Deadbreed(200), Starpoint Gemini 2(160), Murderous Pursuits(120), Throne of Lies: Medieval Politics (200), Warframe(200), World of Warships(200), Planetside 2(200), Ball 3D(200), Head Goal(200).

Place for Coupons

SteamTradeMatcher - instant 1:1 trades with a dozen Tradebots or match duplicates with other participants. (Barely usable, now, due to Steam restrictions. Once an extremely helpful resource.)

GTG - Trading bot - 1:1 and cross trades, big collection of 15 card garbage sets. (requires being friends to receive prices and error messages)

Huge honkin List of 1:1 Bots

Steam Trading Cards
Any set of Cards can be created from booster packs which add up to a total of 2000 gems, which effectively caps the prices for them. (~60 cents currently EUR)
Set of 5 -> BP = 1200:burstcrystal:<= 36 c
Set of 6 -> BP = 1000:RareLupGem:<=30 :nothing_personal: (assumed conversion rate)
Set of 7 -> BP = 857 :redjewel:<= 26 c
Set of 8 -> BP = 750 :RareLupGem:<= 23 c - Skyrim
Set of 9 -> BP = 667 :burstcrystal:<= 20 c
Set of 10> BP = 600 :redjewel:<= 18 c
Set of 11> BP = 545 :burstcrystal:<= 17 c
Set of 12> BP = 500 :RareLupGem:<= 15 c
Set of 13> BP = 461 :redjewel:<= 14 c
Set of 14> BP = 428 :RareLupGem:<= 13 c
Set of 15> BP = 400 :burstcrystal:<= 12 c

The price-range for Booster packs is 3-36 cents. The lowest price for a thing in EUR is 3 cents, thus purchasing the cheapest set via the Marketplace using booster packs would cost at least 5 cents. Bulk sale bots offer (24:1 for TF2 key) 200 / 24 = 8.3 cents a set at the cheapest, though progressively those offerings get more expensive as the sets get more rare (19:1 = 10.5 cents | 14:1 = 14.3 cents).

The gem values of any cards add up and round up to the total gem value of background+emoticon (specifically 200,160,120,80,20).
i.e. (a) A badge of 15 cards worth 1 gem each, adds up to a 10 gem emoticon + 10 gem background.
(b) A badge of 8 cards worth 25 gems each, adds up to 100 gem emoticon + 100 gem background.

100 gems = 3.5 c (net)
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