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I cannot tell anyone to go into this game with the intention to play a game.
Rather, I will tell anyone reading this right now, do not buy this if you do not enjoy surrealist, strange, interactive art pieces with some deeper meaning to be dug up. If you do, you will absolutely enjoy both this and the other game 'PLUG & PLAY' by the same devs.

I personally prefer this over the other game considering this one felt more meaningful in it's experience and the art felt more smooth and less realistic. However, that's what makes both of these fun. All in all, I highly recommend this game for the experience, even out of context (seriously, spend 3 USD to send this to a friend and tell them to play it and see their reaction, the confusion on their face will be glorious) considering the price is a nice crisp 3 dollars and is relatively short and sweet. Game doesn't overstay it's welcome and it's good to kill some time and possibly have a bit of fun speculating the purpose of the little art show.
Publicada el 10 de noviembre de 2019.
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Ehhh, for 7 USD it's not bad I suppose? Personally I feel the DLC is lacking quite a bit as an expansion;
As many others have said, it feels a bit hollowed out, a bit gutted if you will. I love the original TPF but being forced to one TF no matter what and having all your choices up to that point (among some others AFTER it) be moot feels a bit dumb. You don't TRULY become evil and join Rourkie, you can romance all the characters but really only Mary and Rourkie get a TF aside from you (although Mary's is pretty good) and there's not a lot of branching paths down this DLC.

I don't mean to be a sour lemon here but this DLC was super linear and it feels like it was incomplete. I desperately hope it either gets updated, or State of Flux (if it gets dlc) has a better DLC(s) with more interactivity and less linearity. Personally if I could choose to be vanilla Mila or go Monkey Mila then that'd be alright, although I would definitely prefer to be able to have several different transformations and paths.
Not to mention I can't romance 'Mega Morgana' (the morgana at the end of the path should you choose to save Rourkie)

All in all, unless you desperately want more content to the game, I can't (as much as I want to) reasonably recommend this DLC.
Publicada el 22 de agosto de 2019. Última edición: 22 de agosto de 2019.
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Yes, this is my opinion and nothing more; I'm only writing this review because I enjoyed this game and it's DLC, use this review as a gauge on whether or not you'd like to purchase it for yourself, rather than something to come to my profile and ♥♥♥♥ on me about. cough cough Saturncake cough cough One last thing, as to be expected with reviews of this type, there will be spoilers below, so if you don't want to be spoiled, theres a TL;DR at the bottom.

Summary: My Experience
Old World Blues is the-- Hang on...what? What do you mean I need to play this one after Honest Hearts? It's ordered? Oh. Well too late I suppose.Old World Blues is the third DLC in the line of (overarching) story based DLC to come to FNV, all leading up to the conclusion of the DLC's arc and the final quest in the game, depending on the player's previous choices before and which side they're on for it. I am a complete moron and cannot read, so I ended up doing this DLC BEFORE Honest Hearts. Honestly I won't cut corners, this DLC is not my favourite. I tried hard (I really did) to like it. It's not the worst however, but it's also not the best. When I look at this DLC, I see DLC that desperately wants to be fun and witty, but in my eyes, it doesn't pull it off. Big M.T. is literally that, BIG and EMPTY, to be fair they DID at least try. While the Big MT feels empty, there is a lot of structures, but theres another fault with it; they want you to see as much of it as possible, so you're going to do a LOT of walking back and forth with very boring settings and 3 enemy types. It's much much more easily forgivable in Dead Money since the map was more contained and wasn't as massive, it had closed spaces rather than big open areas. In Old World Blues there are a set few locales you'll be going to for the main questline, this DLC being 'wacky science' themed as I've heard it described is why they're all mostly labs and testing sites for various equipment. The sad thing is that all of the items gotten in this DLC is mostly glorified curios, the one thing I actually used for a substantial amount of game time was the K9000 that eventually became the FIDO, it was a good gun, but I eventually stopped using it in favour of high damage single shot guns. The SINK was probably the best (and simultaneously also not best) part of the DLC, it's a pretty useful player home, and I did end up using it quite a few times actually. The payout for the (pretty damn long) main quest isn't quite amazing, it IS good(????) I guess, being able to get benefits of using semi-organic or entirely mechanical organs and spine. However what I DON'T like about the sink, is the clutter and literally useless 'npcs' located there. The only really useful SINK AI you'll use are the Autodoc, the SINK shop/repair area in the center, the lightswitch (barely) and the jukebox if you want to recalibrate the weapon that I have a feeling literally nobody kept using after they left Big MT. I feel really sad that this DLC wasn't better than I had hopes for as it seemed much cooler when I was hearing about it. But I digress, the quests felt pretty bland, glorified 'go here' and 'get that' fetch quests. You repeat this 3 (either that or 4) times to get items that really aren't even worth keeping (at least not to me). The worst was the stealth suit, that was absolutely useless, it was obnoxious and used stims and med-x/morphine waaaaay too much. Yes, you can get mods for it, but this isn't about mods, it's about whether or not the vanilla experience is good, and what I thought about it. Lastly about the sink, I like the idea of trying to give each AI it's own personality, but some were just there because they needed filler (or so it felt) as they have almost no use, the toaster, the book shredder, the sink, the seeder, muggy (the most obvious culprit). On your travels through the Phoenix Metro area (ha, I wonder how many people will get that joke) you'll have about 3 enemies to deal with, Lobotomites, Robodogs, and Various Robots such as robobrains, with one special type of enemy appearing after you clear quest checkpoints, Roboscorpions. That actually brings me to my next gripe; the humor. It felt so forced, to me (and humor is subjective, HIGHLY subjective so dont worry too much about this) the jokes fell flat 9 times out of 10. It's very hit or miss crude humor for the sake of being silly (See; 'Penis tipped feet' or 'Richie likes balls') but again, it's mostly just me, I have a very weird finnicky sense of humor. I see a lot of people praising the writing, but really it's not that special, and could've been done better.

The Think Tank's Scientists include;

  • Doctor Dala The Creepy one who is obsessed with humans.
  • Doctor Klien Very proud and very very annoying.
  • Doctor 0 He takes apart machines. Thats about it.
  • Doctor 8 Splooged all over your first weapon from the DLC
  • Doctor Borous Fed his pet dog Gabe drugs for years
  • Doctor Mobius He's actually kinda like a nice grandfather. He actually offers you candy too.

    The characters (other than Mobius believe it or not!) are very very very paper thin. At the end of the day, they're just lore depositories that also double as xp generators for the amount of skillchecks they give you. You don't care about these characters, you don't even get the chance to. All the info you get on them is thrown at you all at once in dialogue vomit. Literally one of the scientists speaks like he's trying to be a knockoff cave johnson. The final boss fight with Mobius' giant roboscorpion is a pretty alright bossfight, but it secures my feelings that this wants desperately to be a good portal parody. It's very reminiscent of Portal 2's final boss fight where as in this you're going to different parts of the arena activating switches and turrets and things that will defeat the roboscorpion much faster than you will alone. Mobius, is by far the best thing about this DLC character wise. He's brilliantly done, I went in hating him and thinking he was literally just some evil jerk, and came out actually having sympathy for him, best of all is that HIS dialogue exposition dumping didn't get old fast. I cared, and I listened. (Fun Fact: the VA for him actually voices SEVERAL characters across TV and Videogames, Corrin being one of them)

    Positives and Negatives

    + K9000 Weapon & FIDO Upgrade are both very viable, powerful weapons into late game.
    + Player Home with some actual use and a shop built in.
    + Benefits like implants and stat changes for using modified organs after beating the quest.
    + A villain that actually has a redemption arc and has very very good character development.

    - The main characters are very paper thin and basically only exist to antagonize, and regurgitate exposition.
    - Lots, and I mean LOTS of back and forth walking across same-y environments.
    - Lack of interesting/new enemies, all of them are basically reskins (ex: Raiders = Lobotomites and Radscorpions = Roboscorpions).
    - There was almost no difficulty, it was just about a cake walk the entire way. I went in about 2 levels ahead of the recommendation, too.

    I do not recommend this DLC, it feels very lacking and rushed. The story is overall pretty bland, and the actual overarching story info is just thrown up at you within the first 20 minutes of playing. If you get this DLC, I'd say blast through it as fast as you can and DON'T do all of the SINK sidequests, it's underwhelming and not at all worth it, this is easily tied with another DLC as my least favourite.

    TL;DR - Portal 3 sure looks a lot more different than 2..
Publicada el 12 de julio de 2018. Última edición: 12 de julio de 2018.
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(Ripley's) Believe it or not, this is my opinion and nothing more; I'm only writing this review because I enjoyed this game and it's DLC, use this review as a gauge on whether or not you'd like to purchase it for yourself, rather than something to come to my profile and ♥♥♥♥ on me about. cough cough Saturncake cough cough One last thing, as to be expected with reviews of this type, there will be spoilers below, so if you don't want to be spoiled, theres a TL;DR at the bottom.

Summary: My Experience
Dead Money is the first DLC in the line of (overarching) story based DLC to come to FNV, all leading up to the conclusion of the DLC's arc and the final quest in the game, depending on the player's previous choices before and which side they're on for it. This DLC also happens to be the first DLC I had started with; I went in a few levels earlier than is recommended and I did end up paying the price. Dead Money is not, I repeat, NOT something to rush. If you end up rushing through this DLC, it will not be worth the money and will not be a fulfilling experience. You should take it nice and slow, treat things with more caution, if playing in Hardcore this is especially evident. Even if you're not playing in hardcore, I highly recommend treating it as such, as it only makes the DLC much more enjoyable in the long run if you like a challenge and a little immersion. The Sierra Madre is a place full of deadly traps and enemies around every corner, creeping just through the dark as the ambience and almost entire lack of music is very complimentary to the first act of this DLC that paints the Madre in a desolate empty light. While the resort most certainly IS desolate, it is not in the slightest empty. There are ghosts here that haunt the destroyed ruins, some peaceful, others harmful. For me the main aspect of this DLC, the survival and sneaking aspect, made this feel like a wonderful change in the Fallout formula, slightly resembling a Resident Evil game, or an attack by the Skulls from Metal Gear Solid V. To get around the enemies and stay alive (mostly) unharmed, you will need to learn how best to deal with each enemy, there are unique enemies to this DLC to fit the situations and areas you'll explore. Ghost Hunters and their ilk, and the holographic ghosts meant to serve guests at the Madre and protect the Madre from harm. The Ghosts do not die, not unless they're shot in the head or Dog has his passive triggered. This DLC can be safely seperated into 3 acts, Act 1 being the introduction to the Madre and it's dangers, Act 2 being the conquering of it and getting to know the others who've met your fate and protecting them from harm as they do you, and lastly Act 3 being the finale (a grand heist) as you and your assembled crew of misfit survivors break into the casino and set the cards into play for your eventual break into the vault. You're given the option to learn their backstories, as well as kill them if you wish, as Elijah has deactivated their bomb collars (a compliance mechanism he had given you all so generously). There are radios scattered about that play a song with a frequency that will set off your bomb collar if within range for long enough, so keeping an open eye and an open ear is necessary. The radios come in 2 flavours, shielded (unable to be destroyed, make a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ run for it if you're near these) and malfunctioning (able to be destroyed, find them and shoot them or blow them up).

The Crew consists of;
  • Dog and God - a Nightkin Supermutant with Split Personality Disorder and a penchant to abuse itself.
  • Dean Domino - a classy Ghoul that once performed on stage, originally at the Madre when the ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan.
  • Christine Royce - a BoS Scribe turned CoS Knight that mysteriously has lost the ability to read and write as well as speak.
  • You - The Wandering Wasteland Courier

    Each character has their own unique trait and fighting style, but in all honesty the only useful ones are God and Christine, God can make it so that upon killing a Ghost it will not get back up regardless of being shot in the head or otherwise, and Christine can block the signal of collar detonators for a short time, as well as delay the explosion for a short time. Christine is easily the most useful companion in my opinion, as you will face LOTS of nondestructable detonators (they're timed, don't worry) and the extra wiggle room is much appreciated. This DLC also doesn't skimp on difficulty, you will ♥♥♥♥ yourself multiple times if you're doing a no death run (No dying, at ALL.) and if I'm being honest, it's virtually impossible if you haven't played before, but I'm sure some crazy ♥♥♥♥ can pull it off. The way Obsidian takes FNV to a survival horror setting is absolutely wonderful, as I had previously mentioned the sound design, the jerky animations and jumpy attacks of the Ghosts make their presence truly unnerving. Now this is also very subjective, I might find this unnerving and creepy while others may not, keep that in mind. With all that out of the way, next up is the positives and negatives of this DLC (in my opinion).

    My Experience: Pros and Cons
    + Weapons are great and worth using post DLC
    + Characters are (MOSTLY) 3 Dimensional and actually give you a reason to want to save them rather than do what Elijah tells you to and kill them
    + A nice change of pace, forcing you to think and take it slow

    - The difficulty is a nice ramp upward until near the very end when it becomes a massive spike, especially during the self destruct escape sequence.
    - The Map is very samey and easy to get lost in, and I mean EASY.
    - Scavenging for coins and ammo for the Holorifle can basically guarantee success early on as you won't need much else besides food, ammo and stims which can all be bought with the nigh surplus of Madre coins, removing the challenge a bit.

    Summary: Plot
    FNV Dead Money takes place at a resort built soon before the bombs dropped, a casino and hotel combo with theatrics and entertainment for the current age. What was supposed to be a wonderful grand opening soon turned to disaster as the bombs fell and the Sierra Madre froze in time, you (The Courier) has come to investigate a strange signal of a singer singing on loop in an old abandoned BoS Bunker in the Mojave. Upon reaching the signal you fall into a trap and get yourself captured by an unknown villain, taking you to none other than the ellusive Sierra Madre, frozen in time as it awaited it's grand opening. You and 3 other prisoners must cooperate with eachother to unlock the riches hidden deep into the sleeping casino's vault, led by your captor, a BoS Elder named Father Elijah, you and your assembled crew of misfit survivors must break into the casino and avoid death by it's many traps and new residents, for your freedom lies in the hands of Elijah and the trust in eachother. Uncover the secrets of the Sierra Madre's past and stay alive, if you can.

    Dead Money is easily my favourite DLC for New Vegas, it improves upon the game, shakes it up a little bit, and gives you something that you'll get use out of in the Mojave instead of a rinky dink souvenir weapon or two that will gather dust at your home. The weapon continues to be viable even into late game, especially if you've gotten every mod for it. As you can already see, yes I recommend this DLC, but only if you know what you're getting into. It's good if you can handle being patient and taking it slow, as it's very very heavily survival horror based. Reading every bit of dialogue and terminal entry is also highly recommended as it feeds into the background, immersion, and helps you keep up with the overarching story of the FNV DLCs.

    TL;DR - Saw II: Mojave Madness (Casino Heist Edition)
Publicada el 12 de julio de 2018. Última edición: 12 de julio de 2018.
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I personally loved this game.
It had flaws (i.e. the last two bosses) but the good certainly outweighed the bad. It has a very hand drawn sort of feel, and I'm not sure if that comes from the fact that it WAS hand drawn(?) or the very aesthetically pleasing smooth lines and paint look. It's a 2.5D (of sorts) game that features 2D environments but 3D backgrounds and scenery. It's a really really well done Metroidvania, you will get powerups, and you will want to backtrack (If you're 100% it for the true ending like I did). The game has some few flaws thankfully though they're minor.

+Beautiful Art
+Smooth Gameplay from platforming to puzzling and boss fights in between
+The bosses are all rule of 3, so you shouldn't have to worry about them being too long
+The music is phenominal, every track (despite being sometimes a short loop) feels alive and doesn't really get repetitive
+Getting upgrades/abilities feels rewarding and solving a puzzle feels the same

-The final 2 bosses are very annoying when it comes to the general strategy of 'trial and error' this game adopts with them
-The story (while beautiful) is pretty lackluster, you're forced to piece it together by collecting the scrolls and watching little puppet shows littered around
-The final boss is the WORST boss. You can get cornered pretty easily if you're not playing it safe enough or if you're playing it too safe
-Some characters just really aren't fleshed out I'm looking at you Oleg very much and when the game reveals something about them it doesn't seem as impactful, as you don't know much about them.

I nabbed it for 99Cents cause of the sale, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it is well worth every penny, if you can, buy it full price and support the devs. 12 Hours is a good 'not too long not too short' gauge for this game.
Publicada el 29 de diciembre de 2017.
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(I got this hunk of turd for free, thank you T-Mobile for giving me a 5 dollar game, also ♥♥♥♥ you for making it have to be Sonic CD)

I can not for the life of me, understand why people praise this game. Unless it's because of 'muh nostalgia' because that's an entirely valid reason. It's clunky, it's bad, the resolution is ♥♥♥♥, and there are plenty of game design mistakes (abundance of spikes, abundance of bouncepads that LEAD INTO spikes, poor level design, the list goes on), and the game relies on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bosses and level tactics to test the player's patience and will to keep playing. I'm VERY glad that I got this game for free, as it is nowhere NEAR close to worth 5 ♥♥♥♥♥♥' dollars.

The only reason I ever got this and downloaded it was because of (believe it or not) Sonic Mania, a GOOD sonic game that actually wasn't ♥♥♥♥. If you're thinking of getting a sonic game to start with, take the advice of someone who has hated sonic games for years, get Sonic Mania, it's a perfect place to start, many references will be lost on you, but the gameplay is phenominal, the art is fantastic, and everything in between is far more than acceptable.
Publicada el 16 de septiembre de 2017.
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