Team Fortress 2

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正在显示第 1 - 4 项,共 4 项条目
Dragon Slayer Base Paints
合集创建者 rabscootle
This is a collection meant to gather all the "Slayer-Base" War Paints on the TF2 Workshop in one place! What are Slayer-Base War Paints? Slayer-Base Paints are weapon skins built off the 'Dragon Slayer' War Paint. Instead of using tiling textures, these sk
Misc. Cosmetic Material Fixes
合集创建者 rabscootle
These fixes have been implemented to live TF2 Client Part of the TF2 Community Fix-Up Pack: https://steamoss.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2156577890 Currently, these hats use VMTs with properties that cause the hats to begin glowing in several solid
TF2 Community Fix-Up Pack
合集创建者 rabscootle
This collection is a pack of fixes, changes, and additions made for Team Fortress 2 by the community, that has been submitted to the Steam Workshop for the TF Team's consideration! This pack includes the following community-made quality of life changes/add
TF2 Misc. Item Schema Changes for Items Across the Years
合集创建者 rabscootle
Changes from this collection have been incorporated into TF2 client. Thank you for your support. Due to prefabs used to set default values to in-game items, many cosmetics over the years have been added to the game use default backpack sounds/itemtypes. If
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