bryan L   Texas, United States
MrDrProf 1月30日 21時37分 
Sits in corners, doesn't swing
ImPremo 2024年3月8日 23時47分 
protons 1v3 ace clutch, this kid is actually nutz
GoatsOnABoat™ 2024年3月8日 19時59分 
i mean that right there is why im saying we need to talk cause the fact of the matter is i am better than you. i play so many shooters that theres no doubt about it its just the fact that yall call me angles dumb but there anything but that . cause i get 2 kills if not more from my angles and playstyle. but im almost always last alive ue to yall holding angles that are apparently better than mine but yet yall fail to get thoes kills. and dont get be wrong the game yes is about teamwork but it also boils down to witch team kills the other first gets the win. with the small variable of the bomb but hell i have over 11 years worth of experience playing god search and destroy witch is literally the game mode that cs go is based around. now dont get me wrong the gun spray gets me here and there but in the end that's all it is is gun spray witch ive been getting better at every time i play and im improving constantly.
GrandMA3 2024年2月28日 21時47分 