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Publicada el 2 de enero de 2022. Última edición: 22 de julio de 2023.
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148.3 h registradas (85.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The superior version of 2033. Gameplay is definitely more janky and less streamlined, but the artstyle and atmosphere is way more superior.

P.S. You can do stealth takedowns in this game with the secondary attack of the knife, but you have to do them yourself and aim for the head manually, which will result in 1 hit silent kill. No pre-set animation is going to play out unlike in the newer games. It's a bit clunky, but once you get used to it, you'll be able to pull if of no problem.
Publicada el 12 de marzo de 2021.
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2 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
67.7 h registradas (47.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
It's a great game, but only play it when you're alone at home. trust me Kappa.
Publicada el 14 de enero de 2017. Última edición: 25 de noviembre de 2017.
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A 7 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
47.6 h registradas (6.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Stealth game where stealth is almost completely broken.
Game mostly consists of sneaking behind nazi soldiers and performing stealth kills. However, to perform a stealth kill you must stand still, if you walk, you cannot perform a kill. So it's a pain in the ass to perform stealth kills to walking soldiers, because you sneak very slowly and if you catch up to them, you must stop moving, because game doesn't let you to perform a kill while moving. And when you stop, most of the time guards walk too far away from you, so you have to chase them again. So you are chasing after soldiers and spamming LMB hoping you will be able to perform a kill. And when guards stop, they stand for maybe 1 or 2 seconds and they turn around and move again.
Whistling is almost useless. If you whistle to attract attention, guards always come to your position. You can whistle and quickly relocate to different position, it doesn't matter, guard will still come to where you are. And if you are whistling when being in a disguise, the guards won't react at all. Yes, if you are dressed up as a nazi soldier, guards won't react to whistling at all, even though they can't see who's whistling. Quite funny.
Disguise system is a joke. Firstly, you can only change disguises when being inside wardrobes or toilets. In a disguise you cannot sneak, because all disguises have high heel shoes, which "make noise" and if you get too close to an enemy he will recognize you just from the sound, even if he is looking the other way. When you are in disguise, white line will appear showing how suspiciuos you are (the longer it is, the less suspicious you are). But it only reacts to the distance you are from the enemies or if you are crouching. Guards could be looking the other way, still they will suspect you if you crouch or if you get too close to them, even though they can't see you. So it is impossible to perform stealth kills with a disguise. It's funny how guard can recognize an imposter just from hearing the footsteps... So when wearing a disguise, you have to keep 50 meter distance from every soldier, even from those who can't see you or else your cover will be blown.
Enemy's melee attack does more damage than their bullets. Also enemies move in a weird way when they are being suspicious. They turn by 90 degrees without any animations, and they turn their bodies first, and their heads later. Reminds me of Robocop. And most of the time when a guard is suspicious, he will look and point his gun at you even though he can't see you and don't know where you are.
Also, at the end of some levels when you blow something up, game throws at you terrible getaway sections. You are given about 1 minute to get to the end of the level and game throws some guards at you and you have to shoot your way through.
At least graphics are nice. Lighting looks good, i also like the brown atmosphere in some levels. Some textures look terrible, but overall graphics are OK. Visuals are no doubt the best thing in this game.
Voice acting is also good. Voice actress of main character does a good job. Enemies speak german which is a good thing because it makes you feel like you are really fighting nazis instead of some guys who pretend to be nazis by speaking english with their fake "german" accent.
Also i have to give this game credit - it stays true to stealth genre (most of the time). You cannot just shoot every soldier in the game if you get bored from sneaking because main character cannot take damage and dies very fast and also you don't get many bullets. Usually you start a level with maybe 1 or 2 clips for your handgun and there are just a few weapon and ammo pickups (1~3) in a single level. Which is good for a stealth game, but it's a bad thing for Velvet Assassin, because stealth mechanics in this game are badly executed and because of that sometimes you want to abandon stealth and just shoot everyone.
Checkpoints - they are very far away which is a terrible thing. Main character dies very fast (which is a good thing, stealth game after all with female protagonist), but very often you die not because of your own fault, but because of bad game mechanics (i've talked about them earlier). Imagine if the last soldier in the area kills you because you cannot perform a stealth kill while walking 10 cm behind him. And you have to start all over again. And the game is very linear, it doesn't give you any freedom, so when you restart the checkpoint you slowly play exactly the same way you did earlier.
This game is frustrating, terribly executed and most of the time you fight game mechanics instead of the enemies. It's a shame, since it had some good ideas. Sure, the game looks good, visuals are great and it creates nice atmosphere, but the gameplay is so frustrating. And no, it's not complete trainwreck like Ride To Hell or Garry's Incident, it's not 1/10 or 2/10 game, it's not filled with bugs, you dont fall through floors, enemies do not teleport or anything like that. But it's just that stealth is so badly executed. And it's a stealth game.
However the price is very low right now. For 0.74 - sure, get it. It's almost nothing anyway. But for 4.99 you can get much better games like Sleeping Dogs, Mafia 2 or Hitman Absolution when they get discounted (and they get discounted very often).
Publicada el 18 de marzo de 2014. Última edición: 10 de abril de 2014.
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