Jared   Ohio, United States
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Windjammers 2
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Gotcha! he-He-HE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD drink five hour energy. Its not like a drink, more like a drink. WOOOAAH-AAOOW hey, uh, G, did you bring the mail in yet? NoOoOoO-oh-oh-OH-oh I’ve been saving that to caaallm myself, lest I get too giddy from rubbing my ♥♥♥♥. You know, you really need a woman, G. What’s a woman? What’s a woman? What’s a- What’s- What’s a woman? Woman? Drink five hour energy. DRINK five hour energy. Drink ddrrriiinnnk dddrrrrriiiiinnnnkkk fiiiiivvvvee hoooouuuurr (driiinnkk) (ddrrrriiiiinnkk)

I figured it out, Will! I’m gonna get dad what he always wanted. What, a pizza hut in the garage? Better, I’m gonnaaAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHA watch and learn. Hello. Is President Bush there? I’m sorry, i cant hear you very well. Look at those funny little markings underneath the pictures. We call them words. Very well. Is President Bush there? I can’t read. AAAHAAAHH I’ll see you later. AaA


Now this is a story all about how my LICENSE PLATE got flipped turned upside-down and I’d like to take a ♥♥♥♥ on a couple of guys and my mom! My mom got scared, and said WIBIDIBOOBISH I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said WISCONSSIIIIIINN, and it had dice in the mirror! If anything I can say NEEH-NEEH NEH NEH NEH NEH NEH NEH NEHNEH

Directions. Phil, what are you talking about, I’m not having any MeeM. Well, yes, directions. Yeah, thank you. ssSSSSEE Jeffery, from an objective point of view, WhoOoOoOoOo? UuUuHhH iiiiiii dllllttt H jshy

BaaBaaBAAAH Hello! Is pres-es-es-es-es there? NoOoOo. Is President Bush there? NoOoO-OOHohOH. Carlton. Carlton. It’s Carlton. Carlton, are you by any chance Carlton? NOoOo. Not available? Perhaps you should let George NoOoOo that as Carlton, I’m in a position to scratch his bush if he’ll scratch mine, capiche? HellOoO?

Well, I think you’re being really unreasonable. Well Tough ♥♥♥♥! I Don’t care. For you, sir! ♥♥♥♥ Phillip Banks. Banks wants to empty the Banks, fill our streets with Banks, and run a Bank making operation out of his Banks. But Dad, aren’t some of those banks. Carlton, honey, they’re ALL luls. How can they get away wiThere’s still time to fight back. I’m not gonna fight back. WhaWHAwhaWHAwhaWHAwhaWHA I’m not gonna fight back. WhaWHAwhaWHA W H A T? ooooohhhhhhoooooooohhhhhhHHHoooOOOOoohhhh huh. Lemme tell you a lil’ story. ooohh noooo. NOW THIS IS A STORY ALL ABOUT this young boy who lived in Philly, the prettiest little boy you’ve ever seen in your life. And right next to him lived this FILTHY MCROTTEN DUDE, and he wanted his body, right? So one day the dude was about to get it on, right! The young boy said “No, you can’t be my boyfriend. So the nasty dude SNATCH OFF into his ASS and came out his ♥♥♥♥, and do you know why? NoOoOo. Because the nasty dude had a two-headed COoOck. So, this story’s about you, isn’t it Will? That’s right, Uncle Phil. WILL YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! HoOheddiheh HoOOheddiheh HoOoOhe

More, after this. YeEyeEhyeEeh MM. MM. MM. eEeEeeh yoooUuuuUUUuoouuU. Uncle Phil, you gotta kick that man’s B U T T! Awh, he’s like beggin’, he’s like “awwhh, Phillip Banks, kick my BUUuuuutt.” PHILLIP BANKS. YOU should KICK my BUTT. Phillip Banks, kick the man’s BUUUTTTTT BUTTT butt butt butt butt. It goes against everything I stand for. What’s your P-P-P-P-POINT!? EyyaEyya EYYYA EYYA eyy-eyy-EYYA EYYA EYYEYYY

With over nine thousand percent of the district reporting, Judge Robertson has overwhelmingly defeated the district reporting. Heyy, on a brighter note! I see you brought your lovely family with you! Mmm Including your daughter, KFC! Your father Suckss so tell me; Are you free for dinner tonight? My father just got an erection. OUCH. WEEEELLLLLLL, WHO DO WE HAVE HERE? Let’s get the hell out of here. THERE GOES PHILLIP BANKS, THE BIGGEST ASS THAT EVER LIVED. WHAT A DOUCHE. HEH heh HEH heh HEHHEHHEHHHEH Excuse me? You heard me! SAAAAS! I think you should take that back, man. Oh, you do? Yeah. Well, I think you’re a BIg BOYY. Man, you can drop DEeEeAaAad. HEH-EH-HEH HEH HEH HEEH HA HO HA HO HUUUWAAGH Oh my God, he’s God! HAAAAAALEEELUUJAH eh. HEH. heh. Heh WOOOOAAAAAWOOOAAA

How you doin’, baby? Uuuummm, I just feel so guilty, Aunt Viv. I don’t care! I know, Aunt Viv. If I could digidigidigidig. REEER! REEeeEeeEEeer! Yeah, Carlton Banks. That’s B E A E N K E S, no E. HEHEHHEH hee. Hee. hee. Uh, that was a joke, maam. The phone’s dead! WILL! Aw, man, I am NOT a KILLER UUUAAAHH

I’d like to welcome you to the memorial for Carlton. Saying a few words on behalf of the departed will be Phillips. What can you say about Carlton? He was Carlton. At this time, I’d like to invite someone with an especially warm memory of Carlton. Come up here and share it with us. Sex. Did he not feel PAAAaaaAAAiin when he was HUUuuUURrrt? I mean I mean I mean I mean, did he not ♥♥♥♥? Did he not DRERJ? He was only human, but yes, he was chicken and waffles. And I fail to believe that the world can profit from a man’s ♥♥♥♥. Each and every one of you should be really ashamed of yourselves! And who are you? I’m the Dude.

What’s a woman? Woman?

mmMMMmmMMmmm Look, I think I know how to help Will. We’ve gotta attack him. SHISH SHISH SHISH SHISH SHIIIIIIISH. WAAAyaaaYAAAyaaaYAOW WAheowyeoow ow EEEeeeEEE I was minding my DAMN BUSINE s soo DEE FROOO. HAAwoowwaAAWWOWoow I WAS MINDING MY DEE DEE DEEEE DEE DEE my DEE DEE DEEE DE DE my DEE DEE DEEEEE DEE DEE hooooooo. You won’t believe this! Hoyestshishneyshishbeynowin. You’re kidding! Phillip, I wanna kill myself. Would you make me a sandwich? Whoussnosfechich Whoussnofechich whoussnofe Chinese food. I’m gonna zip my pants up. Phillip, no! Dad! How could you say NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS. Haaallleelllaaaall nah nah na-na-nah, to me, heaven has to be, like, a cross between a Dikekike Video, and Chicken and winigish. See, it’s like, I could have a leg in one hand, and a brerb in the other!

Banks Residence. UHHHeeehhUUHHHeeehuuhh aaaaa uuwooouuwwo yaAaaAY. Well what was all that? SNISHKERBOBINSIN SNISHKERBOBINSIN SEEEeeeEEEEEEEeeEEEE! YAAAAAAA-A-A-A-A! ♥♥♥♥♥♥! Will you make me a sandwich?

(Full House Theme)

I’m sorry.

EEEEeeeeEEEE eeeefffeeeee. Li’l Richard! BaaAAAAaaaAAAA haAAAAaaaAAAaa What’s going on out here? I’m living it up, Jeffery-fry-fry-fry-ry-fry-ry-ry. I hope they pay me more than they pay you more than they pay Master William. Oh, seriously Jeffery-fry-fry-fry-ry-fry-ry-ry. You should come get in on this. YAAAYYAAAAYYYAAAYYAA (NUMBERS NUMBERS) GWWAAAA HAAA GAAA HAA GAA CHICKEN. BAWK BAWK CHICKEN. Alright, don’t nobody call me a cow. Ja-ka-ku-ba-su-en-play-ken-bla-gir-win-free. YEEEE EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EEE-EE YES! Daaaaammnn, awh, daaaammmn, awh DAAMMNN! SwooOOoops. OOOoooOoooOOooooOOoOooo

Oh, uh, you’re wasting your time, idiot. LoloololololoLook, lemme tell you boys something about women. NeveEFeveEFeveEF evEFFeveF. Ooweeooweeoowee. Kemme tell you boys something about women. Something about women. Yeah, women is a trip, Uncle Funcle! Let’s say, you accidentally scream out AAAAAH and they jumping all out the back of your CAAaaAArrAAArrarar lell-aarr lell-arr lell-arrarr lell-arr lell-arr lell-arr lell-aahh lell-aarrr arr arrr ar arrr ar arrr ar arrr ar arrr ar arrr ar arrr ar arrr arrr arrrrr ar arrrr ar arrrr ar arrrr ar arrrr. Would you make me a sandwhch? buuUuuUUu. You swindled me! I was planning to use that money on pot. Now if you’l excuuuuusssee me, I’m going to enjoy the one thing you cant swindle from me. Uh, hey, G, will you make me a sandwhich? nooOOooO.

Let’s play Brainstorm! HaaAAAA. Rarr rarr. Hehehehehohohuhuhuh, I can’t BELIEVE you missed that, G! Yeah, even Will could answer that one, and all he reads is

My first short story! Uh, hey, would you make me a sandwich? Your first short story and your first short story in the same ro
Review Showcase
I originally bought this game for the Wii U. It was one of the few games that really made me buy one years ago. I had always loved action games like DMC, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden Black, but this game blew me away with it's unique combat and charm (something I don't think any game has been able to match since). Being able to draw shapes with the Right Stick to create different weapons, change weapons by drawing another shape mid-combo, and all the different moves you can learn really make this one of PlatinumGames best.

The story, characters, music, and world design are some of the most memorable in recent memory and it makes me so happy that this game finally got another shot off of the Wii U. The combat may seem off at first, but it really starts to click once you have all the main Wonderful Ones. You'll have to play through Space Harrier and Punch-Out!! sections, but they are insanely fun changes of pace. If you like any action game, I really hope you try this out. The Wonderful 101 still blows me away to this day and I can't wait to play the Luka missions when they come out.

Hopefully PlatinumGames can get back Astral Chain from Nintendo too
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