
pet.cz の最近のレビュー

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The game design itself seems to be ok. Unfortunately, the game is not working as it suppose to. It could be caused by the used technology (electron).
What a pity 😒
投稿日 2023年8月28日.
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10 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:7.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.2時間)
This is a really neat game with 80 levels of great (not only) physics-based puzzles, which would be great on a PC screen but is absolutely amazing in VR.

It's hard to somehow quantize the difficulty of the puzzles. For me, they seemed to be a bit easier than I'd like them to be, but from time to time a really challenging level appeared and I had to start over and over to find the solution.

The main campaign took me a bit less than 4 hours (in a single session) during which I was completely immersed in the game (I was standing all the time and several times I've found myself trying to lean on the puzzle while thinking.)

I did not try the built-in level editor and custom levels from other players yet. But for me, even the main campaign is definitely worth the money.

Do you like solving puzzle games?
Do you like non-violent VR games?

If yes and/or yes - try this one!
投稿日 2021年1月10日.
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開発元は 2021年1月12日 7時40分 に返答しました (返答を表示)
1 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:4.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.8時間)
Good old game in new graphics! If you ever played the game, this is a must have.
投稿日 2014年1月2日.
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Simplicity, speed, fun. What else to say? If you like fast addicting games, SkyDrift is a good choice.
投稿日 2014年1月1日.
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