7 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 265.1 tuntia
Julkaistu: 11.3.2022 klo 15.29
Muutettu 20.4.2022 klo 15.04.
Tuote saatu ilmaiseksi

complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trash game, en masse/ gameforge debacle, deleted accounts, cash shop that cost 100x the price it should, complete disregard for player's time and commitment, all information is out dated, timed/coined dungeons, money that feels so useless / no consistency between supply/ demand, the price points all seem random all the time kinda like selling an nft (looking at you ultra-mount that sells for 20k and elin underwear (any skimpy elin/castanic) costume sells for 2mil. combat actually sucks when you realize its all inflated numbers where higher numbers = more money put in the game, it'll take you months of grinding to upgrade gear +3 - +6 but you can easily do it with one 30 day voucher that costs $25, and even if you do that, they can still release some new free ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that is better than what you have but it still needs to be upgraded again, hence another money dump or months of grinding to play the game's current content, most of which players are gonna be burnt out on by the time you get there. I don't know, i love tera but for what its worth, its not worth the time or investment to play it.

Edit: it seems that all my predictions have became true. the whale's tits have gone dry and the ocean is draining. Goodbye Tera. ♥♥♥♥ Gameforge, Blue Hole, Enmasse all respectively.
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