Elite Gamer
Supreme Gamer Lord   Niger
Hello my caucasian creation, I hope my creation hasnt fallen to female Japanese cartoon characters, has it?
Featuring ME
HI guys I am MINECRAFTDUDE777 and I liek minecraftso much1!! :steamhappy:
I'am in the CLOUDED9 ACADIMEY ROSTAR TOO!!! :steamhappy:

I liek creepers, but fortnite, normies, and TikTok is bad!!! Everytime i see something fortnite and Ninja, I cringe but then i watch Avengers Endgames and Thanos snap all forgnit players (press F to pay respekt)!!. And i snap all feminist too my favorit feminist REKT video is Feminest REKT COmpilation V84 ft Ben Sharpener!!! I am trustable becus I am very active redditor especlly on /r/dankmemes and /r/memes, I have 5 reddit gold, 25 silver, and tons of updoots and karma!!! Keanu Big Chungus Reeves and Elon Musk are the best people! Im also mod and admin on several miencraft servers My fav yuotubers are MrBeast (need to place 42069 sapplings!) and Corpse husband and stampy!!! I love AmongUs so much (SUS ASF) i have it on mobile and watch Pokimane and is tier 3 sub ($125 Donation Im proud!) !!! WE NEED TO BEAT T SERIES SO SUB TO PEWDEWPIE!!! iam alsO good photoshopper and vid editor if u need anY ediitin HMU!11 Also Check out my funkopop colleciton (im investing 10000 stonks), including alla vengers and BABY YODA OMG!!!! Rick and MortY is the best show ever (dont tell mom or else she grounds me1!!!)!!!

i aM in the CLOUGHeD NINE ACADIMEY ROSTOR so IAM VEREY GOOD (PROOFF I AM IN CLUOIDeD9 GROUP)!11 Liek I siad I am very smart and have good gamesense because myf riend told me so I am very good at CSGO even thogt I have unde r100 hours!~!! People call m e cheeter but all i do i s click on heads and i am have good ayim which i s why peple call me cheatr :steamsalty::steamsalty:!!!1

oK for tradding skins ples send me skins jus t onE wil l be very appReshiated!111 But if traDe skins (chek my inventary) senD me offer first as Im very trustable so u can send me skins so I well pay back soon1!

Setu UPp:
30 Hz 720p TV
Intel CPU
PingChingChongXuashi GPU
500 gb DDR9
School mouse
Applebeees keybored

Sense: 14 at 48 dpi

Silver 0
Silver 1
Sulvr 2
Silveer 3
S iilver IV
Silvar elit
Distenguoshed Silverrr Master
Gold Nover 1

I liek to smok white sugor frum a piep everyda y at 2 aclok
I liek to play miencraf and cs g o



ok so I'd just like to clear something up regarding the accusations being made about me by some of the female members of this group. The accusations regarding my so called "behavior" are untrue and extremely hurtful. To the accusers (you know who you are kitten), a few points for your consideration:
1. Yes I was asking for feet pics in DMs, I will admit to that. Apparently this can come off as inappropriate for some. So I reluctantly apologize for that.
2. The feet pics I was attempting to accumulate from this group were strictly for artistic purposes and NON-♥♥♥♥♥♥ in nature. Ever heard of a non-♥♥♥♥♥♥ foot fetishist?
3. I have almost NEVER taken screenshots of the feet that have been sent to me and/or sent these pics to other people
4. No I have not been making threats to those who choose to ignore my messages & friend requests. Telling someone who has clearly wronged me that there will be consequences for their actions is not a "threat". I consider it more a... life lesson per se. Learn the difference then report back to me. I'll be right here waiting for an apology.
5. And finally, as you can see, I didn't tag any of the women who wronged me in this message, as doing so would not comply with my ethics, but I will always respect one's decision to have their own so called "opinion" no matter how misguided it may be.
As you can tell, my interests lay mainly in the high arts and I can guarantee you that if and when you do decide to step down off your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ throne and accept my humble friend requests (feet pics or not) at the very least you will end up having a very compatible and knowledgeable friend. Hopefully this clears a few things up with the more disgruntled members of the group.

Hello, sorry for sliding into your DMs, if you get what I mean! Hehe, no but seriously, I don't mean to disturb you but recently I noticed you posted a selfie and I'm pretty sure you're a girl. Not only are you a girl but in the said selfie, you also showed some of your arms, including your elbow. I'm not sure whether you did this on purpose, and I truly want to apologise for this message if it wasn't intended to be "hot" in this way, but I really want to lick your elbow. No offence, but your elbow is incredibly ♥♥♥♥ and it does things to me. Since I saw that picture of you, I've not been able to take my mind off that picture - honestly, it's played havoc with my homework as I've not been able to work with the images of me licking your elbow in my mind. It's just something I need, you know. Again, sorry if you weren't intending to be "hot" with that picture, but I really need it. I just need to have my tongue slowly sliding up that elbow of yours, feeling the minuscule hairs brush against the grooves in my burnt tongue. Oh, I forgot to mention, I burnt my tongue - I was too busy focusing on your elbow whilst eating and I forgot that the food was in the middle of burning my tongue away as I shoved it into my mouth without checking how hot it was... but you know, it's not as hot as your elbow, hehe! I'm sorry... I just had to. Anyway, I really do apologise if I've creeped you out with this message, it wasn't the intention, I just really want to lick your juicy elbow.
Dairy 22 Nov 2024 @ 9:42pm 
see this guy cross the street
yubao 17 Nov 2024 @ 5:54am 
-rep wall
LV- 13 Nov 2024 @ 2:34am 
storm 25 Okt 2024 @ 10:59pm 
this guys terrible at cs
amp 23 Okt 2024 @ 12:10am 
something nice
Grim Reaper 15 Okt 2024 @ 4:37am 
hacking ♥♥♥♥♥