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Опубликовано: 9 авг. 2024 г. в 23:46
Обновлено: 10 авг. 2024 г. в 0:02

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Ответ разработчика:
Ubi-oof  [разработчик] Опубликовано: 10 авг. 2024 г. в 9:07
Hey shatteredsword! Issues with progress not saving are the worst and I am very sorry that you ran into this with Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. I want to help with sorting this problem out and maybe collect some bonus info on what happened on you.

First you should check out this FAQ article from Ubisoft[ubi.li]on how to restore save files. Depending on what caused the issue, the listed steps might solve the problem right away, so it's worth looking at.

If you're unable to restore with those instructions, and this issue continues to occur, please follow up with our teams by creating a new support case on the Ubisoft website[www.ubisoft.com]and including these requests with the issue description:

- When did you notice the save function was not working? (During gameplay, after you closed the game, after the game crashed, etc.)
- Are you getting any error codes or messages at all?
- Can you recall if previous saves worked before this issue started occurring?
- If you interact with the Wak-wak tree, progress further, then try interacting with a Wak-wak tree again, does that make any difference? Or does this happen consistently every time you try?
- Are you playing on PC or Steam Deck?
- Are you utilizing cross-progression at all?
- Any footage from your gameplay that shows this happening would be great

Once that's done, our teams will be able to review everything and then follow up with you directly. Thank you so much for your help, I truly appreciate it!
Комментариев: 6
shatteredsword 11 авг. 2024 г. в 21:54 
Right because Denuvo is such a fantastic DRM system that has never been cracked before. 🤣usually the cracked version ends up running smoother anyway (and supports offline mode)
10 авг. 2024 г. в 18:53 
A gamer simply wants to play the game and everything should work smoothly.

Going to a FAQ and reading an article to restore 30 minutes of game time is the last thing we want to do.
junkhead 10 авг. 2024 г. в 6:49 
Exactly we need to spread this mindset so spineless gamers can wake the f up
Gnerus 10 авг. 2024 г. в 2:56 
@lumbie you play persona you fuckin goof
Harley 10 авг. 2024 г. в 2:31 
Game has Denuvo so good luck with that
lumbie 10 авг. 2024 г. в 1:26 
255 hours on ow2