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Évaluations récentes de TalkSickAF

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84.2 h en tout (78.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Game's great. Sony isn't. Arrowhead isn't. Uninstalling until we're treated like valued customers again, and judging by Sony's track record and AH going through with getting rid of the 177 countries? I'm retiring to civilian life for good. It was fun serving with y'all.
Évaluation publiée le 5 mai 2024. Dernière modification le 13 mai 2024.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
4.9 h en tout
This game was incredible. From top to bottom (literally) you're engrossed in a beautiful environment. The way you navigate the environment is immersive. There's a thicc measure of lore in the game that makes you want to keep exploring the world and to know more about the history.

And for you horror masochists: I changed my pants twice during my play-through.
Évaluation publiée le 21 février 2022.
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381.1 h en tout (23.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Just... Just yes. All of the Yes.
Évaluation publiée le 14 janvier 2022.
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655.0 h en tout (37.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Start with ♥♥♥♥:

The developers are feeling the burn of having poor console ports, but the PC experience (master race btw) is fairly tolerable in terms of bugs and playability. The way their PR/Marketing teams handled business was dirty and stank of dishonesty for the audience--Not exactly gameplay-related, but a flaw attached to this game that suckered people into buying it. While there's nothing that's inherently "game-breaking", there are some times where you have to backtrack a few footsteps at times to get your objective to update. The soundtrack, while fairly standard for a game of this nature, is very bland due to lack of variability in genre--You either get poppy sensations, more poppy sensations, or outright metal. I'm not big of the "spawning" mechanisms (I don't know the technical terminology for this) for vehicles and pedestrians, which makes it hard to stay immersed in the game. I want to chalk it up to bugs, but perhaps it's more how the mechanisms dictating vehicle/NPC behavior were established--Perhaps both! Who knows? The biggest flaw to me, however, is the lack of responsiveness of some of the inputs. I'll have to press "T" (by default) multiple times to bring up my character's phone contacts, just as an example, but maybe others might experience a more responsive UI.


Now onto pros:

Graphically impressive. I feel absolutely immersed when things are running-as-intended. The soundtrack lacks variability, BUT the selection of music in-game are jams I personally rock to on my own time anyway. The voice-acting is top-tier, ESPECIALLY the "ironic" characters. While the main campaign story is more or less fairly generic for this genre, CB2077 demonstrates that you CAN be cliche so long as the execution is done well, and the writers behind this game did so very well--Not flawless, but it's clean. The side-jobs aren't a pain in the backside (as with most other games) and are usually over quickly, so you can go ahead and get the job done to move onto the next objective without feeling inconvenienced. The player-character is easy to control and driving in this game is just challenging enough without making it a drag.


Additional notation:

I commend the team behind CB2077 for being so ambitious. GTA + Dying Light is a great blending of two games. The ambitiousness of the game along is enough to give it another point in my "final score" - They tried things that no other studio was willing to take on, and balls like that are commendable on anyone.


Final score: It's "above average", but the overall execution was flawed in its own ways that prevented the game from being "great" (barring updates/bug fixes). Still, I recommend this game to people who are curious about it, even at full price, and are fans of the genre. People who play games like CB2077 might want to wait for a deal, but I don't sign anyone's paychecks, so do as you will and proceed cautiously.

Évaluation publiée le 16 décembre 2020.
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128.3 h en tout (31.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Dope. Best experience I've ever had with a FPS. The graphics are stellar and there's plenty of different ways to play competitively.
Évaluation publiée le 25 mars 2020.
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