nickies 20 dec 2023 om 23:43 
+rep sexy voice and large penis
A N T O 23 apr 2023 om 13:38 
A N T O 27 mrt 2023 om 12:56 
imi place profilul tau gion dar vreau sa iti prezint o reteta de Kurtos Kolac.Intr-un castronel pregatiti maiaua din drojdie, o lingura de zahar si putin lapte caldut din cei 250 ml. Lasati acoperit pentru cca. 10 minute. Aluatul l-am pregatit la masina de paine si am pus mai intai laptele, zaharul, sarea, aromele, uleiul, maiaua, iar la sfarsit, faina. Am folosit un program de framantare scurt, de doar 15 minute, dupa care am lasat aluatul la dospit, cca. o ora, timp in care m-am acupat de invelirea borcanelor in foaie de copt. Cand aluatul a crescut frumos, se rastoarna pe blatul de lucru, usor infainat. Se imparte in patru parti egale. Ce nu lucrati inca, acoperiti cu un prosop, sa nu se usuce. Se intinde coca in forma de snur, ceva mai groasa decat un deget. Se infasoara snurul ca in imagine, iar capetele se introduc sub aluat. Se pensuleaza cu unt topit. Se presara zahar tos, apoi se roluiesc pe faie ce copt, ca zaharul sa intre in aluat. Bagi la cuptor si e gata
kodac 3 mrt 2023 om 11:05 
Robby 2 feb 2022 om 10:17 
+rep Amazing Tactics 👌
+rep Sign my profile 💜
+rep Killing Machine 😈
+rep Epic Comeback 👏
+rep Top Player 🔝
+rep nice profile 💜
+rep Friendly Person ✌
+rep Insane Skills 👌
+rep Great Teammate 🎮
+rep Nice Inventory 😍
+rep Great Player 💛
+rep Thanks For Carry 👍
+rep sign me pls 💛
+rep fast trader 😃
+rep Killing Machine 😈
+rep AWP GOD 💢
+rep kind person
+rep Friendly
+rep Thanks For Carry 👍
+rep insane play in gwyf
+rep nice profile 💜
+rep add me pls
+rep very nice and non-toxic player
A N T O 12 okt 2021 om 12:31 
+rep joaca bine cand intra maica-sa in camera
r1d3R 19 jun 2021 om 5:38 
signed by r1d3r !
ム L e v i 14 jun 2021 om 14:53 
+rep Tupac is still alive
✪ Moshailov 14 jun 2021 om 14:52 
Signed by kenny from pucioasa🥰
PashaTriceps 14 jun 2021 om 14:49 
signed by Pasha
SAVAGE 12 jun 2021 om 5:30 
Signed by SAVAGE .
Ciocardău 9 mei 2021 om 12:05 
er$ 23 apr 2021 om 16:47 
signed by ERSIN
adeX 22 apr 2021 om 7:51 
signed by adeX-
Edw1M- 21 apr 2021 om 15:09 
Signed by Edw1m-
zrkkkkkk 19 apr 2021 om 14:04 
signed by -zrkk
sween1 19 apr 2021 om 8:03 
signed by sween1
never recover 19 apr 2021 om 7:00 
flvsh :flashoflightning:
dan7 18 apr 2021 om 15:58 
signed by dan7
swiiffter 18 apr 2021 om 15:17 
signed by swiiffter
da don 16 apr 2021 om 7:22 
signed by shaDow.
SAVAGE 16 apr 2021 om 4:44 
Signed by SAVAGE .
SuatE ㊌ 15 apr 2021 om 14:46 
+rep good player, good music taste
DYLAZ 15 apr 2021 om 10:06 
signed by dyla.✅
Shaoo 13 apr 2021 om 10:37 
Signed By Shaooooo
MoDo 13 apr 2021 om 5:22 
Signed by Modo <3
Muffinhug 12 apr 2021 om 14:26 
+rep fun guy
NoXera 12 apr 2021 om 8:34 
signed by NoXera <3
kiki 9 apr 2021 om 10:42 
+rep sexy boy
xDmG*Pack^ 9 apr 2021 om 10:18 

OoQuu288 9 apr 2021 om 10:11 
starplajerz 8 apr 2021 om 5:19 
EffectiveOffecres 8 apr 2021 om 4:18 
signed by adron :Frieza:
mateuszekBANKOMAT 7 apr 2021 om 13:22 
+rep nice teammate
ROBER 12 mrt 2021 om 12:20 
1'H =D 7 mrt 2021 om 19:35 
Signed by 1nHuman !_!
ρσιzση 3 mrt 2021 om 13:27 
A N T O 3 mrt 2021 om 13:13 
# MAVERIK. 3 mrt 2021 om 13:11 
+rep la bajat :D
fio ⭕⃤ 3 mrt 2021 om 12:55 
AGAalex 3 mrt 2021 om 12:47 
Emmaa♥ 3 mrt 2021 om 11:01 
Santiago. ****.LEAGUECS.RO 3 mrt 2021 om 10:53 
+repp bolenciaga
eazy 3 mrt 2021 om 10:52 
hunt3r 27 feb 2021 om 6:41 
+rep chealadau omu dar joaca bine cs :D
B-zone.ro/SUNCA 23 feb 2021 om 13:52 
─────▄ █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌
───▄▄██▌█ ░░░CAMIONUL CU SLĂBANI░░▐
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ ░░░░ÎMBARCAREA ░░░░░░░░▐
▀(@)▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀(@) (@)▀▀
Robby 16 feb 2021 om 7:34 
<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - +rep +rep +rep
markk 15 feb 2021 om 12:26 
markk :kill:
watch my 9mm go bang 6 feb 2021 om 3:06 