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Son iki haftada 0.0 saat / kayıtlarda 78.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 50.6 saat)
Yayınlanma: 25 Haz 2016 @ 17:30
Güncellenme: 30 Haz 2016 @ 23:30

This is the best Dark Souls game the world ever seen, exclusively recommended for Veteran Players only !!

I have finsihed this game on ps3 at NGmax lvl 624 and i will pay and play again on pc sotfs dx11 edition cuz this game is the only real dark souls game!!
Pros (for veterans): Much Harder and much Bigger than Dark Souls 3 and DS1

Cons (for noobs): If you think that you are dark souls 3 veteran and you shall finish ds2 the same way, i must warn you that you were at kids army so long and simply... you are not Preapared for DS2!
So go back to DS3 if you are not ready to cry.. and simply don't try this at home!!

Advice (for beginners): Put fast some vaseline around your anus and instantly take the baptism of DS2!!
Overall: 12/10
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