#.nikoF's BTC⇄Keys
This bot automatically buys and sells csgo keys via Bitcoins.
Please add this bot before making any transactions.
:Shield_ww: My Owner is: nikof. | :Shield_ww: Owner's Cash Rep
Currently Offline
Welcome to nikoF's BTC⇄Keys!
:Shield_ww:Hello I am just an automated bot for buying and selling keys via Bitcoins.
Please contact nikof for any issues with bot.
Please do not post on the owner's cashrep if you are dealing with bot!

:Shield_ww: Current prices:
Buying keys for: $1.79 *
Selling keys for: $1.84
Current BTC rate: $8145.92
Last update: Fri, 09 Feb 2018 09:10:28 GMT

* Prices for CS:GO Case Key,eSports Key are $0.08 lower

:Shield_ww:How to sell keys to me:
1) Add me as a friend
2) Type sell [amount_of_keys] and I will tell you how much BTC will you receive for specified amount of keys
3) Send me trade offer with the keys you wish to sell with your bitcoin address in the trade offer message
4) After the offer is accepted, bot will send bitcoins to your wallet

:Shield_ww:How to buy keys from me:
1) Add me as a friend
2) Type buy [amount_of_keys] and I will tell you the current price for specified keys
3) Please deposit the specified amount of Bitcoins to your deposit wallet
4) After your balance is confirmed, feel free to send me trade offer and bot will automatically accept

NOTE: It's recommended to deposit slightly more BTC as rate always changes and you may not have enough until it gets 1 confirmation. Also, if your offer went unavailable, feel free to resend. If you wish to withdraw your unused funds from your wallet, type withdraw [address] [amount].

:Shield_ww:If the Bot does not respond to you after you sent the offer:
Sometimes Steam servers are delayed or down and can't deliver trades. If that happened, simply cancel the trade and resend the offer. Please check https://steamstat.us/ for checking any issues with the Steam network.

:Shield_ww:Chat commands:
rate - checks the current BTC/USD rate
prices - shows current buying and selling price
balance - shows your current BTC balance
buy - shows instruction how to buy keys
sell - shows instruction how to sell keys
buy [amount] - shows price for specified amount of keys
sell [amount] - shows how much bot pays for specified amount of keys
withdraw [address] [amount] - withdraws BTC from your balance on bot
help - FAQ
support - request to chat with the owner of the bot (must be online)
Favorite Group
nikoF's Automated Bots - Public Group
24/7 BTC⇄keys Bot. Offering competitive prices!
In Chat
R0CKY 28 May, 2017 @ 10:52pm 
Great. Love your keys.
.nikoF` 11 Apr, 2017 @ 12:50pm 
Hello, I'm the owner of this bot. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.