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Diposting: 6 Feb 2018 @ 6:46pm
Diperbarui: 20 Nov 2018 @ 12:21pm

This game definitely was worth the wait... but the levels in the game, not so much. The mechanics showcased in the game are plentiful and give you a lot of opportunities when it comes to level design, but the built-in levels suffer a major drop in quality past level 150. Play however many of the maingame levels you'd like, then download some additional levelsets from the workshop and/or CCZone[], the largest-standing Chip's Challenge community there is left.

Also, you can get this game and the other Chip's Challenge-related content (Steam CC1 and the CC2 Editor DLC) for no increase in price if you purchase the Chip's Challenge 1 & 2 Bundle.
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1 Komentar
Ashley 3 Okt 2024 @ 5:09pm 
Oof, that's rough. I've heard good things about the workshop levels, I'll def check them out. Kinda sucks that the default ones drop off tho.