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11.9 hrs on record
Genuinly hope there will be turn into a series of games where the story of Captain Rydek continiues.
The game is very low budget (in many, many ways) but the storytelling is really good and stays true to the Star Trek lore and feel. The good weighs more then the bad but I hope that future installations will up the graphical and gameplay quality.
Posted 17 August, 2024.
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33.4 hrs on record
This might be one of my favorite games from "Hosted Games", I'm also a great fan of the Fallen Hero games, as such I do admit I really love when these games dare to be dark and have a much more serious tone then a lot of other games from this franchise.
If you're a fan of medival warfare, a dark story with a main character suffering from a lot of psycological issues due to said warfare, there is no glorification of war here, then this game is for you.
Posted 3 August, 2023.
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147.6 hrs on record (57.2 hrs at review time)
Riktigt kul och välskrivet spel med tungt fokus på rollspel och politik. Gillar framförallt att spelets beskriving av olika ideologier (i detta spelet med säregna namn) visas från en neutral synvinkel, det finns ingen tydlig Ond eller God, mycket är en gråzon, vilket det ofta är i politiken i verkliga livet.

Har spelat det några gånger nu och det är både underhållande och många fall även svårt att nå de mål man vill, hade önskat att det fanns en möjlighet att börja om från början av varje kapitel, istället för att behöva starta om hela spelet från första början.

Kan rekomendera till alla som har en förkärlek till rollspel och politik!
Posted 28 February, 2023.
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85.9 hrs on record (21.8 hrs at review time)
Amazing, just Amazing! A perfect sequel to the previouse game. The game felt.. unusually short, seeing as how it's over a million word story, but there are a lot of choices to make in this story and the author has most likely branched those choices out a lot throughout the story. Lots or replayability value, gonna replay it again and see where the other choices takes me.

Cant wait for the third game, hopefully it wont take as long, but then again, I can wait if it's needed.
Posted 5 February, 2023.
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153.0 hrs on record (115.0 hrs at review time)
This might just be the best game I've ever played.. I don't know what else to say..
Posted 28 December, 2021.
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195.7 hrs on record (134.8 hrs at review time)
Love it, a Great story, filled with interesting characters. I only wish they had spent as much time refining the "Crusade management"! In Kingmaker this was called the "Kingdom Management" and was where you get to make decisions concerning your Kingdom/Duchy, etc, whatever you wish to call it. In Kingmaker these options had a big effect on the gameplay, world and the storytelling, but here in WotR they don't really do much other then granting you access to diferent troops, which seems like a pretty big let-down considering how much this game in other ways has been improved and refined compared to Kingmaker.

A great second game anyway after Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Can't wait for a third installment that can hopefully surpass both previouse games! I would gladly recomend this game to anyone who likes RPG-games, especily if they are fans of classic RPGs.
Posted 27 October, 2021. Last edited 27 October, 2021.
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219.0 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
For the most part a good game with lots of potential, but the game's interface is far to big and clunky compared to CK2, which does become a real bother after playing for a while, and you often end up clicking on things by misstake with is really frustrating.

In terms of features then CK3 is a pretty big downgrade compared to CK2, for now I recomend keep playing CK2 and wait until more features has been added to CK3.. and they've hopefully scaled down that huge interface/hud/GUI, making the game play a bit smoother and less frustrating.
Posted 31 December, 2020.
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9.5 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Great story, the options given feel meaningful and has consequences, a great story-based RPG
Posted 4 October, 2020.
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21.9 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
One of the best games i've ever played! And it dosent even have graphics! The story is amazing and you're given so many choices that the game has a lot of replayablility. Warmly recomend this to anyone who likes roleplaying games!
The game will however be pretty hard to understand if you have not played the earlier games in the series, there is so much lore!

Love it, recomend it to anyone into roleplaying games!
Posted 5 September, 2019.
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289.2 hrs on record (136.0 hrs at review time)
I would like to first start off by saying that i haven't finished the game yet, but i feel like i have recived enough of an impression to leave a good enough comment about it.

The game shows a lot of promise, it is very fun with an interesting World and Lore to explore, many different and equally interesting characters to interact with. The main story is very interesting and fun to follow and there are also a lot of interesting side-quests, pretty much none of them feel booring and tediouse (except maybe a couple of them).

Now to the bad parts.. As much as this game shows a hell of a lot of promise, it is littered with bugs, big and small alike. Most of the ones i have encounterd so far has been minor (negative buffs that dosent go away despite using the correct counter-messures) but they in time went away by themselves, they where bareable at least. That is untill recently, one of the main characters that i Must converse with froze up, making me unable to interact with them, i reloaded an older save and tried again, same results even after multiple tries. Having a quicl look in the forum shows i am not alone in finding quite a lot of bugs.

Finally, as stated, the game shows a lot of progress, it is a really fun game, but it needs A Lot of polish, the developers needs to iron out the bugs, in all due honesty, the game should not even hae been released yet, the bugs i (and many others) have encountered is something that should have been taken care off while in BETA.

To anyone who enjoys RPG:s off the good ol classic style, this game is for you, but please, try to wait a couple of months before you play/buy it, let the devs iron out the bugs and then give it a try!
Posted 3 December, 2018.
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