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Скорошни рецензии на MikeReverb1

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428.0 изиграни часа (84.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
We sat by a hangar and planned how to get out alive.

The sniper had the patience of a saint, a saint with a Mosin trained on the corner of that hangar, waiting for a single hair to pop out.

"Let's flank him!" one of my friends suggested. That would be a difficult task given teh airfield was huge, and moving from that spot would mean exposing ourselves for stretches of time.

But the wall behind us. Oh, she was beautiful cover.

We sprinted to the wall and ran to the other side; two shots rang out, both thankfully hollow and untrue. My two friends and I began crouch/walking east, towards the barracks, towards more cover . . . towards some more weapons to defend ourselves and to find a way around to the treeline.

The treeline where the sniper waited.

This is emergent gameplay, folks. No scripts, no Quick Time Events or invisible walls you have to be aware of. You make your story, you act to survive, and you live with the consequences.

The game is early alpha and buggy, but the experiences you can have by running into a bandit sniper, a helpful hero, or a crazy naked boxer? As smooth as any gaming experience. I play regularly with my viewers on my Stream http://twitch.tv/mikereverb1, and we have a great time creating our own stories.

Buy this game, and let's play, shall we?
Публикувана 25 януари 2014. Последно редактирана 25 януари 2014.
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320 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
2 души намериха тази рецензия за забавна
34.8 изиграни часа (17.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Beautiful, sophisticated, yet brutal. Yes, like your new girlfriend, Risk of Rain is a ball of wonderment and pain.

In this rogue-like platformer, you run around each level trying to find a teleporter. Meanwhile, enemies spawn randomly; killing them gives you gold with which you can open containers with upgrades for your character. Once you find a teleporter, you fight a boss and ultimately move on to the next level.

The catch? The longer you play, the tougher the enemies become! So speed is of the essence as well as quick reflexes and mob management.

The artstyle for this game is pixel based, and it's wonderful how much character these little sprites have! The tiny animations are smooth, and watching an enemy explode into blocks of meat chunks is satisfying.

The music is also fantastic; it's a hauntin track that sounds like a dubstep/trance hybrid one moment and a thumping bass the next.

And the gameplay: oh boy, is this game tough! But you come out of it a better man (or woman) with blistered fingers and a beard on her knuckles (that goes for the women too).

So this game comes highly recommended! There are a lot of achievements/unlockables including new items and classes, so the replay value is truly up there. Do yourself a favor and pick up Risk of Rain!
Публикувана 4 януари 2014.
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