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Скорошни рецензии на SadetheLej

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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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269.5 изиграни часа (52.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
I was looting a town near berezino , while i saw a guy in his underwears running towards me . I said its ok dont worry i am friendly , what are you doing here without any gear ? He said to me that some bandits killed him near berez and he wanted to die and spawn at berez so he could take revenge. I said I wont kill you I am not a bandit and that berez is like 5 mins away from here. He said ok i will walk , thank you. I climed on a rooftop and watched him running to berez , then put my scope on , pulled the trigger and killed a zombie behind him. He started running back to me screaming "JUST LET ME DIE JUST LET ME DIE" . I put a bullet to his head. 3 mins later 5 guys walk to me , asking why I killed their crazy brother. I woke up with my underwears and with handcuffs , looking at a banana and a kiwi , they asked me to choose . They forced feeded me , the banana I asked , then realized that the food was rooten. 11/10 would eat rooten banana again.
Публикувана 10 септември 2014.
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