
Lord Touch Me 最近的评测

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总时数 1,473.2 小时 (评测时 119.4 小时)
Настав час відредагувати мою рецензію і, так, тепер вона позитивна (хоча й з обмовками).

Якщо коротко, то ця гра має унікальний та, скажу відверто, божественний візуальний стиль. Жодна гра на ринку не дає те унікальне поєднання магії та sci-fi, що є в Destiny. Розробники схопили блискавку в пляшку, коли створили цей світ з його космічними лицарями, що дезинтегрують монстрів та інших ворогів людства вогнем, мечем та кулеметом. Також в наявності прекрасний саундтрек та один з найкращих шутерних ігроладів взагалі. Лутерний аспект теж не підводить і гра буде пропонувати широке коло крутих штук з яких хочеться постріляти, які хочеться на себе вдягнути чи на яких хочеться поїздити.

Нажаль, гра не є дуже привітною для новачків і я наполегливо рекомендую одразу відшукати клан в якому вам би допомогли ознайомитись з грою та її системами. Тим паче, що це в першу чергу кооперативний шутер і найвеселіше його грати саме в компанії. Можете написати безпосередньо мені і я дам вам посилання нашого клану, якщо є така потреба.

Є й інші нюанси. Destiny це найкращий PvE шутер на ринку з моделлю Live-service. Можна навіть сказати, що це єдина гра якій після років проблем та пертурбацій вдалося знайти спосіб безперестанно додавати новий контент в гру, включно з постійно прогресуючим сюжетом. Вдалося настільки, що іноді навіть здається що справ які можна робити аж забагато. В цьому ж певно і є одна з найбільших проблем цієї гри.
Якщо ви втягуєтесь в неї, то постійні апдейти та невичерпний перелік штук які хочеться зробити й отримати може залишити дуже мало вільного часу для того, щоб витрачати той час на щось інше.

Є й інші проблеми, але я не буду розтікатися думкою по екрану. Одним з секретів успішності цього live-service є саме гнучкий підхід Bungie у їх вирішенні. Гра постійно змінюється і розробники докладають зусиль для того щоб гравці були задоволені, а ті проблеми вирішувались. Можливо не одразу, але поступово необхідні зміни додаються.

Як мінімум, Destiny можна спробувати. Цінник на нові доповнення та сезонні перепустки є доволі кусючим, але на мою думку це компенсується можливістю грати цю гру буквально весь рік та постійно отримувати новий контент.
发布于 2019 年 10 月 1 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 11 月 27 日。
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总时数 2.3 小时
This game is so much more than orthodox story-telling instruments like movies or books can be. It shows the potential of games, proving once again they are capable of going not only beyond simple shooters or whatever, but even beyond any other kind of art.

Maybe I'm just overreacting, writing this right after I finished the game. But What remains of Edith Finch left that kind of impression on me.
It's a masterpiece.
发布于 2019 年 2 月 6 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 2 月 6 日。
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总时数 2.9 小时
The visuals are stunning, the music is mesmerizing and the game itself is very light and relaxing. Simply beautiful and a joy to behold.

P.S. It's also very short, but still leaves a mark. A gorgeous statement on the beauty, frailty and, at the same time, power of nature.
发布于 2019 年 2 月 5 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 2 月 6 日。
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总时数 28.4 小时 (评测时 27.2 小时)
So, online is pretty much dead by this point, but still I did not regret spending my money on this.
The story mode is very different compared to other huge titles like Tekken or MK/Injustice. It doesn't have flashy cutscenes and stuff like that, but in terms of gameplay it offers much more. The best way to describe it is a text quest with limited choice opportunities that moderately affect some part of the story mixed with basic RPG elements and classic fighting battles. You get to create your own character and embark on a huge and pretty lengthy journey. It took me 16 hours total to beat all the side quests and the main story line with the epilogue chapters. The character creation is amazing and by the end of the game I polished my character to look like a total badass. Difficulty progression is great and you really have time and on-point challenges to hone your skills and master one particular weapon style (though AI becomes pretty cheap closer to the end it's still fun and beatable). There are a lot of different modifiers to keep you entertained during different fights and the gameplay overall is really fun. The story itself is pretty chessy, especially in the beginning, but it gets only better and by the time I beat it I found myself wanting more. You get to meet mostly all of OG characters and get to know a little bit of their background and story. In the end, to my honest surprise, I liked the story mode a lot and I think it offers a unique and fun experience.
Then you have kind of a classic arcade mode where you get to play as the OG characters, but in this game it is much more polished. You have big timeline and see when different character chapters take place. Every single chapter has a comics-style cutscene and overall it's really good and comprehensive.
Getting through all of it will take you about 25-30 hours. I think 25 hours of unique single-player experience is really good for a fighting game. Personally, I found myself wanting to do a second playthrough what I'm actually doing right now.
I'm not a fighting game expert, but I surely can say the core gameplay is unique. It is in some places much more simple and you can get into it right away. When I invited my friend to play some matches we had real fun even though he never touched Soul Calibur series before, so it's really casual friendly. On the other hand, it has some really deep mechanics that you get to learn really well during the lengthy story-mode I mentioned before.
Can't say anything about multiplayer as it's really low populated right now, but you can search some videos on YouTube and see how hilarious custom character battles get.
Overall, if you're looking for a solid single-player experience in a fighting game I can totally recommend Soul Calibur 6. If you want to play online it's probably better to get something else (or get it on PS4). Even Guilty Gear Xrd has more healthy online than this game from my experience. Still, this game is really good and satisfied me much more than crippled Injustice 2 single-player experience.
发布于 2019 年 2 月 1 日。
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总时数 14.7 小时
This is one of those cases of both form and matter being absolutely amazing.
Celeste was a complete surprise for me as I learned about it right on the day of the release. It looked interesting so I decided to buy it back then. And boy was it an excellent decision.

First let's talk about form.
Design. This game can be beautiful. At first it seems like an odd decision to use pixel art in this game, but thanks to the amazing work of artist and animators the game feels more alive than many other games on the market.
Also, music.
God, I love good soundtracks in games. Music helps to build atmosphere and combined with gameplay creates what you call an experience.
Lena Raine created one of the most haunting and compelling soundtracks in the industry. It continues to surprise me how many talants are still to be discovered and how good game soundtracks can be.

Now we move to the matter.
I can describe the genre of the game as hardcore platformer. It's like Super Meat Boy and I'm sure you all know what this means.
Nevertheless, developers managed to create top-notch gameplay and level design that in my opinion surpasses what Ed McMillen did in SMB.
The controls are simple, but tight and responsive. Your ability pool consists of just a simple dash, but the amount of mechanics used with it is massive and the gameplay always feels fresh because of it. All the levels are different in design and are filled with interesting puzzles to solve.
And the story. This is kind of strange, but this game, a 2D platformer, actually tells a compelling story. And not just any story, but really sincere and relatable one, filled with great characters and memorable moments.

Everything combined created an incredible experience.
Celeste is an exemplary indi-game and my favorite hardcore platformer.

Oh, I almost forgot to say. The amount of content in Celeste is just shamelessly enormous. You got things to do after you beat the main story. You get new things to do after that. And more things after that. And more things after that.
And don't be fooled this game can be really hard sometimes even in the main story and more so after that.
发布于 2018 年 3 月 18 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 3 月 18 日。
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总时数 19.8 小时
It may not have such a flashy campaign as Injustice 2, but as a fighting game it's above and beyond that. Microtransactions are a bit of a bummer, but customization is not why you come into Street Fighter. Here you get good. It's a game about getting good.
Tekken is still better imo, but it's a great fighting game if you like aesthetics and ready for some hardcore training before going into multiplayer.
发布于 2018 年 2 月 27 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 12 月 17 日。
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总时数 42.7 小时
OK, earlier here was a giant rant on how bad this game is.

I've managed to fix some of the problems like the multiverse throttling, but I still can not recommend this game.

Props: the story is visually impressive and makes more sense than 90% of the DC movies. That's a real plus.

Cons: LOOTBOXES. Here, let me type it again if you missed that. This game has LOOTBOXES. LOOTBOXES are just bad. You don't have to do challenges or achieve anything in this game to earn customization options and abilities. Those days are gone (for now at least). Just prey to RNJesus when opening your hard earned casino-boxes.
Leveling your character up is a chore. Earning LOOTBOXES to get the stuff you need is a big chore. Opening them is a giant chore. Don't even bother.

And you can't customize outfits for the second character in local versus. Wanted to have some fun with your friends while rocking cool outfits you picked yourselves? Well, too effing bad! This game wasn't meant to be enjoyed with friends. Here, complete this hourly multiverse to get a DIAMOND LOOTBOX! Now that's what we call fun!

It ended up being a rant again but whatever. This game is a mess. Better save your money for the MK 11 (which promises to be good) or buy any other fighting game there is. Like, Guilty Gear Xrd, Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6 or even MK XL or MK 9. Any of those are much better than this game.

P.S. If you have problems with your internet connection don't even think about buying this one. The only modes available in offline mode is story and simple versus battles. Can't even do the arcade ladder. It's an embarrassment to the fighting game genre, what a mess.
发布于 2018 年 2 月 21 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 2 月 6 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 7.9 小时
Bravo, Ninja Theory. What a piece of art.
Hellblade is an extremely compelling experience and a really well-done game.
Visual and art design is stunning, sound is as immersive as it could possibly be and story despite being simple at its core is really well written and even mind-boggling because of how it is served and executed.
Swordfights despite being simple are tight and very enjoyable as well.
But what I like about this game the most is how developers went for a risk and made something NEW. Not just another 3rd person hack&slash, but a journey into the mind poisoned by psychosis. And as I said, it's unbelievably compelling.
And also it costs twice less than a usual AAA-game, despite being twice better than any of those glorified AAA-titles of the last years.
First of all, I recommend you to buy this game and support Ninja Theory. Hellblade is 100% worth its money and more.
Then, after its completion, I recommend you to watch "Hellblade's features" movie which you can find in the main menu.
It gives you a whole new level of insight into what was going on in the game and makes one really appreciate how much work, effort and passion developers have put into the game.
Again, in the age of loot boxes and microtransactions, I want to thank NInja Theory once more. Hellblade proves that games are not only genuine works of art, but they are able to exceed and go beyond what cinema, books or other arts could achieve.
发布于 2018 年 2 月 20 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 45.4 小时 (评测时 13.8 小时)
I've finished Skyrim twice before and just purchased Special Edition on Steam. Was about to play a couple of hours and ended up playing it 12 hours in a row.
Yup, this game is still good. Totally recommend.
发布于 2018 年 1 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 1 月 26 日。
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总时数 39.4 小时 (评测时 25.9 小时)
Perfect fighting game.
Tight and intuitive controls, great special effects, amazing soundtrack and cinematic slow-mo finishers. The game never feels like you've been cheated in a fight and every battle is unique, tense and rewarding.
My father always told me that all things are known by comparison.
And since you are reading this review, you are probably wondering. Is it better than Injustice 2?
And the answer is 100% YES.
Well, the story is the only thing that Injustice does more consistent and kinda better because of that.
Still, while Tekken's story mode has some horrific English voice acting, none of the Injustice story fights felt as epic and emotional as the final Tekken battle.
Okay, also Injustice has slightly better graphics, but I assure you, both games look fantastic. And in my opinion Tekken fights are way more enjoyable to watch, but that's a matter of taste.
In all the other aspects Tekken is objectively much better.
Customization is not that grindy as in Injustice and doesn't become a chore.
While playing Treasure Hunt in Tekken you sweep through opponents quickly with almost no loading screens and get rewarded after each battle won, while in Injustice's Multiverse it takes a while to find the planet that fits your level and requirements, then with each new fight you will have to wait while the game loads back and forth, then you'll have your reward in the end and proceed to completelly different menu to open your stupid loot boxes which also takes a while. Also, Tekken has smooth difficulty progression while you are ranking up, while Injustice can be:
1 - too easy
2 - ridiculously difficult
And there is no middle in between.
In the end, Injustice's single player is just much slower and more boring in my opinion. It is also way too grindy as you can dump tens of hours into the game just to fully upgrade and gear up one character in Injustice 2. In Tekken your progression feels much more natural due to the ranks system and you are always generously rewarded to buy all the things you want in a reasonable amount of time.
What I find really disappointing about actual character customization in Injustice is that 2nd player in offline versus can't choose outfits that you made. While there is no such issue in Tekken. And there are no reasons such issue should exist in the first place.
The second big thing that Tekken does better is multiplayer and the gameplay itself.
Right now Tekken has more than twice as big playerbase as Injustice and there are no problems finding the players of your skill level in Tekken, while Injustice 2 multiplayer is almost empty or filled with tryhards that will wreck you in a blink of an eye.
And gameplay. Oh, how good the gameplay is in Tekken! Simple, yet complex. Tight and beautiful.
No zoning and all that projectile crap at all (and those few projectiles that exist you can always just sidestep).
Playing Tekken always feels fair and that's what important in a fighting game. It's just your skills against the skills of your opponent. Nothing more. And it feels really, really good. It's hard to explain, but Tekken controls feel way more natural and intuitive. Your character does what you expect him to do after each input and you feel every punch and kick as every single one of them is done right after you pushed a button.
And the music is actually memorable and filled with energy.
Having played both games I can confidently say that Tekken comes out victorious in this battle and I can totally recommend you to buy it right now. And I can't do the same for Injustice 2 (you can see the full explanation why in my review of it).
Good luck to you, stranger, that have red all the way down here!
发布于 2017 年 6 月 2 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 2 月 23 日。
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