Maite   Montevideo, Uruguay
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el Kukas bandit.gg 27 dec 2024 om 20:27 

Piotto97 1 sep 2024 om 16:26 
El mejor plan de invierno? Suscribirte a Prime Video con tu Claro, primer mes GRATIS. Es simple, es Claro.
Guidi 29 apr 2024 om 7:08 
Tu apoyo hace la diferencia! El matrato infantil afecta el desarrollo de los niños/as. Responde Aldeas y dona $20 para que tengan mas oportunidades.
Nємєѕιѕуαη小菜鸟 28 jan 2024 om 5:00 
Good morning ! It's always a little strange writing someone you don't know, but I looked at your profile and something caught my eye. Forgive me for disturbing you on your profile and therefore in your secret garden, but I couldn't resist leaving you a message to mark my visit. As they say, the most beautiful things are those that are considered insignificant. I also want to take advantage of this comment, because I am here to try to get to know you as much as possible. I am waiting for an invitation request from you or a short private message. Thank you for understanding.😘😊 arigato dosaimas!
Anju ♡ 16 okt 2023 om 17:09 
Nємєѕιѕуαη小菜鸟 6 okt 2023 om 14:21 
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