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Análises recentes de Kephin

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64.7 horas registradas (16.6 horas no momento da análise)
finally bought the platinum version after waiting and overall has been better than Civ V for me

would recommend on sale to get all the dlc
Publicada em 4 de janeiro de 2021.
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21.8 horas registradas (3.4 horas no momento da análise)
played on console a long time ago.

Overall solid game and definitely worth a shot given it's so cheap.
Publicada em 26 de dezembro de 2020.
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220.0 horas registradas (4.0 horas no momento da análise)
Just simple list of aspects I like/dislike until I "finish" the game

Map - Probably one of the best cities I have ever been in. It doesnt feel like some boring ass grid-system city design. There is verticality, imperfect road designs, and it just feels NATURAL.

Graphics - This game looks ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful. I am playing with full RTX and this game just looks great.

Gunplay - If you compare gunplay to destiny then this game will lose. However, it is more than good enough and is executed fine. It won't blow your hat off but it is FAR from bad. (note: the sens right now just feels off. Like there is mouth smoothing. I can't quite figure it out but its just a little off)

Atmosphere - Idk how to put this in words but the city and the areas surrounding have distinct "vibes". You can tell when you are in a rougher part of town and when you are in luxury. It feels alive when its suppose to and "dead" when its suppose to.

Music Amazing. Radio stations are great and the base soundtrack fits the scenes perfectly. Props for the OST

Side Quests As you would expect, side quests are amazing. Some of them feel like their own main stories. I highly recommend you complete them and tbh if you purposely choose not too, then you are missing out.

Story - So far the story has been what I expected. I did not expect some deep level thinking and a story about what it means to be human. I was expecting a story where you just "experience" the city and the characters take you on a journey.

Characters - All perfectly voice acted (the ones I have ENCOUNTERED). I can't think of an AVA (bl3) in this game so far. Theres no character I wish wasn't in the game.

Main Character - (MALE V) I never expected me to deeply care about V and how HE's feeling. I am more playing it like I am the character playing through a vessel. If that makes any sense. Don't hate me but I just couldn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about geralt for the first half of witcher 3 so this could be like that but I have to yet to care about V like characters from other games. Thats OK to me, it hasn't taken the experience down for me.

Johnny Silverhand - Skillup claimed the keanu was a miscast. His reasoning was we love Keanu because he is a wholesome guy. However, Johnny is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ badass character. I disagree with this claim that Keanu was a miscast. seriously don't care how an actor is in real life compared to a character they ACT as. I have loved every interaction with Johnny and I love listening to the comments he makes towards your choices.

Driving/Cars - Really sucks there is no car customization AT all. It got scrapped during development. I do sincerely hope they add it in a DLC down the road. However, the cars in this game just all look sick and unique. I don't think most of them feel "out there".

Driving feels "ok" with MnK. I have used controller and it feels much better after tweaking with controller options. However, I don't think its as bad as the raging twitter/reddit people would want to tell you. It's "fine". Its perfect it could use slight tweaks.

My biggest gripe with "driving" is how ZOOMED in the minimap is when driving. You are flying 100mph and then you gotta slam your brakes and make a sharp turn because there is no way you knew you had to take that exit. Then you end up drifting and killing 3 small children and you feel like ♥♥♥♥ ;-;/

Performance and Optimization - With my setup (specs below) I get around 60-90fps (unless I am in the dense and high population areas.) I run the game at mostly high settings and RTX on with DLSS-Q.

This game needs some love on the optimization side. I don't know how much more CDPR can do to fix it but there has to be something. However, I do think we will just need to wait for more advances with hardware until we can get 100+ fps with RTX.

RPG Elements Will update what I think of skills when I beat the game.

Kinda sucks secondary stats have such little effect when all that really seems to matter is DPS. Would like more detail and work done to weapon stats. For example, why do the sights in this game have -0.05% reduced ADS speed. You wouldn't even notice that.

Transmog systems people. Its 2020 and this SHOULD have been in the game at launch. I can't make my character not look ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid.

Romance - Pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ big let down. You only get one person you can romance per gender and sexuality. For example as a Male V (straight) I can ONLY romance panam. There is no choice or anything... that is it. I have heard that the Male V (gay) option is downright horrible, but youll have to see for yourself or research.

Not many choice with escorts (if you care). Very slight differences in each sex scene.

Panam is waifu <3

**NOTE**: There is a character you meet early game that you can have a "moment" with. Don't want to spoil it but you can look it up if you want.

Bugs - Oh boy where to begin...

- constant graphical bugs and light flickering during certain moments.
- bug where when I enter the vehicle I am floating 5 ft above?
- floating cars
- cars flying 1000 ft in the air for no reason
- characters t-posing
- charcters just straight up twitching
- Cars driving all over the place (cars will randomly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ swerve to the side of the lane or cross it and if you are on a bike good luck)
- during "cutscenes" and riding with other characters in vehicles. The car will not feel like its on the ground and they never follow a consistent path. You will just feel like you are sliding on ice or just straight up teleporting.
- Randomly switching from night to day or from raining to sunny.

TLDR: Mostly visual bugs and immersion breakers. I have only crashed once and I think it was actually windows with how it happened. To the people that are crashing just update your drivers and make sure you are not overclocking as much. I had to turn down my gpu core clock when playing cyberpunk. Ran just fine with other games until CB2077.

theres a ♥♥♥♥ ton more but heres all I have time to type up.

RTX 3090 24GB OC'd
9700k @ 5GHZ
32GB 3200hz RAM
2560x1440p 165z monitor

Who would I recommend them this game too? Well there are Categories

"I waited 8 years for this game and ♥♥♥♥ everything else": Buy it now
"I have outstanding hardware and can handle the bugs": Buy it now

"I would rather wait until things are patched up but not too long": Check at Christmas and if it isn't there yet wait till February
"I would rather wait until the game is patched and there are 0 bugs": Wait till next spring or longer

"I am not sure I have the hardware to run this game": Check benchmarks over the next few days and if you can't get at least 60 then you will prob just have to upgrade your pc. Doubt patches will have substantial impact on fps in the long run

As of November:
Really sad to see that more content has been delayed. The game definitely would have benefited from another 1 to 2 years delay. Despite all the bugs and missing features that seem standard, there was still a lot to enjoy. The side quests, main story, and the dialogue is what I really enjoyed. I am a sucker for the cyberpunk genre.

I still have yet to crash in this game or have any game breaking bugs. Again, at least 1 extra year would have done so much for this game.

Edit: Feb 2024, After phantom liberty which is the one and only DLC for the game, I can say this game has been one of the best I have ever played. I loved phantom libery, it was a great expansion with fun content and a cool new place to explore. The patches and updates since launch have been outstanding. IF you do ever play this game, please just take your time and do all the extra content besides the main story. You will have a blast.
Publicada em 9 de dezembro de 2020. Última edição em 21 de fevereiro de 2024.
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0.0 horas registradas
This should be $15... recycled content. Sunset all these weapons with nothing to replace them with.


Campaign was fun

Writing was average (not bad)

Europa is very good

Stasis is fun (rip balancing in PvP)

UI changes


Lack of day one content for the asking $$

Lack of loot (doubt another year will completely solve it judging from shadowkeep)

Season pass just feels like a useless hamsterwheel that never ends.

Still no transmog system (even though its been asked for years)

Warthborn hunts are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke (charge it up by doing strikes, pvp, gambit and then you just kill a miniboss with all recycled content)

Power progression has just been copy paste for so long. You are doing the SAME weeklies you've done for a long time.

Sunsetting was executed horribly. Ik it is for the better but this could have been handled better. Especially on the communication side of it.

PvP is a joke with stasis (always been a joke. This games PvP is just bad. ♥♥♥♥ server types, bad netcode, bad hit detection, and more)

Strikes still have no reason to be completed outside of the weekly 3. No good strike specific loot.


Publicada em 17 de novembro de 2020. Última edição em 17 de novembro de 2020.
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166.2 horas registradas (7.2 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
After a year I can say this game is more than worth retail price.

Devs have been loyal, honest, and open about development. That alone I think you should just buy it.

I love the direction the game has gone over the year. It was a very easy game at launch once everyone min/maxed the ♥♥♥♥ out of it. Now it is a lot more difficult and has a bigger learning curve. Which is a + in my opinion because it is what allows us to keep playing longer and discovering new things. Once we feel we "figured" out the game it becomes tedious.

They have just released their 2022 roadmap and I am even more excited.

I love that this game doesn't rely on cheap jump scares and creates suspense in a natural way. It's great with friends and solo. VR is also amazing and they are planning a rework for VR next year!

My only complaint right now is optimization needs to be a higher priority. My friends and I should never even drop below 120 fps with 3090s and high end CPUs. Edgefield has been unplayable for months now as some of my friends with mid-tier machines drop well below 100 into the 60s and just stutters. A lot of the optimization issues appeared after the visual upgrades we got in the lighting and shadows department. I do really think the changes were for the better but performance should be a lot better especially for a small Unity engine game. I feel I should have no less than 300 fps with a 3090 and 12900k.

Publicada em 27 de outubro de 2020. Última edição em 22 de dezembro de 2021.
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3.9 horas registradas (2.1 horas no momento da análise)
So far so good for me. No crashes or anything.


Voice Acting
Simple gameplay (don't expect gta v open world)
Driving mechanics are actually decent
Visually looks good in the city.

Leaving the city the visual quality kinda drops but it's not BAD.

Engine still suffers from high refresh rate problems as the other games.

TO FIX THE STUTTERING/ High refresh rate

1. go to where you downloaded
2. Find the execute file for the game (should be mafiadefiniteedition or something)
3. Right click and then go to properties
4. Go to compatibility tab
5. Checkbox disable full screen optimizations.

I have heard playing borderless windowed fixes it for some

Should I buy this game now and for how much?

Full price and it's been stable for me so far. I would buy it now
Publicada em 25 de setembro de 2020.
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117.8 horas registradas (13.0 horas no momento da análise)
Very fun game

Story is average, but I love just about everything else.
Publicada em 20 de setembro de 2020.
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16 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
56.1 horas registradas (2.0 horas no momento da análise)
Coming from the TGC 2019

This game is definitely an upgrade to TGC.

- The way the ball reacts to the greens are MUUUUUCH better. Putting is just overall better in every single way in this game.

- Backspin actually working is a huge plus.

- Graphics are improved but I could still live with TGC

- I do like the shot shaping controls in this game much better than the last

If you don't play a lot of golf games it does make it hard to rationalize purchasing this game at $60 when you could buy TGC 2019 for $5-$10. Considering that they reuse a lot of things from the previous games. I mean the character customization is direct copy and paste. The divots are in the same spots as TGC. The crowds are still terrible for a game in 2020.

Other than that. If you liked TGC and want better physics and mechanics then get PGA 2k21.
Publicada em 25 de agosto de 2020.
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165.0 horas registradas (10.0 horas no momento da análise)
Played for 15 hours straight yesterday. Loved the game. If you are unsure like I was, please just get the game pass. Its inexpensive and a great way to try the game. Then buy whatever edition you want.

Things I would have wanted at launch:

1. More liveries. There simply isn't any besides the SINGLE livery you get

2. Allow 2 people (or more) to ride in one plane as passengers or copilots

3. I know its a lot to ask but it kinda sucks that the map data for some of the places (my home city for example) are from 5 years ago. So if you have a new house. It probably won't show unless they have more recent city data. I know its a stupid complaint but it kinda sucked going to places I have been and they don't even exist yet.

4. More tutorials for all the planes to show you how to use certain features. Doesn't have to hold your hand, but just something.

SOME people will have issues installing a lot have been fixed and it is not the majority. Also steam will refund if you were stuck installing the game during the 2 hr window. They have done it before.

NOTE: If you play this game on game pass. You'll notice you can upgrade the game through the market place. THIS does not give you the game. Just upgrades your gamepass edition to whatever you are upgrading to. You'll still have to pay for gamepass to keep the game.

32gb RAM

Settings I played at:
I played ultra at first but wanted smoother fps when loading new cities so I dropped down to high preset and I can't even tell a difference in graphics but fps is a little bit better


I would hover around 55-80 most of the time.

100+ when cruising up high

drops to 30 fps when loading new areas.

It's about what I expected and it should definitely improve over time with more optimizations.

Edit: Aug 19 they are releasing a pack of liveries. Claimable up until september.

Also modders have started making packs for a320 liveries. JOIN THE FLIGHT SIM DISCORD TO KEEP UP TO DATE WITH THE LIVERIES
Publicada em 19 de agosto de 2020. Última edição em 20 de agosto de 2020.
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67.6 horas registradas (3.9 horas no momento da análise)
Using this to practice so I can beat my dad. Oh wait this isnt a boxing game...
Publicada em 23 de junho de 2020.
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