SuperKing   Essex, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
The best one of the Three!
Review Showcase
10/10, excellent. (I have this on GOG, not Steam)
First playthrough on my old i7 930 / GeForce 970 PC required a bit of tweaking to get 1080p60, runs really nicely 1440p60 on my new PC.

You are Henry: you don't create your player character. If you're OK with this, living the life of Henry is great fun! Start as an illiterate peasant, grow beyond anything he could have dreamed.
Completionist Showcase
Perfect Games
Achievements in Perfect Games
le cata-dioptre 27 Sep, 2011 @ 10:36am 
We should do some mor magicka :D
Varchina 3 Jul, 2011 @ 8:33am 