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8 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
11.9 uur in totaal
TL;DR: Recommended, but keep in mind that your choices don't really matter. Treat this as an interactive novel with a very good plot and atmosphere, where no matter what you choose, you will arrive at a pre-determined point in the end.

+ The story is captivating. I played one episode per day with my wife and we really enjoyed the story.
+ Superb voice acting. Also, important characters are voiced by their actors/actresses in the TV series, which is a huge plus.
+ Soundtrack is quite nice and fits the GoT world very well.
+ "Previously on GoT" and "Next time on GoT" parts were well done.
+ Not too short, not too long. Finished just when it should.
+ Graphics are a little outdated, but the art style covers its shortcomings.

- Your choices change mostly minor outcomes. There are only a couple of times where your choice really matters.
- Even more offending to me was that in the "Previously on GoT" and "Next time on GoT" parts your choices weren't even taken into account. For instance, with Gared Tuttle, I killed someone by slashing his wrist, but in the "Previously on GoT" part, it showed me killing that person by stabbing my sword through the heart. There are many other instances like this.
- During dialogues, sometimes characters respond to things you hadn't actually said. Like you say "I respect King Joffrey" and the character you're talking to later reports it as "she said King Joffrey was the only true king in the Seven Kingdoms."
- In Walking Dead, interacting with your environment was much more fun, because you could explore new things and more information about your current situation. In this game however, when you "look" at objects around you, your character usually only does that, with no remarks at all. And when he/she has a comment, it's like "Hmm, these are swords."
Geplaatst 7 februari 2018. Laatst gewijzigd 8 maart 2018.
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12.8 uur in totaal
I think it wouldn't be fair to judge ENSLAVED as a game. It's rather a piece of art that is trying to convey its story through the medium of a video game. Most games that try to do this end up as walking simulators or pretentious platformers, but I think ENSLAVED does an excellent job marrying a fantastic story with a gameplay that neither overshadows it nor feels underwhelming.

I don't want to spoil the story, so it's enough to say that it's about companionship, trust, hope, perseverance and vengeance. All of the characters (there are 3 in total) are so well-fleshed-out that you sometimes feel like this game is based on a true story, on real people. The story is really incredible; there are many heart-breaking moments as well as comic relief scenes. As long as you have some love for literature, you're going to love the story.

The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting. It's not very clear whether there was a Termimator-esque war between the Mechs and the Humans, or the humanity destroyed the world in a cataclysmic war where the Mechs were the main weapons. However it may have happened, the world of ENSLAVED is not a nice to place to be.

Most of the game is linear platforming; going off the rails simply gets you some extra credits or finding masks scattered throughout the game, which just shows you flashbacks of the world before the war (this might be a minus for you if you like collecting things to unlock extras). When you're not platforming, you are fighting Mechs (all throughout the game, you see almost no other human beings apart from our main trio).

The combat system is good enough for this game's purpose. Remember, this is a very-heavily story-focused game, so don't expect a revolutionary fighting system or incredible action scenes (though the game has lots of heart-pounding chase scenes). You can upgrade your character in 4 different areas to help you fight better and survive longer. My advice is fully upgrading your health and shield first, so that survival won't be a big problem for you later on.

The sound department did an outstanding job, I must say. The voice-acting is, simply-put, mind-blowing. The last time I heard such high-quality voice acting was in Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. You really feel like you are watching a film every time a cutscene comes out. This is to be expected, of course, knowing that our protagonist (Monkey) is voiced by Andy Serkis (best known for his role in LOTR: Gollum), Trip is voiced by Lindsey Shaw (a professional actress) and Pigsy is voiced by Richard Ridings (who is one of the big names in voice-acting industry). These three actors also did the motion capture themselves, so the characters' lines and tones match perfectly with what they are doing during a cutscene. The soundtrack is also awesome. Whenever a song plays, it always fits the current mood of the game. I especially fell in love with the credits theme (No Death in Love).

The visuals are good enough - neither breath-taking nor terrible. Thanks to motion-capture, the face animations are really good. Apart from a few scenes, the characters' faces really convey their emotions. Coupled with the voice-acting, you get a cinematic experience.

For me, the game has two noticeable downsides. The first is that camera controls and angles are (most of the time) really bad. There were many times I didn't understand where to go, where to jump, where the enemies are, etc. because of the bad camera angles. They really should have tested the game more for this kind of problem before releasing it. As it is, the game sometimes feels like a bad PC-port. (By the way, I can't comment on movement and combat controls because I played the game with a Xbox controller, and as this is originally a console game, I didn't have any problems whatsoever. I don't have any idea how this game plays with a KB+M combo.)

The other negative is the extra story - Pigsy's Perfect 10. It doesn't really add depth to Pigsy's character. Theoretically, it's fun to play, because it's non-stop fighting and skirmishing, and Pigsy has tons of cool gadgets and abilities. But in every chapter (there are 19 mini-chapters), the whole gameplay boils down to mowing down ranks upon ranks of Mechs. The story is okay and has an unexpectedly sad ending but as I've said, it doesn't really give a more in-depth look at Pigsy's character. I suggest you play this story until a certain point (the part where Pigsy builds "something"). After that point, the story just drags on unnecessarily. What could've been a nice little 1-hour story ends up making you feel frustrated, thinking "just finish already."

All in all, this is one of the best games I've ever played in terms of story-telling and creating a meaningful, realistic setting to put that story in. It has its drawbacks, sure, but the positives far, far outweigh the game's shortcomings. With its cheap price during sales, it's a must-play for those who value story in their games.
Geplaatst 6 augustus 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 8 maart 2018.
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0.3 uur in totaal
This is a game where you play as a fly which transcends the cosmos and achieves a higher level of being, while accompanied by an incredible soundtrack. The ending is so cathartic. Definitely recommended.
Geplaatst 26 juni 2017.
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118 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
22.4 uur in totaal
First of all, I should note that I'm reviewing this game purely for its single-player experience. I bought this game for its single-player, and I don't have many friends I can play this game with (I also bought it a long time after it came out), so I have no experience of its multiplayer.

European Escalation was one of my all-time favorite strategy games. I had a blast playing through its campaigns. They were well-crafted, well-balanced, encapsulated all sides of the war, and they even had a nice background story tying the missions together.

AirLand Battle is NOTHING like that. Its single-player campaign is just a joke. There are 4 campaigns you can play, but it is very, very clear that they were meant to be played with their co-op feature. Now, they might be super fun if you play it with a friend, but that wasn't why I bought this game. I bought it to play it by myself in single-player.

What's the problem with campaigns? Well, first of all, there is absolutely no story at all, apart from some snippets that pop-up during the campaign map phase, and they are completely random. Secondly, every match is limited to 20 minutes, which I found extremely annoying. This is a strategy game famous for its hours-taking structure. How am I supposed to win a match in a huge map in just 20 minutes? Your only options are either set up a defensive position and hope to God that the enemy decides to attack (if they don't have a clear advantage, they don't attack you and just sit ducks in their starting zone), or rush towards the enemy with everything you've got. Thirdly, the AI cheats like crazy during the campaign map phase. You can barely bring in any reinforcements (maybe one division per 2 turns), but the AI keeps sending forces and uses strikes as if they cost nothing. This leads us to the last problem; the campaigns are too difficult. Be prepared to fail even the first campaign, advertised as "easy", in your first few tries. The later campaigns get even ridiculously more difficult, even if you set the AI to "Easy."

The game itself is incredible. I'm sure the multiplayer is mind-blowing fun, but as I've said, I have no friends to play this game with (and the multiplayer is almost dead anyway) so I don't care about the online experience. I bought this game for the single-player, and unfortunately, it sucks.

All in all, not recommended for players looking for a solid single-player experience like in European Escalation.
Geplaatst 28 mei 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 23 maart 2019.
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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
7.5 uur in totaal
A great little game to kill some time. I work as a teacher and this game was an excellent way to pass some time during the breaks.

+ The artwork is quite good, and it's consistent. Nothing stands out in a negative way.
+ The action sequences are quite good. They are neither overwhelming nor too over-the-top.
+ The game has quite regular checkpoints, so you don't have to play a whole area again when you die.
+ The voice-acting is quite good for an indie game. I especially liked the voice actor of our protagonist, Max.
+ Very nice, rock/metal-themed soundtrack.
+ The game has collectibles (secret locations, golden gun parts and body armor parts); nice for completionists.
+ All the weapons have many levels of upgrades, which sometimes changes how they work noticeably.

+/- Most games of this kind has a BFG-type weapon they hand out in the end. Splatter gives you all the weapons many levels before the last one, and none of them are truly devastating.
+-/ The story was interesting, but not a masterpiece. It was simple enough to follow, but not deep enough to really care.

- The variety of weapons is sufficient but you can finish the whole game with just shotgun. It's very effective, and you won't need another weapon if you fully upgrade it. I've almost never used the grenade launcher and the flame thrower.

All in all, I can recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a short game to play in quick bursts.
Geplaatst 18 mei 2017.
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20 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
9.5 uur in totaal (8.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is such a terrible game. I think it's a disgrace to the Painkiller franchise. Let's break it down:

+ There are a few levels which doesn't have an atrocious setting and design. I quite liked the Studios level.

And that's it, there is nothing else positive about this game.

- Almost half (maybe even more) of the monsters in the game are directly copied from Painkiller and Battle out of Hell. And those that are created specifically for this game suck big time. They have jerky animations, low-quality sound effects and most of their attacks don't even make sense. They don't even fit the environment they appear in. Clowns spawning in a power plant? Check. Nurses spawning inside a plane hangar? Check.

- The game blatantly uses an entire level from Battle out of Hell. Remember the Loony Park level? They used it here, with almost no damn change to it (they just cut the ride at the end and replaced it with a lame broadside battle between two grounded ships).

- The boss battles suck so much that words can't even begin to express it. One boss battle takes less than 50 seconds (it's even a Tarot card requirement to kill it before 3 minutes), one boss is just a bullet sponge with no stages at all, and the final boss is so artificially difficult that I had to use cheats (even though I was playing on Insomnia difficulty, which is like Medium).

- The game is very difficult, but not the good kind of difficult. Many enemies deal non-escapable damage (too fast or their attacks affect too wide an area), and in many occasions the game spawns tons of area-damage-dealing monsters, so it's impossible to avoid taking damage. Add to that the extreme sparsity of ammo and you get the dictionary definition of artificial difficulty.

In short, this is a complete waste of time. No matter how bored you are, believe me, there are better things to do than playing this game.
Geplaatst 30 april 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 6 augustus 2017.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
13.8 uur in totaal (11.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I wish there was a "meh" button on Steam. This is definitely not a bad game, but not a great one either. Let me break it down:

+ The story, when it picks up towards the end, becomes quite interesting, especially considering this is originally just a Vita game.
+ The design of New Orleans is quite good; it really feels like a town that is slowly becoming a proper city.
+ The voice acting itself is quite acceptable, again considering this is just a Vita game.
+ The trade system is a nice touch, and an intuitive way of earning money. It's perfectly integrated into the gameplay and the story.
+ The facial expressions are impressive, a thousand times better than Andromeda.
+ The animations are nice, especially the combat ones.

+ / - The new weapon, whip, is very lackluster. It's not especially useful and I've almost never used it.
+ / - I get that the Lady persona can't be seen sprinting through the streets like a common slave, but playing as the Lady gets boring really quick as it takes too much time to arrive anywhere. However, I can't really put this into the negatives as it makes sense.
+ / - There is no need to play as the Assassin persona, as its advantages are not really necessary. As long as you are careful and have not-too-bad reflexes, you can solely play with the Slave persona. It earns notoriety much slower and does not have the "at least one level of notoriety all the time" problem.

- The story takes way too long to get exciting. The first half of the game (story-wise) is literally sleep-inducing. You vaguely get the impression that there are some slaves missing, and that's all. It doesn't go further than that until you get to the last few sequences.
- Although the voice-acting is good enough, the ambient sounds are terrible. Terrible as in they don't exist. You wander through New Orleans, a big town, and the ambient sounds are pathetic. It feels as if you are walking down a back alley whereas there are actually more than 50 NPCs on that street. It makes the urban environment feel dead. The same can be said for Bayou. There should have been non-stop bird and insect noises all around, but it's quite silent (for a bayou, I mean).
- The collectibles don't earn you anything meaningful. They are all (almost purely) cosmetic. The armors and weapons you normally unlock in other AC games change the gameplay considerably with their bonuses; there is no such thing here.
- The reward system is broken. I unlocked a ton of achievements but got no Upoints in return.

All in all, I still recommend this game as I had quite fun while playing it. Just keep in mind that this is a Vita game and don't expect too much.
Geplaatst 30 april 2017.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
4.7 uur in totaal
I started playing Fallout Shelter at the same time as I started this game and I can easily say that Fallout Shelter is ten times more fun than Enemy Front. Keep in mind that Fallout Shelter is a free, mobile-port game with no end goal. That's how bad this game is; it cannot even compare to a mobile game.

The biggest problem is story - it doesn't exist. Even Twilight had a better and more coherent storyline than this.

The graphics are very bad. I played the game on the highest settings but it still failed to look good. I don't know if it's a problem with CryEngine 3 or this game in particular, but there were lots of very noticeable cases of objects popping up, even in close distance.

The gameplay is absolutely terrible. Every single movement of the protagonist (a journalist who is a one-man army) feels extremely clunky. When you run, it feels like you are trudging in a waist-high water with heavy chains all over your legs. Everything feels so slow in this game.

The sound effects are so underwhelming. 3-D positioning feels off and sometimes sounds fail to trigger at all. Guns don't sound real.

The soundtrack is meh. It's not bad, but it's not good either.

All in all, don't waste your time on this game even if you got it for free. There are games that are way, way better than Enemy Front with the same price.
Geplaatst 15 april 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 8 maart 2018.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
9.6 uur in totaal
One of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. The gloomy, oppressive mood of Arstotzka permeates through every single moment of the game. You always feel threatened by the government and every single decision you make through the game makes you feel so stressed because every decision may lead you (or your family) to end up in a gulag, or even worse, dead. In other words, this is a perfect "life in North Korea" simulation. Definitely recommended.
Geplaatst 31 december 2016.
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6.3 uur in totaal (0.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I've just finished the game and here are my impressions.

+ You may find this a little weird, but what impressed me most about this game is the voice acting. It is phenomal, one of the best I've ever seen in a game. Especially the actor who did Basilius has made an outstanding performance. All throughout the game, I felt like I was watching a movie thanks to the excellent voice acting, which really improved the atmosphere of the game.

+ Speaking of which, the whole game really plays like a movie. The voice acting, the action-packed scenario and the brilliant cinematography make the game come alive and feel like you are in a cinema. I was never bored while playing.

+ The graphics are astounding. I have a GTX 660, so I couldn't crank the game to maximum (well, I could but it slowed down too much in battles). Even in Medium, the graphics were superb. The only criticism I have about the graphics is that every single Roman soldier in the game has a shiny, polished, pristine armor which looks like it has never seen battle. Even in battle cutscenes you can see that every Roman's armor is fresh from the forge even though they have been fighting for hours.

+ The soundtrack is quite good. It's not mind-blowing, per se, but it fits the atmosphere quite well.

+ The animations are really well-done. The executions are quite varied and I was never fed up with seeing the same animaton over and over.

+ The few QTE events there were were very well-placed and never out of place. The game never becomes a QTE-show.

+ I've had no crashes, and experienced only one minor bug which forced me to restart from the last chekpoint. The game has no stability issues.

+/- I've played multiplayer for only about half an hour, so I can't really comment on it.

- There are many collectibles in the game and the comics are especially good, as they explain the background of the game and what happens to other characters in the backstage. However, they are in really difficult-to-find positions and even though I tried to visit all alternate routes and off-the-path places, I could collect only half of the comics and two thirds of the scrolls. They could have made them a little easier to find.

- The scenario could be longer. It certainly doesn't feel like it's rushed, but it feels like they were afraid to take the long way after a certain event in the game. Something happens towards the end of the game, and then you set out to kill 2 guys. After that, you almost immediately get to the point of killing them. They could have fit in a whole 50% more of the game about going on an adventure to find those 2 guys. It feels like they got lazy and didn't bother themselves with prolonging the story.

In summary, I really loved this game. It may not be GOTY material, but it's certainly one of the better game that came out in 2014. I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end, and I was actually left wanting more of it when it was finished. Even though it's technically almost 3 years old, it can definitely hold up now. Hell, it has much better graphics than many games that came out 1-2 years after it. I certainly recommend it.
Geplaatst 30 december 2016.
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