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1 person found this review helpful
25.0 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
I'm really sad that this game was abandoned. I have played both L4D 1 & 2 extensively, both online and offline, and honestly, this game is as good as L4D 2. In some areas, it's even better. The deck-building system makes the gameplay really fun and offers various different ways to play the game. I'm currently playing a shotgun-focused deck and it's a blast.

The only downsides I can think of are the fact that there aren't many players left, and it takes a long time to find a server if you aren't playing in prime time. The good news is that the former isn't really a problem because, as another reviewer mentioned, the bots usually play better than most players. Not in an OP way; they are just well-designed. I can easily say they are one of the best bots I've seen in a multi-player game for a long time.

In a nutshell, it's a brilliant game and I really, really don't get all the hate it gets. It deserves much more than "Mixed," and at 90% off, it's a steal.
Posted 29 December, 2024.
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20.4 hrs on record (15.1 hrs at review time)
A perfect sequel to SWAT 3 & 4 which surpasses them in almost every way. I've played through the campaign twice now; once way back in Early Access, and once in March 2024, and I can say there have been significant improvements between these two versions. If they continue improving the game in this way, I believe it will be a timeless classic in 1-2 years.

If you have any interest at all in tactical FPS games, you need to give this one a try.
Posted 2 March, 2024.
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19.9 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
One of the best games I've played in recent years. It combines base building with tower defense in an incredibly smooth way. It also has a really good soundtrack, excellent sound effects, good voice-acting and a surprisingly good story for its genre. Definitely recommended!
Posted 13 November, 2023.
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26.4 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
I pre-ordered this game. When it came out, people were talking about how buggy it is, so I thought I would give it more time until it was more or less bug-free. It's been 1,5 years and I'm still waiting.

That should give you an idea about how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slow CA is about bug-fixing. I'm not even touching the over-priced, under-developed Shadows of Change DLC, or how they literally threatened the community with a "buy the DLC or we abandon the game" warning.

It's such a shame. I was super-hyped when I bought this game. I thought, "If WH2 is so good, I can't even imagine what they will do with WH3." I thought it would be a masterpiece; an instant-GOTY. Instead we're left with a bug-ridden game with way overpriced DLCs, and a company that just outright refuses to communicate with the fans.

Stay away. Save your money for another developer like Larian, who don't abandon their games or look down upon their customers.
Posted 26 August, 2023. Last edited 16 February, 2024.
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3.6 hrs on record
Way too difficult for even two players. If you're looking for casual co-op fun, this is not it. It was too stressful for me and my wife.
Posted 27 July, 2022.
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0.4 hrs on record
I played this game with Hi Def + RBDOOM mods, which work like a port. That's why it says 0.4 hours. I've played Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil and I finished both of them in about 10 hours total. I didn't play Lost Mission as it's not canon and frankly, I was bored with the game. Here is my review of the base game and its DLC.

+ A very good recreation of the original DOOM atmosphere and monsters
+ Good world-building and enough lore to keep you interested
+ Good sound effects and music
- The game is too dark (this is why I used those mods). There are clearly light sources all around, but most of the game is just pitch-black. I get that this was the atmosphere they were going for, but in some places, it becomes ridiculous.
- The game's horror aspect depends mostly on two things: jumpscares and darkness. I think this was lazy, especially the jumpscares. I almost never felt a kind of dread, like the one you feel in a good horror game like Amnesia, Alien Isolation or Outlast.
- The world building depends too much on voice recording. There could have been more cutscenes.
- Underwhelming boss fights
- Underwhelming ending

Resurrection of Evil:
+ Much more action focused than the base game and fun to play through
+ The Artifact is a lot more useful and fun than Soul Cube.
- Reused places (I don't mind reused assets but there was a section that was just copied directly from the base game)
- Extremely underwhelming boss fights
- Lame ending with a lame final boss

Overall, not recommended. It might have been very good for its time, but it very clearly cannot hold up in 2022. Everything is so outdated and there are countless other, better games that you can play.
Posted 13 April, 2022. Last edited 23 May, 2022.
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30.2 hrs on record (28.5 hrs at review time)
It's a much better version of Vermintide. If you liked it, you will like this one even more.

For those who've never played Vermintide before, think of it as hardcore Left 4 Dead, with missions that take anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes to complete (depending on your group and whether you explore the map or not - all maps are huge with many collectibles).

I really recommend the game. If you are a newcomer, just keep in mind that this game is supposed to be difficult, so your first few levels in Veteran might not go as you expect, and you might get wiped multiple times. Just be patient, grind a little bit more for better loot and skills, and you will be (almost) able to take on entire hordes by yourself.

P.S. For GLORIOUS MELEE, you can't go wrong with Slayer Bardin. The guy is a walking slaughterhouse when properly used.
Posted 23 May, 2020. Last edited 8 September, 2020.
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31 people found this review helpful
20.1 hrs on record
Carmageddon II - Carpocalypse Now was my entire childhood, together with Age of Empires II. Yeah, I know, playing such an extremely violent and gory game so early on in life is probably not a good idea, but I think I turned out to be an OK person lol. When I saw that Carmageddon was going to have a sequel (I do not acknowledge the existence of Carmageddon TDR), I was so excited. Fast forward to 2020 (it took me 4 years to have free time to play this game; having a huge backlog and a toddler does that), and I finally finished the game (Not 100% though, it'd take an insane amount of time to do that).

All I can say is, this is the perfect sequel for Carmageddon II. It has everything that game had, but with better physics, graphics and sound effects. Even the gloomy, depressive and oppressive atmosphere that made Carmageddon so good is here. We have a mix of drivers and cars from Carmageddon Max Pack and Carmageddon II. We have a lot of new modes that we didn't have in the previous games like Fox 'n Hounds, Ped Chase, etc. You expand your garage by destroying cars marked "unlockable" in that specific track. You can also customize all the cars with different paint jobs and rims, and every car can be upgraded just like in the previous games. You unlock each chapter by earning a set amount of credits from the previous chapter.

In short, think of this as a bigger, better and more modern version of Carmageddon II. You'll find here everything that made the original one a cult classic. I absolutely recommend it.
Posted 12 May, 2020. Last edited 28 May, 2021.
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173.0 hrs on record (165.1 hrs at review time)
If this game isn't a labor of love, I don't know what is.
Posted 26 November, 2019. Last edited 27 November, 2024.
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16.3 hrs on record
I can't believe Croteam followed two superb games with a sub-par game like this. They were the ones who (re)invented this type of shooter game, with endless hordes of enemies to kill, but I don't know how they managed to create a game much worse than their first experience. I definitely don't recommend this game. You're much better off playing the prequels or Painkiller.

+ The jokes are quite funny. I even literally lol'd in a few places.
+ The sound effects are OK.
+ If you like goofy voice-acting, you're in luck as this game has tons of it.
+ If mindless slaughter without even the hint of a captivating story is good enough for you, this will be a good game to satisfy your blood lust, as there is a metric ton of levels and it will take you at least 15 hours to finish the game.

+/- The soundtrack is meh. It does the job but never impresses (except for the song in the final level).
+/- The level design is not really well done. Gone are the wide open spaces where you would fight against hundreds of enemies. It's mostly corridor shooting now. Still, it's not terrible. Just not what it used to be in a Serious Sam game.

- The gameplay is incredibly boring. There is not a wide variety of weapons (technically there is, but most of them are just straight copies from the first two games) and enemy variety is abysmal (even if their appearance change, their attacks are the same). You fight the same types of enemies over and over and over. And don't get me started on the number of enemies to kill. In the first two games, most of the enemies spawned right in the beginning of an area, with reinforcements. Here, you just fight small waves of enemies over and over. This is what makes the game so long; it becomes really boring killing groups of 10-20 enemies in 20 waves.
- Although story has never been Serious Sam's forte, here it's comically weak. At least the cutscenes are funny and have some good jokes.
- The graphics are, astonishingly, even worse than the first two games.
- The game really overstays its welcome, whether with its low variety of enemies, weapons, or the artificial difficulty.
- As stated in the previous point, the game becomes artificially difficult starting from Normal level and higher. You get way too few ammo drops and some enemies' attacks are near impossible to avoid because of splash damage.
- Game a few known, but unfixed, bugs; the worst of which is that your profile gets deleted if you save your game in specific chapters, costing you all your progress and forcing you to start over.
Posted 28 August, 2019. Last edited 30 December, 2019.
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