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Recent reviews by SuperNintendoChalmers

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193.7 hrs on record
Really EA/Respawn? You had a player base that has made you millions, and then you went and got greedy...MORE! MORE! NEED MORE MONEY! That's all we see right now from you This game was the first F2P game that I had ever spent money on at the time, and by now I've probably spent hundreds on it. No more. Not from me, and not from a huge chunk of players. Thanks for nothing, and thanks for letting your community down.
Posted 22 July, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Anyone who is complaining about the DLC being too hard are somewhat correct, but also wrong. Yes, there are some BS mechanics that one shot you and there's just nothing you can do to stop it. You get unlucky sometimes, that's just the nature of the Soulsbourne games. But is it really TOO hard? Nah. I went into the DLC on NG+ expecting to get stomped by any boss as I hadn't played in quite awhile, and find myself doing the stomping. Not every time, and some bosses are a real pain, all it takes is a little perseverance and you'll be fine.
Posted 23 June, 2024.
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0.7 hrs on record
It was ok, but pvp being the end to a round based pve game is just weird and made it unenjoyable. either all pvp or none, not this odd middle ground.
Posted 17 March, 2023.
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76.4 hrs on record (65.1 hrs at review time)
I played the OG trilogy as they came out for months at a time, so I was ecstatic when I heard they were remastering the games. And boy oh boy, did they not let us down at all. This was amazing to replay one of my favourite games again on modern hardware. GG Bioware, well done.
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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88.7 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
-Quests are very repetitive and you keep handing in and picking up new ones just to be sent back to the exact same area.
-No mounts (yet)
-6 abilities during combat? Are you kidding me? Once they're on cooldown, it gets very boring.
-Long queue times (they are getting better)
-It's killing GPUs which they have yet to do ANYTHING about

My prediction is this game will die within the year, unless they act fast and retain their current player-base. If not, they'll start to bleed players at a faster pace than they will imagine.

Posted 2 October, 2021.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries