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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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4 от 21 (19%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

First contact

Read a letter.
Откл. на 28 февр. в 10:57

An ear to the past

Listen to a shell.
Откл. на 28 февр. в 11:00

First stone

Complete a cairn.
Откл. на 28 февр. в 11:07

Echo from the past

Activate a fresco.
Откл. на 28 февр. в 11:18

Back in motion

Turn an altar.

Water piper

Complete the game.

Adventure buddies

Hug the ballast.

Restored connection

Hug the ballast 20 times.
0 / 20

Awakened memory

Use the echo on a frozen ballast in Chapter 6.

Avid reader

Read all letters.

Final ascent

Read all of Bianca's journal entries.

Sound archeologist

Listen to all shells.

Cycle celebration

Turn all altars.

Antique gallery manager

Activate all frescos.

Common ground

Complete all cairns.


Scare more than 10 chocos back to their burrow.
3 / 10

Collective climb

Stop 25 pebbles with a single echo from the ballast.

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