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28 av 60 (47%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Checking In

Rescue Eleanor Sawyer from the Hyenas in the Grand Washington Hotel.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Opening the Vault

Discover what the Hyenas stole from Air Force One.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Bunker Buster

Recover essential SHD Network equipment from the Federal Emergency Bunker.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Sick Note

Shut down Outcast activity at the DCD Headquarters.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03


Recover interrogation data from the American History Museum.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Global Communications

Reestablish the SHD Satellite Network at the Space Administration HQ.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Getting the Word Out

Seize control of the ViewPoint Museum from the True Sons.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Season Ticket

Eliminate the Hyena council in the District Union Arena.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Strategic Extraction

Capture the Outcasts' Chief Strategist at the Potomac Event Center.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Into the Wilderness

Take down the Outcast stronghold on Roosevelt Island.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

State of the Union

Drive the True Sons out of the Capitol building.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Rebuilding DC

Fully upgrade all settlements.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Command and Control

Discover 20 control points in DC.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

TV Cop

Perform a slide across the hood of a car.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Negative Ramos!

Shock enemy medics by shooting their defibrillator.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03


Get 10 patches from commendations.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Dark Zone: Safe House

Access a Safe House in a Dark Zone.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Next Level Operative

Reach Level 30.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Crafty Collector

Collect 20 blueprints.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03


Equip your first specialization.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Project Management

Complete a project for both the Theater and Campus settlements.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Dress to Impress

Equip high-end gear (or above) in each slot.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Country Retreat

Take part in the operation at Camp White Oak.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Jail Break

Survive all of Theo Parnell's traps and defeat him.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Deep Underground

Shut down the Cleaners' drill and eliminate Javier Kajika.
Upplåst 26 feb @ 23:44

Plummeting Stock

Defeat James Dragov at the NYC Stock Exchange.
Upplåst 27 feb @ 0:57

Boiling Point

Shutdown the Cleaners' oil refinery and defeat Vivian Conley.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Shut that door (again)

Shut two car doors while in cover.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 21:03

Hard as Nails

Finish all missions on hard difficulty or above.

Undressed to Kill

Destroy every piece of a tank's armor, then eliminate the tank.

Group Therapy

Take over a control point in a group without anyone being downed.

A Friend in Need

Respond to a call for help and revive the agent.

Help Me!

Put out a call for backup.

Suits You, Sir!

Collect any suit of cards in the open world.

Resourceful Agent

Help friendlies in resource gathering.

Dark Zone: Extraction

Extract an item from each dark zone.

Dark Zone: Takedown

Eliminate a rogue agent in each Dark Zone.

First Among Equals

Win a match of skirmish or domination.

Clan War

With your clan, face off against another clan in conflict.

Big Game Hunter

Complete a bounty from each safe house.

Autograph Hunter

Kill one enemy with each of the signature weapons (crossbow, sniper rifle & grenade launcher).

Arrow to the Knee

Shoot 10 enemies in the leg with a crossbow.

Strength in Numbers

Create or join a clan.

For Posterity

Photo mode: take a photo of a group of 4 agents.

Taste of the Exotic

Craft an exotic weapon or item.

Best of the Best

Invest in each type of upgrade available for a specialization.

King of the Skill

Equip and use each skill.

Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack

Hijack an extraction in any occupied dark zone.

Washington Raiders

Complete the full Operation Dark Hours raid in a group of eight players.

Caged Animal

Put an end to Emeline Shaw at the Manning National Zoo.

Drilling Down

Discover the Black Tusk's purpose at the Pentagon and thwart it.

Reactor Heist

Secure the perfusion bioreactor from the DARPA labs below the Pentagon.

To Sum It All Up

Successfully extract Tchernenko after confronting and defeating Elijah Sumner.

You Can't Have Him

Prevent Dolores Jones from capturing or killing the rogue Division agent Aaron Keener.


Prevent the missile launch and defeat Aaron Keener.

Almost a band

Complete a Main Mission in New York with at least one directive active.

Under Lady Liberty's Gaze

Complete the manhunt and eliminate Aaron Keener.

Extreme Manhunt

Complete a Seasonal Manhunt mission on Challenge difficulty or above.

Over The Hill

Reach Level 40 with an agent.

Iron Breakers

Complete the full Operation Iron Horse raid in a group of eight players.