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0 av 48 (0%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Conch Master

Bring all Conches to Mirna in Docarri Village

Master Angler

Catch every fish species at least once


Bounce a Moonerang 25 times in a row

Lock's Myth

Break a total 50 locks in battle

Gustative Completion

Cook every recipe at least once

To the teeth

Unlock all combos

Well read (to)

Listen to all of the campfire stories

Measure Hunter

Find every single treasure

Turtle Power

Do a team Timed Block with three players

Verifying Glass

Reveal a lock by either breaking it or using a special move with the scan function

Team Power

Do a team Timed Hit or Block

Down Low

Try all high-five combinations

Fishing Trip

Catch at least one fish with each character

35 dolda prestationer återstår

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