
JackOLant の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:10.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.9時間)
As someone who has played the other games in the Darksouls franchise I would recommend the game to those who are fans of the first game or who are simply looking for a game that will challenge the player to overcome overwhelming odes if you are one of these people then I would recommend to pick it up.

performance wise the game dose run pretty well on a pc that matches the minimum requirement needed to even boot up the game though do expect some frame drops.

Though the game does have its negatives like the lack of creativity with its enemies and the multiplayer being a little wonky the game is still enjoyable for fans and newcomers.
投稿日 2021年7月27日.
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this game will open up you(r)(re)(er) mind to the horrors of having a sleep paralysis demon invite you to a fancy restaurant and having the nerve to ask to split the bill, like all you bought was a glass of ice tea and they decided to buy the super crab creamy surprise which you would guess only rich stubs order. like sure they have a face that can cut the end off of a leather chair and they might have big muscles that can reach the opposite side of the table and pass you the pepper and salt at the same time but at that point their just showing off how much plastic bags they've injected into their cellular structure and you(r)(re)(er) left wandering where everything went wrong so you start drinking that bottle of a alcohol that's been siting in the back of the fridge getting all moist and mucky, in short good game
投稿日 2021年1月17日.
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