Henning   Germany
Linux-Gamer seit 2016. Aktuell löppt Arch hier, btw. :signix:
Schaut und folgt gern auch auf Twitch rein. [twitch.tv]:theworld:

Distro-Verlauf: Xubuntu 16.04 LTS ➔ Ubuntu MATE 17.10 bis 19.04 ➔ Manjaro (2019) ➔ Arch (2022)
Vetrina delle immagini in evidenza
I feel like I could… like I could… like I could…
AEvIN 31 dic 2024, ore 15:19 
Frohes neue Jahr 💥
AEvIN 24 dic 2024, ore 10:44 
Frohe Weihnachten 🎄
✪zynoik;Θώθ «?\ :] 7 mag 2024, ore 14:26 
Hey brotha all good? me and my friends love your map rats cusine, but we cant play on cs2 :(( can you port to cs2? plsssss thx :D
漓江塔 23 nov 2023, ore 14:45 
I like your map very much. Can you port it for CS2 as well?
gulagNemesiS 18 ott 2023, ore 16:02 
LIvanV 30 giu 2023, ore 11:16