Islamic Republic of Iran
Понастоящем извън линия
There are grammatical errors in the text below! i cOuLD justify them, but as the body is not perfect, I wrote as direct as I could! tHis iS a School, graduate fRom it!

cHeerrrsss :)
iN Life, there are the ONES who wORk fOr mONEy and theY caN acCHieve iT!

bUt, LIFE is sO biG thaT whAt i aM writinG heRe caNT describe iT!

sOme of yoUS worK with theiR heART$ and their jOb iS ONly worK when felt3D. tHose gUys are ... wHat theY waNT tO be oR manifesters iN perSON light.

everyBODY were teach3D hOw tO behave ... (society rules) supresSInG yOUR trUe pOwers. wE are a MAGNET or an i . OUR single GOaL iS fOcUS ONLY oN whAT we WANT 2 ATRACT!

practice practice practice

and BE THE LEET yOU waNnA be!

reDISCover yOUR iNner SELF, yOUR GODLY i, Bcause we ALL ARE i , anD i aM ALL!

cHeers pEdrO

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