Пісюн Попригун 5 พ.ย. 2024 @ 5: 28pm 
Martin 18 ส.ค. 2024 @ 6: 08am 
dope banana streetwear
76561198043855022 23 มี.ค. 2024 @ 12: 47am 
+rep thx for game
Пісюн Попригун 28 ก.ย. 2023 @ 4: 53am 
я б ♥♥♥♥ бы твою рыбу
Пісюн Попригун 28 ก.ย. 2023 @ 4: 53am 
показуй рыбу
Daisuki 26 ก.ย. 2023 @ 11: 05pm 
오늘 9월 27일 수요일~:rabiLaugh:
(Today, Wednesday, September 27th~)

내일 28일부터 10월5일까지 8일 추석연휴 쉬어요~^^:rabiLaugh:
(We will be taking an 8-day Chuseok holiday from tomorrow the 28th to October 5th~^^)

여행 2박3일 다녀오겠습니다~:rabiLaugh:
(I will go on a trip for 3 days and 2 nights~)

밝은 보름달처럼 풍요롭고 행복한 한가위 되세요!!:rabiLaugh:
(Have a prosperous and happy Chuseok like a bright full moon!!)
Art3my 23 ก.ย. 2023 @ 4: 34am 
+rep juicer
Daisuki 22 ก.ย. 2023 @ 3: 29am 
오늘 9월 22일 금요일입니다~:autumn_leaf:
(Today is Friday, September 22nd~)

다음주 곧 10월이다.. 시간이 너무 빨라요!!:autumn_leaf:
(It's October next week.. Time flies so fast!!)

요즘 조금 추워요! 가을이 다가오는것 같아요..!:autumn_leaf:
(It's a little cold these days! I think fall is coming..!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ദ്ദി ᵔ∇ᵔ )ദ്ദി ᵔ∇ᵔ )ദ്ദി ᵔ∇ᵔ ):autumn_leaf:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 18 ก.ย. 2023 @ 3: 40am 
Today is Monday~ Have a nice week ^^:cleatongue::heart8:
Daisuki 15 ก.ย. 2023 @ 3: 17am 
오늘 9월 15일 금요일입니다~:caterre:
(Today is Friday, September 15th~)

이번주도 수고하셨습니다^^:caterre:
(Thank you for your hard work this week too^^)

2주 남아요 곧 추석 명절 연휴~:caterre:
(2 weeks left, Chuseok holiday soon~)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(=´∇`=)(=´∇`=)(=´∇`=):caterre:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 8 ก.ย. 2023 @ 2: 44am 
오늘 9월 8일 금요일입니다!:redeyes:
(Today is Friday September 8th!)

요즘 9월 여름 날씨는 오후부터 너무 더워요;; 32도이상 정도...:redeyes:
(These days, the summer weather in September is very hot starting in the afternoon;; Around 32 degrees or higher...)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑):redeyes:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 1 ก.ย. 2023 @ 4: 32am 
오늘 9월 1일입니다! 시간이 너무 빨라요..세상에..:emo3:
(Today is September 1st! Time flies so fast..oh my god..)

8월 한달동안 고생하셨습니다~^^:emo3:
(Thank you for your hard work during the month of August~^^)

9월 한달도 파이팅!!:emo3:
(Fighting in September too!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⋆♡̩͙⋆( ᵔ ᗢ ᵔ )⋆♡̩͙⋆( ᵔ ᗢ ᵔ )⋆♡̩͙⋆( ᵔ ᗢ ᵔ ):emo3:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Dancer 29 ส.ค. 2023 @ 1: 56pm 
best feet sucker
Daisuki 25 ส.ค. 2023 @ 5: 11am 
오늘 8월 25일 금요일이다~ 이번주도 수고하셨습니다^^:_8_:
(Today is Friday, August 25th~ Thank you for your hard work this week too^^)

다음주 곧 9월이다.. 시간이 정말 빠르네요!!:_8_:
(It's September soon next week.. Time flies so fast!!)

8월 한달동안 고생많으셨어요~ 9월 한달도 파이팅!!:_8_:
(You worked hard during the month of August~ Fighting for the month of September as well)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂):_8_:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 18 ส.ค. 2023 @ 4: 22am 
오늘 8월 18일 금요일이다 이번주도 고생하셨어요~^^:rgirl_sweat:
(Today is Friday, August 18th. You worked hard this week too~^^)

여름 때문에 VR+풀트래킹 끼어도 너무 힘들어요 더워!!:rgirl_sweat:
(It's too hot even with VR + full tracking because of summer!!)

요즘 무더위 폭염 너무 더워요.. 바람도 조금 시원해요~:rgirl_sweat:
(These days, the heat wave is so hot.. The wind is a bit cool too~)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(*≧▽≦)(*≧▽≦)(*≧▽≦):rgirl_sweat:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Пісюн Попригун 16 ส.ค. 2023 @ 2: 32pm 

Step 1: Выдели все номера.
Step 2: Нажми Ctrl+F.
Step 3: Нажми 8.
Step 4: Магия.
Daisuki 11 ส.ค. 2023 @ 2: 28am 
오늘 8월 11일 금요일입니다~🤿
(Today is Friday, August 11th~)

지난에 휴가 7일동안 낚시터+계곡+팬션여행 3박4일 다녀왔어요~🤿
(I went to a fishing spot + valley + pension trip for 4 days and 3 nights for 7 days last vacation~)

요즘 너무 더워죽겠네요.. 계곡 물놀이 너무 시원하다^^🤿
(It's so hot these days.. It's so cool to play in the valley^^)

휴가기간 끝났습니다아아...왜 그래 시간이 빨라?..:(🤿
(vacation period... It's over ah... time flies so fast...:( )

즐거운주말 보내세요~(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)🤿
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 28 ก.ค. 2023 @ 2: 54am 
오늘 7월 28일 금요일입니다~:lunar2019coolpig:🏖️
(Today is Friday, July 28th~)

드디어..내일부터 7월29일부터 8월4일까지 휴가입니다!! 신나신나~:lunar2019coolpig:🏖️
(Finally... from tomorrow, from July 29th to August 4th, I'm on vacation!! Excited~)

내일 낚시+팬션여행 가겠습니다~ 제 취미는 낚시 좋아해요^^:lunar2019coolpig:🏖️
(Tomorrow I will go on a fishing+pension trip~ My hobby is fishing^^)

방학,휴가 잘 보내세요!! 그리고 물 사고를 조심하세요!! 꼭!!:lunar2019coolpig:🏖️
(Have a good vacation, vacation!! And watch out for water accidents!! please!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) ( ˃ ⩌˂) ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝:lunar2019coolpig:🏖️
(Have a nice weekend~)
Пісюн Попригун 25 ก.ค. 2023 @ 2: 11pm 
Daisuki 21 ก.ค. 2023 @ 4: 14am 
오늘 7월 21일 금요일입니다~:chocola2:
(Today is Friday, July 21st~)

이번주도 고생하셨습니다^^:chocola2:
(You worked hard this week too^^)

요즘 7월 한달동안 일을 너무 바빠 죽겠네요..:chocola2:
(These days, during the month of July, I will be so busy with work..)

1주 남아요 다음주 곧 휴가이다~^^:chocola2:
(1 week left. I'm on vacation next week~^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂):chocola2:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 14 ก.ค. 2023 @ 3: 16am 
오늘 7월 14일 금요일입니다~ 이번주도 수고하셨어요^^:Z4_Umbrella:
(Today is Friday, July 14th~ Good job this week too^^)

요즘 비가 많이 와요 옷과신발 다 젖었네요...:Z4_Umbrella:
(It's raining a lot these days. My clothes and shoes are all wet...)

7월 한달 장마 빨리 끝나면 좋겠어요:Z4_Umbrella:
(I hope the rainy season in July ends soon)

장마칠 감기 조심하세요!!:Z4_Umbrella:
(Be careful not to catch a cold during the rainy season!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(ว˙∇˙)ง(ว˙∇˙)ง(ว˙∇˙)ง:Z4_Umbrella:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 10 ก.ค. 2023 @ 4: 01am 
Today is Monday. Have a nice week~^^:heartmia::heart8:
Daisuki 7 ก.ค. 2023 @ 3: 51am 
오늘 7월 7일 금요일입니다~:GreenFirefly:
(Today is Friday, July 7th~)

이번주도 고생하셨어요^^:GreenFirefly:
(You worked hard this week too^^)

요즘 너무 더워요.. 주무실때 모기 때문에 짜증나요..:GreenFirefly:
(It's so hot these days.. Are you annoyed by mosquitoes when you sleep...)

식중독 여름철 조심하세요!!:GreenFirefly:
(Beware of food poisoning in summer be careful!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜( ˙ ˘ ˙)⸝♡⸜( ˙ ˘ ˙)⸝♡⸜( ˙ ˘ ˙)⸝♡:GreenFirefly:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 30 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 3: 51am 
오늘 6월 30일 금요일입니다~:jones:
(Today is Friday, June 30th~)

6월 한달동안 고생많으셨어요! 내일부터 7월 한달도 파이팅~:jones:
(You worked hard for the month of June! Fighting for the month of July starting tomorrow~)

7월 곧 여름이 다가오는것같아요!:jones:
(It feels like summer is coming soon!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~:jones:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 23 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 4: 33am 
오늘 6월 23일 금요일입니다 이번주동안 수고많으셨어요~^^:DruidHat:
(Today is Friday, June 23rd. Thank you for your hard work this week~^^)

D-5 남아요! 영화 개봉은 " "인디아나 존스: 운명의 다이얼"입니다~:DruidHat:
(D-5 left The movie release is ""Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny"~)

그런데 해리슨 포드는... 나이 80대 너무 슬프군요..:DruidHat:
(But Harrison Ford... He's in his 80s, so sad...)

80대 해리슨 포드의 마지막 모험!! 무조건..영화관에 꼭 보러가겠습니다!!!:DruidHat:
(The last adventure of Harrison Ford in his 80s!! Unconditionally.. I will definitely go to the cinema!!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑):DruidHat:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 16 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 4: 26am 
오늘 6월 16일 금요일입니다~:flash:
(Today is Friday, June 16th~)

이번주도 수고하셨습니다!^^:flash:
(Thank you for your hard work this week too!^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요!!⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝:flash:
(Have a nice weekend!!)
Daisuki 9 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 2: 51am 
오늘 6월9일 금요일입니다~:movie:
(Today is Friday the 9th of June~)

제 생일 축하해주신분들 감사합니다!!^^:movie:
(Thank you to those who congratulated me on my birthday!!^^)

6월 요즘 조금 더워요!!:movie:
(It's a little hot these days in June!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝:movie:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 2 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 2: 54am 
오늘 벌써 6월 됐어요~ 시간이 너무 빠르네요!:BirthdayCake:
(It's already June today~ Time flies so fast!)

내일 6월 3일 제 생일날입니다~^^:BirthdayCake:
(Tomorrow, June 3rd, is my birthday~^^)

생일축하해주셔서 감사합니다!!:BirthdayCake:
(Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday!!)

내일 토요일부터 화요일까지 4일 연휴 쉬어요~^^:BirthdayCake:
(4 days off tomorrow from Saturday to Tuesday~^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~🎂🎂🍰🍰🎁🎁:BirthdayCake:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 26 พ.ค. 2023 @ 3: 39am 
오늘 5월 26일 금요일입니다~:SakuraiEmi_ordinary:
(Today is Friday, May 26th~)

내일부터 월요일까지 3일 연휴 쉬어요^^ 대체공휴일날~:SakuraiEmi_ordinary:
(3 days off from tomorrow to Monday ^^ Substitute holiday day~)

다음주 곧 6월 3일 제 생일날입니다~ 시간이 참 빠르네요:SakuraiEmi_ordinary:
(It's my birthday next week, June 3rd~ Time flies so fast)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂):SakuraiEmi_ordinary:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 19 พ.ค. 2023 @ 2: 56am 
오늘 5월 19일 금요일이다~ :sf_sun:
(Today is Friday, May 19th~)

이번주동안 고생많으셨어요!^^:sf_sun:
(You've been through a lot this week!^^)

요즘 너무 더워요 벌써 여름됐네요..:sf_sun:
(It's so hot these days, it's already summer...)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˆoˆ )/​( ˆoˆ )/​( ˆoˆ )/:sf_sun:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 12 พ.ค. 2023 @ 5: 06am 
오늘 5월 12일 금요일이다~🌹
(Today is Friday, May 12th~)

일주일동안 고생하셨습니다~^^🌹
(You worked hard for a week~^^)

요즘 날씨가 조금 더워요..! 시간이 참 빠르네요..🌹
(The weather is a bit hot these days..! Time flies so fast...)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜( •ᴗ• )⸝⸜( •ᴗ• )⸝⸜( •ᴗ• )⸝🌹
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 4 พ.ค. 2023 @ 3: 01am 
오늘 5월 4일 목요일입니다~ 내일 금요일부터 일요일까지 연휴 쉬어요^^🦝
(Today is Thursday, May 4th~ We will take a break from Friday to Sunday tomorrow^^)

어제 수요일 영화 "가디언즈 오브 갤럭시:Volume 3" 보러다녀왔습니다~ 재미있어요!!🦝
(I went to see the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3" yesterday Wednesday~ it's fun!!)

로켓의이야기 너무 슬퍼요.. 친구들... 너구리 로켓 대장!!!🦝
(Rocket's story is so sad.. Friends... Captain Raccoon Rocket!!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)🦝
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 28 เม.ย. 2023 @ 4: 06am 
오늘 4월 28일 금요일이다~🍄
(Today is Friday, April 28th~)

다음주 벌써 5월 됐어요! 시간이 너무 빠르네요...🍄
(It's already May next week! Time goes by so fast...)

어제 수요일 영화 "슈퍼마리오 브라더스" 보러다녀왔습니다~🍄
(Yesterday Wednesday, I went to see the movie "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"~)

어렸을때 슈퍼미리오게임 많이했어요~ 추억돋네요^^🍄
(When I was young, I played a lot of Super Mirio games. It reminds me of memories^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˵•́ ㅅ •̀˵)(˵•́ ㅅ •̀˵ )🍄
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 21 เม.ย. 2023 @ 3: 20am 
오늘 4월 21일 금요일입니다~:MushroomEmoticon:
(Today is Friday, April 21st~)

일주일동안 수고많으셨습니다^^:MushroomEmoticon:
(Thank you for your hard work for a week^^)

D-5 영화 "슈퍼 마리오 브라더스" 개봉날!:MushroomEmoticon:
(Opening day of the movie "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"!)

너무 기대돼요~^^ 꼭 보고싶어요:MushroomEmoticon:
(I'm so looking forward to it~^^ I really miss you)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝:MushroomEmoticon:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 14 เม.ย. 2023 @ 4: 15am 
오늘 4월 14일 금요일입니다~ 이번주동안 수고하셨습니다^^:pistol:
(Today is Friday, April 14th~ Thank you for your hard work this week^^)

어제 수요일 영화 "존윅4" 보러다녀왔습니다~:pistol:
(Yesterday Wednesday, I went to see the movie "John Wick 4"~)

존윅 시리즈 중에 액션씬들이 최고네요!! 대박이다..:pistol:
(The action scenes in the John Wick series are the best!! Amazing, Great..)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂):pistol:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Forfeit ⎾♥⏌ 13 เม.ย. 2023 @ 4: 25pm 
:Wavetree: :cinnamon: キューティー :cinnamon: :Wavetree:
Daisuki 7 เม.ย. 2023 @ 3: 35am 
오늘 4월 7일 금요일이다 일주일동안 수고하셨습니다^^:rain:
(Today is Friday, April 7th. Thank you for your hard work for a week^^)

D-5 다음주 영화 "존윅4" 개봉이다!!:rain:
(D-5 movie "John Wick: Chapter 4" is released next week!!)

빨리 보고 싶어요 기대돼요~^^:rain:
(I want to see you soon, I'm looking forward to it~^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂)( ˃ ⩌˂):rain:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Forfeit ⎾♥⏌ 2 เม.ย. 2023 @ 7: 49am 
:cagedsunset: 𝐻𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝒹𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁~:cagedsunset:
Daisuki 31 มี.ค. 2023 @ 4: 16am 
오늘 3월 31일 마지막 3월이다!:cherry_blossom:
(Today, March 31st, is the last day of March!)

3월 한달동안 고생많으셨습니다~^^:cherry_blossom:
(Thank you for your hard work during the month of March~^^)

오늘 아침 출근길보니 벚꽃폈네요..!! 벚꽃이 예쁘게 폈어요^^:cherry_blossom:
(I saw cherry blossoms on my way to work this morning..!! The cherry blossoms have bloomed beautifully^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~◟(ᵔ ̮ ᵔ)͜💐◟(ᵔ ̮ ᵔ)͜💐◟(ᵔ ̮ ᵔ)͜💐:cherry_blossom:
(Have a nice weekend~)
ttv/ZiegelbomberTV 26 มี.ค. 2023 @ 8: 15am 
+rep well played! GGWP
Daisuki 24 มี.ค. 2023 @ 3: 43am 
오늘 3월 24일 금요일입니다~ 일주일동안 고생하셨습니다^^:LeonRE4:
(Today is Friday, March 24th. Thank you for your hard work for a week^^)

드디어!! 오늘 "바이오하자드4:리메이크" 출시!! 만세~~:LeonRE4:
(at las!! Today "Resident Evil 4: Remake" released!! hurray~~)

빨리 해보고싶어요^^ 재미있었어요!!:LeonRE4:
(I want to try it soon ^^ It was fun!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~( ˃ᴗ˂ )( ˃ᴗ˂ )( ˃ᴗ˂ ):LeonRE4:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 17 มี.ค. 2023 @ 4: 02am 
오늘 3월 17일 금요일입니다~⚡
(Today is Friday, March 17th~)

이번주동안 고생하셨습니다^^⚡
(You worked hard this week^^)

어제 수요일 영화"샤잠! 신들의 분노" 보러 다녀왔습니다~⚡
(I went to see the movie "Shazam! Fury of the Gods" yesterday Wednesday~)

개그물,유치하다,웃김 재미있었어요^^⚡
(Comedy, childish, funny, it was fun^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(*˘◡˘*)(*˘◡˘*)(*˘◡˘*)⚡
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 10 มี.ค. 2023 @ 3: 07am 
오늘 3월10일 금요일입니다~ 일주일동안 수고하셨습니다^^🪑
(Today is Friday, March 10th~ Thank you for your hard work over the years^^)

어제 수요일 영화"스즈메의 문단속" 보러 다녀왔습니다~🪑
(Yesterday Wednesday, I went to see the movie "Suzume"~)

고양이,의자 너무 귀여워요~^^🪑
(Cats and chairs are so cute~^^)

"신카이 마코토" 감독님은 진짜 천재입니다.. 감독님의작품 많이 나왔으면좋겠어요~🪑
(Director "Makoto Shinkai" is a true genius.. I hope to see more of his works~)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝🪑
(Have a nice weekend~)
76561199241348911 8 มี.ค. 2023 @ 3: 05pm 
Signed by me, lets play csgo :)
Daisuki 3 มี.ค. 2023 @ 4: 01am 
오늘 3월 3일 금요일입니다~:er_heart:
(Today is Friday, March 3rd~)

드디어!! "엘든링" dlc 발표 나왔습니다 기대하고있어요^^:er_heart:
(at las!! "Elden Ring" dlc announcement is out, I'm looking forward to it^^)

D-5 영화개봉 "스즈메의 문단속" 기대하고있어요^^:er_heart:
(D-5 I'm looking forward to the release of the movie "Suzume no Tojimari"^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝⸜(*◉ ᴗ ◉)⸝:er_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Risiha 28 ก.พ. 2023 @ 11: 52am 
+Rep. Nice surv:SG0_Heart:
Daisuki 23 ก.พ. 2023 @ 3: 32am 
2월 마지막인데... 다음주 벌써 3월 됐어요..!:LaughingPaperDoll:
(It's the end of February... It's already March next week..!)

시간이 참 빠르네요 2월 한달동안 수고많으셨습니다^^:LaughingPaperDoll:
(Time flies so fast. Thank you for your hard work during the month of February^^)

내일 일을 끝나고 동창모임~ 놀러갈게요 약속있어요~:LaughingPaperDoll:
(Tomorrow after work, alumni meeting~ I'll go to play. I have an appointment~)

오늘 미리 주말인사 보내드려요~:LaughingPaperDoll:
(I'm sending you a weekend greeting in advance today~)

즐거운주말 보내세요~⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝:LaughingPaperDoll:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 17 ก.พ. 2023 @ 3: 46am 
오늘 2월 17일 금요일입니다~ 일주일동안 수고하셨습니다^^:antg:
(Today is Friday, February 17th. Thank you for your hard work for a week^^)

어제 수요일 영화 "앤트맨과 와스프: 퀀텀매니아" 보러다녀왔습니다~:antg:
(I went to see the movie "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" yesterday Wednesday~)

개미 귀여워요~ 재미있어요^^ "쿠키영상" 두개입니다~:antg:
(The ant is cute~ It's fun^^ "post-credits scene" it's two)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(๑>؂•๑)(๑>؂•๑)(๑>؂•๑):antg:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Daisuki 10 ก.พ. 2023 @ 2: 40am 
오늘 2월 10일 금요일입니다~ 일주일동안 수고하셨습니다^^:eaglegrin:
(Today is Friday, February 10th~ Thank you for your hard work for a week^^)

D-6 영화개봉 "앤트맨과 와스프: 퀀텀매니아"입니다~ 기대돼요!:eaglegrin:
(This is the movie release "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania"~ I'm looking forward to it!)

마블영화 너무 좋아요 영화극장에 무조건 들어갑니다!^^:eaglegrin:
(Marvel movies are so good. I go to the movie theater unconditionally!^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~(o^∀^o)(o^∀^o)(o^∀^o):eaglegrin:
(Have a nice weekend~)
Hxn_Queen 4 ก.พ. 2023 @ 11: 57am 
+rep Good Surv.