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Diposting: 6 Jan @ 3:27pm

Cyberpunk 20-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-77... Where do I even begin? I preorded this game for my PS4, and despite all of its flaws and bugs on launch, I still logged just over 70 hours on my first playthrough. I experienced a share of bugs, glitches, and performance drops in that 70 hours. But, I still loved every moment. Every high, every low. Every triumph, and every failure. At the time of writing this review, I have just finished my first playthrough of the game since, just experienced Phantom Liberty and everything that it brought with it. And what do I have to say after having experienced all the amazing progress the devs have accomplished since launch?
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ every single dev who worked on this masterpiece of a title (and by that i mean "Thank You."). For fear of sounding dramatic, and no exaggeration, I will not be the same after having had played this game. I have laughed with joy, filled with happiness brought out by the best of camaraderie. I have seethed with the anger befitting that of old gods over betrayal and the whims of a city. And I have wept enough over pixels on a screen to fill the vastest of oceans 5 times over. Perhaps I am simply more sensitive than some. Or perhaps, this game which started of seemingly dead on arrival, truly is breathtaking. As I walk away from Night City once more, this time I walk with a heavy heart, weighed down by the hardest of choices, and the sweetest of memories. But I would gladly do it all over again. So, on behalf of the staff of the Independent California Motel, I bid you all goodnight.

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