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Space Engineers

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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Shard's Planets - Series 2
Collection by shard
Series 2 contains my second batch of planets, these have detailed terrain and more custom assets. Made with survival in mind.
Shard's Planets - Series 1
Collection by shard
Series 1 contains my first batch of planets, they all follow a similar structure and are made with the survival mode in mind.
The Bargain Bin
Collection by shard
Various blueprints or mods of mine that don't fit into any of the other collections I've made. Feel free to use with credit.
Shard's Planets & Skyboxes
Collection by shard
What it says on the can.
Oasis Heavy Industries
Collection by shard
This collection consists of my blueprints under the Oasis Heavy Industries line. Free to modify or use in other creations with credit. OHI Color Scheme: Off-White: #D9D9D9 OHI Turquoise: #578E7B
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