All interest on the loan of money is a swindle

Collateral that is worth more than the loan, is the banker's greatest asset

Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender

Loans of silver repaid with goods and not with silver, forfeit the collateral

The debtor is the slave of the lender

High morals impede profits, so debauching the virtuous pulls them below the depravity of the moneylender whol there-by masters them and bends them to his will

Monopoly gives wealth and power but monopoly of money gives the greatest wealth and power

Large crime families are more sucessful than lone criminals or gangs; international crime families are the most successful of all

Only the most ruthless and greedy moneylenders survive; only the most corrupt bankers triumph

Time benifits the banker and betrays the borrower.

Dispossessing the people brings wealth to the disposessor, yeilding the greatest profit for the bankers when the people are impoverished.

All private individuals who control the public's money supply are swindling trators to both people and country.

All banking is a criminal enterprise; all bankers are international criminals, so secrecy is essential.

Catalysis 2015 年 10 月 2 日 下午 2:25 
try harder ♥♥♥