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Скорошни рецензии на Saemon

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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
360.8 изиграни часа (271.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Story mode is solid, open world experience trains the player to become better at the overall mechanics of the game. Then GTA Online is another matter, its evolving, its multiplayer and it has more customization. Worth the shot for any player wondering why its still updated after 10 years.
Публикувана 29 август 2020.
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7.6 изиграни часа (5.0 часа по време на рецензията)
One of the best games for a group of people to have quick fun.
Only problem is, the answer can only be in english.
Публикувана 27 март 2020.
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0.2 изиграни часа (0.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Well made video, this is a must for every Dota 2 player to see and enjoy!
Публикувана 2 септември 2016.
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4.6 изиграни часа (1.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Woa, yet another story line based Anime Game! and a good one!

this game is awesome if you have tried other similar games, the graphics is standard, music isnt bad and the plot is based on Japan history. Not an educational game but rather a casual waifu clicker, cant focus on the plot since every single character had its gender swapped and boobs enlarged by 10x for girls(which is rather standard in Anime). Worth your time to play and trying to finish it:P.
Публикувана 30 юни 2016.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
4.2 изиграни часа (0.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Without much time spent on this game, I knew the game itself from every single honest reviews and videos. This game is golden as it was, great concept at first and also, a side-bar for WoT players as this provides similar, yet different experience.
Then, comes to the year of 2014, when a lot of people starts flameing Gaijin for their Dev. work, I know the game was almost crap at that time, and a youtuber starts talking about him getting banned from the Gaijin Forum from some comments about the developers. Comes 2015, when I finally installs this game and tried it out with my WoT account tired of noobs, first game? hell yea, a game where my Pz.II dominated by a T-28 firing premium and a premium tank blazing away newbees on spawnpoint. I can't even start a game, like how? My skills is there, but the match-maker is making a joke out of Soviet Tanks, they rule over other tanks, their ground attack aircraft is hell and, after a few videos seen of Soviet WWII fighters, they are just sore winners placed by developers.
Is this game worth trying out? Yes, but if you really want to try tank games, go for WoT or AW if you are able to, both of them are way easier to get used to and more balanced. If you, Gaijin, are gonna ban this, then shame on you, as I am basing this review on public views, banning wont help, please, earn the respect of a Game Developer if you all wants to get back the days of WT being better then WoT.
Публикувана 12 юни 2016.
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17.1 изиграни часа (1.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Nice gameplay, ok graphics and stunning physics.
Kind of like LEGOs for adults.
Публикувана 15 март 2015.
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2,350.6 изиграни часа (2,123.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Been playing for 4 years and honestly speaking, I do got bored of this game occasionally. Be it games with 4 non-benefitial teammates or lackluster servers, I still hold up my believe that every game will be better as long as I am still able to keep myself at best shape and learn the game. Definetly recommending this game to others who are keen to learn this game from scratch.
Публикувана 15 декември 2014. Последно редактирана 21 ноември 2018.
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