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Скорошни рецензии на Gadgetgaz

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14 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
3.8 изиграни часа (3.5 часа по време на рецензията)
If you like building things out of blocks and being creative then this game is for you. It is "The" best voxel creative game from the Xbox 360, you can build anything your imagination lets you. I spent many years enjoying this game on the Xbox, and glad to see it on steam for a new younger generation of players to enjoy it's creative appeal.
Публикувана 18 април 2021.
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147 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
2.2 изиграни часа (1.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I'm not stirring it but the games quite sweet, though it might not be your bag if you get the lump easy or have a lack of patience, it takes a lot of time to make the perfect brew, but i won't keep milking it just get it if you like tea, i got it as i like tea and i also like ham, but Ampu-ham game where you make a sandwich to go with your Ampu-tea isn't out yet so I got this.

It's a bit of fun ..like my review. recommended.
Публикувана 31 май 2014.
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112 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
2,210.0 изиграни часа (202.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Totally recommend this game, 10/10 even at pre-alpha

If you are a creative person and enjoy building, then in this game even at pre-alpha you can build anything you can think of, your imagination is your only limitation, if you have the patience to learn how to use the tools in this gaame to create whatever your imagination inspires then you will love it.

You may like to check out the many screenshots and guides in the community hub

One of the main features i love about Fortresscraft are the creative tools we are given to make our creations.

....for example...

"the workshop"
a plaace you can build and save your own custom detail blocks to then use to build your own creations, best of all you can create well in excess of 1,000 of them if you so wanted to.

"superbuild mode"
instantly create small or huge square areas of blocks, do the same for a cylinder shape, and also create Spheres, either sit back in amazement and watch as they build in front of you or go and build something else while they are being built for you.

"copy & paste and schematics"
wow........just...wow ....select something you have built like a house or in my case a Robot made with 50+ custom detail blocks, then copy it, then paste it somewhere else or save it as a schematic then go to your schematics at any time and select it and paste it whenever you want to. You can eeven rotate the whole thing before you paste it.... amazing

configurable lighting at that!!!! configure the colour strength and distance and even shadow type, individually for every single light you place.

I could go on and on but then if you are liking whats mentioned above then you are most likely going to enjoy the game and enjoy exploring everything else out once you start playing it and creating anything you can think up.

I hope this review is of help to you. For other info check the Community hub guides and screenshots, and if you purchase the game then i hope you enjoy it as much as i have been.
Публикувана 16 декември 2013. Последно редактирана 16 декември 2013.
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