Starman Super ! gavin
"StarmanSuper, master of door slaying & footstep investigator."   United States
Facepunch helped me come out of the closet :

Whoah, why is the text up here? Wooah!! Why is the screenshots in the bottom of the page? Someone get me out of this place. He's not even in this dimension.

The journey is the destination, man. Don't let them ever tell you different. It's all about what's in here, not over there. Hahaha, I'm glad you understand. Hold on a second while I recite the lyrics to my favorite song:

Once again I wake up alone on the wrong side of my bed
And once again you begin your dancing nakedly on the right side of my head
It’s for a lack of better words that I can hardly speak my soul
And I’m feeling what I’m feeling when I’m feeling when it’s time to lose control, my love

And once again we’re off to war
But I can’t agree with what we’re fighting for
And that’s not all, because every time she smiles I see her soul
When I smile what a wonderful life

It’s true I used to try
But then I gave up, I learned it doesn’t really matter
What I do ain’t enough to appease or to please
All my well meaning deeds seem to all go up in smoke
And every time I look into these smoke filled skies I wonder what she’s doing, why I volunteered to die
But tonight I will fight for my life so I might see my wife again

I explained to her that I’d be back
When I gave my word that the fighting wouldn’t last
But despite my pact, I know that every breath I draw might be my last
And I smile, it’s been a wonderful life

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, another summer in the city and
I never seen a girl look so pretty as you
When you smile oh you’re wild for a while
I was hoping I might see you again
And I know that everybody is willing to go
And I find I’ll turn it all and leave on a dime
If I leave tonight, screw what’s right, I can make it home by dawn

And I was told, “Boy, prepare for war!”
But they failed to mention what I’d be fighting for
So I fight for this:
The fact that as I pass away, I’ll feel her kiss
When I smile, what a wonderful life
Me oh my, what a wonderful life
Oh, to die for such a wonderful life

For Weed and Porn
For Talking and Walking
For breathing and believing
Currently Offline
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Justin 15 Jan, 2020 @ 4:54pm 
Jimmy Mustard Blunt 29 Oct, 2018 @ 2:01pm 
Rip gav man the og
Sire 26 Jul, 2016 @ 3:38pm 
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LithiumIonMattery 27 Jan, 2016 @ 9:27pm 
Hickory Dickory Dock suck my ♥♥♥♥ I havent seen you in a long time. Have a random Youtube video
eagle ears 16 Nov, 2015 @ 8:11pm 
cimhcsemgim grog grodemgimhcs