the Gunship fuNsh!t
The sun was shining. The birds were singing. Suddenly, a bomb exploded.

Can you take these ecological systems that evolved on a planetary scale and stick them in such an incredibly small container with disproportionate amounts of atmosphere....and soil.....and water...and ocean, and have these same principals basically function?
We can take these animals and systems and stick them in an incredibly small container and it still works!
Vetrina degli screenshot
No Man's Sky
w46D3n 19 mag 2020, ore 0:37 
EPIC fuNsh!t
Hörnchen 11 gen 2018, ore 8:02 
the Gunship fuNsh!t 9. Juli 2011 um 16:52 Uhr
Edis47: fick du
Hörnchen 16 dic 2017, ore 2:45 
Jeden Tag haut er ca 2:30 Uhr die memes raus, beschte
w46D3n 21 ago 2017, ore 10:16 
<3 epiC dude
Hörnchen 2 mar 2017, ore 11:41 
fuNsh!t: endlich tot, kann weiterpopeln
Micha 20 gen 2017, ore 13:41 
funshit^^ kennst mich noch??? lass mal wieder zocken!!!