
Flame 2512 最近的评测

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总时数 40.3 小时 (评测时 37.1 小时)
In a way it is the same as every other Far Cry game since Far Cry 3, but that's what you expect. Graphically the game looks amazing, there have been various gameplay improvements and the story is a good bit of fun. The Arcade mode (user made maps) also adds a lot of variety.
发布于 2019 年 7 月 1 日。
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总时数 101.6 小时 (评测时 95.8 小时)
FTL is an awesome game, its been around for quite a while but is still one of the best indie games out there.

The gameplay is unique and incredibly challenging (still struggle to beat it on normal difficulty).It also has an amazing sound track.
发布于 2019 年 7 月 1 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
I will admit that I did not have high hopes for this and didn't expect this to be a very good DLC, but I purchased it anyway. I was expecting a few new toys in the sand box and a pretty boring campaign about walking around, picking up the odd mine, while being lectured about human rights the rules of engagement. And now I will also admit I was very much wrong.

The new toys to play around with are more fun than I was expecting, and I have no doubt the community will create some great content using the new features. But for me the biggest surprise by far (and probably for me the standout feature of the DLC) was the new mini campaign. It takes a few (rather enjoyable) hours to complete and is surprisingly engaging and very well written.

The story is all based around a single town on Altis; over a period of about a year you get to experience the events of the town from many different perspectives (IDAP workers, CSAT / NATO, AAF, Civilians, Guerrilla fighters). Switching their focus from the less detailed, massive scale of conflict in the main campaign to detailed story telling on a much smaller location has worked really well and is a distinct change. The writing of the campaign is amazing well done; it does not force anything down your throat but instead weaves it seamlessly into the story, starting off by showing the end result of people actions and the lasting effects of war; but instead of just demonising the people who carried out these actions (like too many people seem to instantly do these days) it then shows the other side of the story to explore why people made the decisions that they made and did what they did, leaving you to decide what actions were and were not justified and who truly was to blame for the devastation caused to the town.

The campaign is narrated throughout by the main protagonist in real time, by means of a Skype call in which he explains his work and the story of the town to a journalist; this works surprisingly well and is something I have not seen done before. There are also choices to make, which while not making massive differences on the end result change the way you play slightly. The narrator also reacts to your actions and occasionally there is the odd bit of well-placed humour (if you make certain choices). Overall it is a truly impressive campaign with a surprising amount of depth.

This DLC will not be for everyone, if you are only playing arma for the combat then you can give this a miss, but if you want a genuinely enjoyable and eye opening campaign, or just want an expanded civilian faction for roleplay servers and missions the I would recommend this DLC.
发布于 2017 年 9 月 8 日。
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总时数 231.2 小时 (评测时 225.0 小时)
Ignore the negative reviews about Take-Two. They are just people upset about what may and most likely won't happen in the future.
These fears are pretty irrelevant and should not be a reason to deter you from the game. If you are worried about the future of the game consider this. The game has no DRM and is portable meaning you can just create folder anywhere you want, copy the files from your main folder to there, and there you have it a version of KSP that you can run and Take-Two can never touch (not that I believe they will ruin it anyway).
Now we have established that, is the game in its current form worth the asking price? In my opinion it absolutely is. When I purchased the game it had a fraction of the content it currently has and back then it was still considered by me (and most others) worth the asking price. KSP is simply an amzing game and has one of the best communities I have seen around any game.
If you buy KSP now at worst you will receive an amazing game that you can backup and keep in its current form indefinably, keeping all current mods compatible; or in the more likely case, an amazing game that will receive years of future content and modding support. In shot buy the game.
发布于 2017 年 6 月 16 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 11 月 24 日。
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