F.I.V. Agent
Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States
"And lo, Fiv stood upon the steps of the great house, Franta in his grasp and Peepy upon his shoulder, and he lifted up his eyes and spake: ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of cringe, I shall fear no mid, for Peepy art with me; thy spots and thy presence, they comfort me. And lo, security shall come, not for me, but for the future.’
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Created by - Faxon Fury
398 ratings
Oooo eeee oooo
It's Rowdy 23 Sep, 2024 @ 8:16pm 
tfox326 23 Sep, 2024 @ 3:02pm 
Elmo's autistic child (we love him anyways)
Savian 26 Jan, 2024 @ 2:28pm 
He called sour cream 'whipped cream', he shall never be allowed to forget.
Xemio 11 Jul, 2023 @ 10:08am 
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
Rats make me crazy
Capt_Ninja 6 Jul, 2023 @ 8:49pm 

Object Class: apollyon

SCP-Fiv is an entity who has cognito hazardous properties, which are inherently dangerous to human life. the cognito hazards take the form of memes, videos or arma 3 ops. his presence alone can be a catalyst for rapid mental damage.

-note: he is a great friend, despite his anomalous properties
SnurkLurs 6 Jul, 2023 @ 8:30pm 
In the vast expanse of eternity, before the first flicker of light graced the cosmos, there existed a chaotic being known as Fiv. Fiv had existed since the dawn of creation, a timeless entity that roamed the boundless realms, a witness to the birth and death of countless worlds. Fiv took on a physical form, adopting the shape of a mesmerizing figure adorned with shimmering wings and eyes that held the secrets of the universe. For the being to be known as PEEPY! He ruled with an iron fist telling bad jokes that subjects were forced to listen to. One day something changed inside the immortal being and all history about him was lost after the Bronze Age Collapse. Some say he’s still watching over humanity waiting for the perfect chance to strike. Others claim, while outlandish, that he harbors his soul in the mortal plain as a Imperial Commissar in a ArmA 3 group that he uses as a testing ground for some of his wildest insane deliriums torturing others. But how stupid would that sound.