r0ck 31 Oct, 2023 @ 8:14am 
met him on f1 through an f1 league racing e date, he seemed nice and we started to talk and soon became good friends, so good that i decided to travel half the world and fly to velenje to meet him.
when i got to his house he was different. he sniffed my ear pinched my balls and when i tried to leave he closed the door with his red painted toe nails, i turned around and grabbed his balls exploding one of them, i opened the door and never came back ps dont meet people u see online...
r0ck 19 Nov, 2022 @ 1:31pm 
i have 2700 hours and Ive played on about every platform (ESEA,Faceit,mm). Im sure everyone here is brutally aware of the toxicity in the community (especially towards woman) i have multiple female friends that play CS and the way that they get treated is insane. i know this goes on in every game and it has been for a long time now, but i hope that if youre reading this and youre one of the people that do this youd consider stopping. this trend has gone on long enough honestly, you may think youre being funny with your friends or trying to impress them but the person who is being harassed more than likely doesnt find it funny. i know 99% of the people that do this have never had contact with a woman once in their life but please for the sake of the game please stop or help stop this stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trend. at the end of the day just dont be a piece of ♥♥♥♥. and dont stalk these girls profiles and/or harass them on Steam. i hope someone that sees this can legitimately stop the toxicity
r0ck 7 Sep, 2022 @ 5:44am 
The lyrics of the National Anthem of Belgium

La / De / Die Brabançonne

Noble Belgique, ô mère chérie,
À toi nos cœurs, à toi nos bras,
À toi notre sang, ô Patrie !
Nous le jurons tous, tu vivras !
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !

O dierbaar België, O heilig land der Vaad’ren,
Onze ziel en ons hart zijn u gewijd.
Aanvaard ons kracht en het bloed van onze ad’ren,
Wees ons doel in arbeid en in strijd.
Bloei, o land, in eendracht niet te breken;
Wees immer uzelf en ongeknecht,
Het woord getrouw, dat g’ onbevreesd moogt spreken,
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!

O liebes Land, o Belgiens Erde,
Dir unser Herz, Dir unsere Hand,
Dir unser Blut, o Heimaterde,
wir schwören’s Dir, o Vaterland!
So blühe froh in voller Schöne,
zu der die Freiheit Dich erzog,
und fortan singen Deine Söhne:
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!
utrgan$acci 25 Jul, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
učitelj vpraša janezka kaj si misli o sebi pa rece im sexy in en knoet ucitelica vprasa kaksen stil pa je to opa gangnam styl zaj grema k ravnateljici I I folov ravnateljica vprasa janezka kaj sem jaz tebi pa janezek rece tititi ti moja rožica ne res te vprašam kraljica mojega si srca mladega zaj mam pa dovol bom poklicala starse pa zapoje janezek ne ganem ne gane me srce je kakor kamen
qlutch 30 May, 2022 @ 6:39am 
Pozdravljeni!Imam problem!Namreč,ko zaprem sprednjo haubo na avtu,se mi odpere prtljažnik,ko zaprem prtljažnik,se mi pa odpere hauba!Kaj bi to bilo?Kratek stik?Kaj naj naredim?Se naj vozim z odprtim prtljažnikom in zaprto haubo ali z odprto haubo in zaprtim prtljažnikom?Kaj je boljše?
Bouncyyy 3 May, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
Top mid is outside Z connector, not mid main.
Maybe it isn't to you but it is to 90% of Europe, others may call it CT mid though which is also informative.

You were a great player though, nothing like a non-toxic teammate in CS and they're becoming rare. So thanks for the game.
Princ Mesta 17 Apr, 2022 @ 6:35am 
Lahko vam povem da sem v življenju preizkusil že na tisoče robčkov, saj imam doma več kot 12 zaslonov vendar se nobeni ampak res nobeni robčki niso tako dobro obnesli kot ravno tile. Poteg iz škatle je naravnost enostaven in intuitiven, vlažni so ravno dovolj da si mokrote ni treba brisati v hlače in da seveda dobro opravijo svoje delo. Zaslone vseh vrst očistijo s tako lahkoto da sem se prvič zjokal. Fotografija na škatli je božanska. Mislim roka ki briše zaslon, jasen napis artikla, podrobna navodila zadaj. Le kaj bi si človek sploh lahko še želel od čistilnih robčkov? Ko človek enkrat začne z brisanje se ne more ustaviti. Moji zasloni nikoli več ne bodo umazani zahvaljujoč tem neverjetnim čistilnim robčkom! Tile robčki nimajo napak. Priporočam nakup? Morda si morate zastaviti drugo vprašanje: Ali si želite avanture ob čiščenju zaslonov?
qlutch 22 Mar, 2022 @ 6:04am 
Nujno prosim za pomoč. Naredil sem klobase (ne salame!) 34-36mm, kot jih izdelujejo na primorskem oz. na krasu. Po izdelavi sem jih dan in pol pustil "odležati" na mizi, kot so mi svetovali, ko sem obiskal njihove kraje. Za tem sem jih obesil v zorilno komoro pri kolegu in nastavil vlago na 80% in temperaturo 9,5 stopinj za 5 dni, vklopljeno je prezračevanje, spodaj vpihuje zunanji zrak, zgoraj ga sesa iz komore. Sedaj pa opažam, da so postale zelo zelo rahlo lepljive oz. kot bi bile mokre oz. mastne. Vonj klobas je za enkrat prijeten. Danes jih bom vzel iz komore in rahlo odimil (cca 1 uro na mrzlem dimu), kot to menda počnejo na primorskem. Sem naredil kakšno napako, da je črevo še vedno mastno/mokro ali je to normalen potek pri sušenju? V kolikor je narobe, kako naj stanje saniram?
Bouncyyy 7 Mar, 2022 @ 10:34am 
12 year old ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥, his entire family ought to be slaughtered. Pathetic toiletcleaning ♥♥♥♥♥. Stay the ♥♥♥♥ out of our servers, wannabe European.
Princ Mesta 24 Jan, 2022 @ 2:42pm 
tvoja mami :steamthumbsup:
Morardin 24 Dec, 2021 @ 10:48pm 
have an offer for ya. added bro ^^
qlutch 24 Dec, 2021 @ 11:11am 
Tvojih 5 minut, piščančji dunajski zrezek. Blazinica bela s sezamom, namaz. Piščančji pohanček - zrezek. Ta sendviček je na polici na petrolovi pumpi zgledu kr uredu, povn sezama.., pa sm ga kupu, za zjutrej bo dobr, ker bom ziher lačn na vikendu. In sm odrezu en vogal, dau v usta in izpljunu. Tule je moj polprežvečeni izpljunek. Zakaj? KER JE SENDVIČ OGABEN, POKLETI DREKOPEZI POHLEPNI..., BARABE, BARABE! Najrajš bi šou k tistmu k je naredu ta sendvič IN MU GA STLAČU U GOBC, NA ŽRI.., ŽRI TE POSUŠENE POVEŠANE KUMARCE, ŽRI TA TVOJ MAJONEZNI NAMAZ IN POŽRI TALE... KAO DUNAJSKI ZREZEK..., DA VAS NI SRAM..., BARABE!
-AlikO 30 Nov, 2021 @ 1:01pm 
DragoN 22 Nov, 2021 @ 1:44pm 
cheating kiddy
Bouncyyy 7 Nov, 2021 @ 1:20pm 
Moje ime je Matic, imam 14 let
Rad bi se pridužili csgo ekipi ki rabijo člana, res da nisem velik rank, sem pa vsaj gn2, ker imam nov acc (tudi kupljen prime)
Če ima kdo prosto mesto bi se zelo rad pridružil
Vec na zs
Odpisem samo resnim
qlutch 7 Nov, 2021 @ 4:09am 
Sem iz CS1.0 časov,tam okrog 2007 sem nehal igrati CS,se posvetil Oblivionu,kasneje sem raje igral LoL ali kakšne druge igre.Tako da sem preskočil Source.Zadnje čase sem malo več začel igrati tudi CS:GO in MM.preden sem dobil prvi rank (Silver 2) sem videl precej Silver rankov na"looking to play".Zdaj pa vidim samo te visoke črne ranke Global,Eagle ali ka je,MGE in podobno.Ali kdo ve kaj je narobe?Rad bi našel nekoga s podobnim rankom nekje iz bližine,ker skoraj vedno dobim Ruse in so po večini tiho v igri ali pa se derejo brez potrebe. In potem je težko sploh kaj narediti.Igram pa bolj casual, eno igro na dva dneva, včasih dve.Zadnje čase grem raje short,ker se tako ali tako kar naprej odklapljajo.Malo po službi za sprostitev,če je čas. Ali pa če je slabo vreme ob vikendih. Face It ne morem,ker ne dela na linuxu.Pa tudi sicer me stvar ne zanima profesionalno zato mi je Silver rank načeloma čisto OK,samo bi mi bilo bolje,da bi bilo vsaj malo timske igre
Bouncyyy 21 Oct, 2021 @ 5:47am 
sick playi entitija, ko ni gledal formule:kill:
cmoček. 18 Oct, 2021 @ 11:01am 
+rep good ♥♥♥♥ sex
traxem 29 Sep, 2021 @ 8:38am 
Bro, send the code of the sight that you have right now to the chat, please!!!!Bro, send the code of the sight that you have right now to the chat, please!!!!
utrgan$acci 16 Sep, 2021 @ 7:55am 
Kaj se zgodi ce te policisti ustave ker si kadio a mladoletan si in na to nemas dokumete in ti najdejo v nahrbtniku od prijatelja ampak nc nisi imeo sabo propovedano
regieG 19 Aug, 2021 @ 8:12am 
srsly the most boosted lvl10 ive ever seen.
tommy 11 Aug, 2021 @ 8:25am 
-rep astma hater, epipen abuser, turbojihadist,cancerlowkid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bouncyyy 10 Aug, 2021 @ 7:43am 
-rep astma hater, epipen abuser, turbojihadist,cancerlowkid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

qlutch 21 Jun, 2021 @ 1:36pm 
LOL, guys who give me ddos atack ? YOU TAKE BAN IN FACEIT .
tommy 21 Jun, 2021 @ 7:41am 
tip koji kurac dej mi vrni yugioh karte
traxem 10 Mar, 2021 @ 4:15am 
guys, one of the best things to date a trans is that we can play csgo at the same level, she's global and lv 20 on GC (Brazilians faceit) and I'm DMG and lv 15 so she carries me in most game also my ex never could follow me during our bike rides and now I'm the one getting exhausted! will you ever achieve that with a nerfed girl? I aren't think that
traxem 5 Feb, 2021 @ 6:36am 
wtf ce nism biu js
mevlin 4 Feb, 2021 @ 3:04pm 
tip koji kurac dej mi vrni yugioh karte
tommy 29 Jan, 2021 @ 11:16am 
xhain 11 Jan, 2021 @ 7:13am 
you are sad
chedzik 31 Dec, 2020 @ 5:09am 
mevlin 27 Dec, 2020 @ 12:59pm 
mami, js bi nemški mirage
imamo nemški mirage doma
nemški mirage doma:
✪ Axello 26 Dec, 2020 @ 1:23pm 
m4a1-s player = pizda miedzy nogami
cmoček. 22 Dec, 2020 @ 3:13am 
litteral god
traxem 15 Dec, 2020 @ 11:10am 
To be fair I also sometimes get confused with negative questions. "No chicken?" shouldn't I say "yes" to confirm what he said? meaning, "yes, no chicken". If I say "no" I'm saying "no" to "no chicken", so I'm saying "yes chicken." I guess It's not really about logic but about the use. It's just like that and that's it. bye going to bed.
CirmλN 23 Nov, 2020 @ 2:47am 
🥰🙋‍♀️🤩😀.. Že leta se sprasujem🤔kjere skrivnostne sestavine to uporabljajo proizvajalci mehkih, vpojnih, dišečih vlažilnih robckov🙄za brisanje neznih otroških ritk🙋‍♀️🥰ce z njimi brezhibno lahko očistimo mastno trdovratno umazanijo s kuhinjskih elementov🤔🙄 očistimo ogledala, pipe v kopalnici???!.. .😪😪😪
Lažnive, zavajajoče proizvajalce lahko samo na en način ustavimo😀🤩nehajmo kupovati njihove izdelke!!!
traxem 16 Nov, 2020 @ 1:29am 
Albania was a superpower while being communist
mevlin 7 Nov, 2020 @ 6:05am 

You wake up in the morning with Eminem music in your head

You cover yourself in the blood of minorities

Friends introduce you as “a hazard to everyone’s safety”

Friends ask you to please obey the constraints of the restraining order

You find famous rappers you think you can gun down in the streets

You start cancelling things to go commit hate crimes

People start asking if you have confederate flags for sale

You listen to Eminem
mevlin 6 Nov, 2020 @ 11:50am 
mevlin 6 Nov, 2020 @ 4:07am 
A mas mogoce sam 5€ paypal da mi posodis pa ti vrnem jutri 10€ paypal ker rabim da nekaj kupim ker je danes nek popust ampak jutri komaj dobim denar
mevlin 4 Nov, 2020 @ 12:54am 
I live in Switzerland, literally 10 minutes from the German border, I have a 1gb up/down connection, yet on German servers I either have fluctuating 5-20-40% loss, or a new one over last weekend, my ping is going up and down every few second from 15 to 50. contacted support earlier, gave me a contact (I believe) to the server host support, did what they told me to, it didn't help, they suggested to reach out to my ip. since then i just try to avoid German servers, if I end up on one I just pray 🙏
mevlin 31 Oct, 2020 @ 1:40pm 
ali smem vprašanje
traxem 28 Oct, 2020 @ 1:59pm 
tell me how old are u , and what is your biggest dream guys?

traxem 27 Oct, 2020 @ 6:36am 
Having a daughter is the ULTIMATE SIMP.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL SIMP. Think about it logically.
mevlin 14 Oct, 2020 @ 10:42am 
idk how csgo demo viwer can be so ♥♥♥♥, just use VLC, it loads 4K moovies in second, and those moovies are many GB, csgo demos are megabyte, just stop use bad viwer in game and use VLC
mevlin 13 Oct, 2020 @ 11:20am 
Are you kidding me? NACS is such a joke, this is an invited IEM team captain/owner sitting here in a PUG losing 50 ELO and using a MAG-7. SAD!
mevlin 4 Oct, 2020 @ 8:16am 
Stop play cs go dog, i saw demo u suck but ur wallhack is so funny, pathetic kids. If u cant play this game without cheats just quit, poor ppl, everything for an euro , dont u ?
=))) such a noobs suffer playing with cheats. SHAME ON YOU.
traxem 13 Aug, 2020 @ 12:20pm 
valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism
mevlin 6 Aug, 2020 @ 10:19am 
> in lebanon after big boom
> playing csgo with ya mates
> accidentally switch game sound to speakers
> "bomb has been planted"
> mfw
traxem 2 Aug, 2020 @ 4:23pm 
Why would HLTV ban me for simply stating a known fact that people of lighter color tend to have a higher intellectual quotient than the opposing color?