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Yayınlanma: 30 Ara 2023 @ 22:35

Heavily focused around co-op and unsurprisingly the game is dead. The extremely high base price means even with a substantial discount it's expensive, and Spelunker has never been the most popular franchise.

Almost every level has co-op switches which need another player to activate. I read in the only guide here that there is a pet on the second world which can be used to activate these switches. I focused on the main levels in the first world to get it as soon as possible, but when I got to the second world map I saw that the pet in question wouldn't be available until the very end of the levels in the second world, why? Playing alone is a sin in Spelunker Party and you will be punished for it.

I unlocked quests at the end of the first world which are bonus objectives: kill 5 ghosts, blow up 3 destructible walls, etc. But only one can be activated at a time and not all levels have the enemies/ objects required to complete every quest, meaning a lot of wasted time. There's no way of knowing if a level has what you need unless you've played it before and have a good memory, and no you can't just start a level, do the objective and quit out. The level must be completed for it to count. Why can't I just activate them all at once?
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