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6.2 ч. всего (5.7 ч. в момент написания)
The visuals are great, and the level design is solid. It lacks everywhere else, though.

Before I get started, I knew going in that this wasn't going to be a combat-heavy game. The game's pace is slow, by design, and that's what I was expecting.That is not my issue. I've been following this team since 2013, during the game's first initial reveal/teaser.

The puzzles were really simple and mundane, and I experienced two bugs that cost me over an hour and half of cumulative progress. The first bug I encountered was caused by an enemy spawning from the wall right next to me. This pushed me into the world geometry. This bug left me defenseless and unable to move a all. I died, then reloaded a half hour back in progress. The worst one was after the (terrible) boss fight towards the end. After slogging through this awful fight, I left the room to continue my progress, and used an ammo dispenser on the wall. My character's arms disappeared, and I was unable to move entirely. Once again, I had to reload, only to find that I had lost an hour of progress, and had to sit through that fight again.

Launch day bugs aside, the game can be easily beaten in about 4.5 hours. he only reason I have more than that clocked into the game is because of the terrible save system that's exacerbated by the bugs I experienced. I also went back to Act 1 to grab the only achievement I didn't get on my first play through. (You can 100% the game on the first run through.) I can look past the clunky and often frustrating combat, but it doesn't excuse how weak, simple, and easy the puzzles were. Given that this game was in development for about 9 years, I wonder where all that money and effort went, because it wasn't put into making this game memorable, enjoyable, or challenging.


There are a few claims made on the game's own "About" section that are categorically false:

CLAIM: "Isolated and lost inside this dream-like world, you will explore different interconnected regions in a non-linear fashion."
TRUTH: The game is incredibly linear. There is no "open-ended" world. The entire game is a singular path between puzzles. There is no exploration. There is no "non-linear" experience in this game. This is a lie, plain and simple.

CLAIM: "Every location contains its own theme (story), puzzles and characters that are integral in creating a cohesive world."
TRUTH: There is no real palpable "story". That's not to say the world isn't cohesive, but to say it has a story is a stretch, at best. There were no other characters in the game. Only 4 enemy types. I don't know what they're referring to when they say "characters."


Play it on Game Pass. Don't pay full price like I did. This was a massive disappointment and a waste of $40
Опубликовано 16 октября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 11 ноября 2022 г..
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0.7 ч. всего
This simply isn't fun. I was so excited to give this a shot, too.

Fall Guys is not a good game. The outcome of every round is pure luck, and your success is entirely dependant on the collective IQ of those you've connected with.

It's not fun, requires zero skill, and is a flash in the pan. I guarantee you'll be seeing toys and aparrel pop up, as this will become the next FNAF, in terms of popularity amongst children and the learning disabled.

More often than not I'm just caught standing around, waiting for the rest of the lobby to figure out that 30 people shouldn't jump on one end of the seesaw at the same time. One day, my party might have an IQ higher than room temperature... One day...

So I have no choice but to just stand and watch them jump and die forever, as they've made progress impossible. This has happened literally every single round I've played. You can't push, punch, or have any real agency as a player.

You know how when you're walking down an aisle or hallway, and you accidentally bump into someone, and you both kinda awkwardly shuffle trying to get around each other? Take that moment, and elongate it to about 10-20 minutes. That's Fall Guys.

Not worth $20.
Опубликовано 16 августа 2020 г.. Отредактировано 16 августа 2020 г..
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33.5 ч. всего (24.9 ч. в момент написания)
I pooped a little.
Опубликовано 15 марта 2011 г..
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